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They were bewildered, a lady whose appearance can caused downfall of a country and a cute child but very fierce.

The whole place was silent, no one even move, nor speak they stared intently at the duo who was talking and minding their business like they had nothing to do with everything that happened.

Everyone was aghast, the weaker once who escaped the disaster turn back but they're legs were weaken due to the fear. They saw their comrade get burned by that fire and they definitely know that it was that lady who killed them. Though, she look like a harmless goddess in truth she was a bloody demoness. She didn't bat an eye when she killed those people, her actions and line of sight only eyed on the boy she patted.

The expert who's watching did not fear the lady, even though they knew the fire was terribly dangerous and can't see through her cultivation, , the fire user is quiet young and base on her skeletal age she seem below age of 18. Such a young user of that kind of fire must be a heaven genius.

What they feared was the boy with a harmless appearance, other trash might be deceive but the aura flowing around him made them shiver. The piercing torrential aura he possess made them suffocated, although that boy was playing with the lady his eyes were vigilant and scary.

Earlier, an 8th Qi Creation was about to capture the lady but with a blink of an eye, the child who attack the Fire Princess vanished then came back to the lady's side.

The 8th Qi Creation practitioner jolted but before he could react he suddenly vanished like a smoke. No one noticed what had happened but they knew that practitioner is dead!

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They felt fear, this duo who suddenly show up and unexpectedly killed their people. They were enraged but swallowed their anger, they did not attacked not because but they fear them to the point they want to run , but the enemy they encountered were strong and of course such a genius lady definitely have a powerful backer. They absolutely can't offend this lady and that brat!

They were hesitant and unwillingly look at the open piece of the barrier. However, that flame surrounding the duo restricted them from entering, it seems this lady is related to this barrier.

Someone step up, a gallant boy with a luxurious robe step forward. He cupped his fist and greeted Yan Rou "This Lady, I'm Prince Chen Tian of the Wind Country, May I asked who this lady is?" He said politely but the look in his eyes were staring fervently at the lady.

Yan Rou slightly eyed looking like as if he was donkey. The Prince didn't mind her look and continued to smile "This Prince might asked, where lady is came from? Why did you attack our fire princess?" Prince Chen Tian continued, but Yan Rou continued to mind her own business, seeing this the Prince was very displeased. He inhaled sharply, if this lady is not a beauty he will surely teach her a lesson!

"You wrench! His highness is talking to you! How dare you a commoner ignore his highness?" Grandmaster Mo shouted, he was really enraged by this wrench behavior from the start. So what is that brat is powerful? He was a nascent stage practitioner and if he wants to kill her, he can just blow his breath and she'll die.

Yan Rou glanced at him and turned away immediately. "I find her ugly." Yan Rou slowly spoke her voice may sound uninterested but the tingling sensation like a beautiful bell sounded to everyone's ear.

"W-what?" The prince didn't pay attention and asked again. Yan Rou seemed annoyed 'this prince that you love is retarded! Is your head made with a monkey brain?' Yan Rou scolded the old soul's body.

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She was annoyed and spoke in a slow tone "I said she's U-G-L-Y."


She added "Oh, you're also ugly to the point I don't want to dirty his feet with your body. Its filthy!" she smiled sweetly but her eyes were cold and detached.

Ryze and the others went speechless.

Is her master was getting a payback for what they done to her? Only to realize she's so ugly so she ordered to attack her and too filthy to kick him? He looked back again to see her eyes was calmed and collected, she seems uninterested on what's happening. What a master!

Prince Chen Tian face darkened he never felt so humiliated before. He was so furious that he wants to bang the lady till her body and soul were begging for forgiveness! "Y-You!" he pointed trying to remain calm but his face was contorted.

Yan Rou eyes mockingly looking at him then she let out a laugh "You see his ugly right? Haha"

She smiled, everyone looked at the prince who was barely holding his rage, he looks so comical and it made everyone snickered.

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Prinnce Chen Tian was so humiliated he never known this word but now he clearly understood what's being step on the face without even fighting.

The girl mocked her continuously made him rampage inside.

"Guards! Attack the f*cking b*tch!" he ordered. "Attack! Attack! Don't kill her! I want her body!" He maliciously laughed, let see if you can continue to speak that word after I bang you!

Grandmaster Mo was itching to kill this lady, the moment she kicked Yan Ji, he was enraged! How dare she kicked her almost picked disciple! How dare she humiliate our highness! If his highness wants her body then I'll cripple her that way she won't escaped!

A malicious looked pointed at Yan Rou, She suddenly became alarmed. A nascent soul stage is not a level she can fight. With a thought she run through the barrier but before she could Grandmaster Mo appeared before her like a ghost.

She felt a tyrannical punch coming down but ryze appeared to shield her. Ryze vomited blood, even though he looks strong his life fire was heavily damaged, the one that the 'mister' give can only alleviate a small amount of his life energy not entirely.

Ryze become pale but he stood in the front like a boulder. Yan Rou was enraged she quickly summoned her hell fire and attacked Grandmaster Mo.

Grandmaster Mo laughed "You think a pony fire like that can kill me!? Your fire can only kill Qi Creation stage but a nascent stage like me can evade it with a protected armor!I live for 100 years brat! You think you can outsmart me!" Grandmaster Mo laughed maniacally, he summoned his armor that was made of gold.

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The moment Yan Rou attack the armor deflected it was extinguish.

Yan Rou felt helpless, she retreated back and sent Ryze back to the palace. Ryze shouted to get him back but Yan Rou cut off the communication.

She glared at Grandmaster Mo, She didn't know what to do but if she were to die she must at least kill this old hunch back.

" 100 years? A nascent soul practitioner like you is such a waste! You only get this stage because of resources! In fact even though you live a 100 years you are still a trash for being that stage without leaping a higher bound TRASH!" Yan Rou mocked. Its true being a 100 years old only having a nascent stage was really wasted from precious resources. Even though its looks powerful the life span amount given for a nascent practitioner is only 500 years. That means he wasted his 100 years.

Grandmaster Mo went mad this b*tch really knows how to anger people!

"You! You b*tch! Even if this old man wasted his years! This old man will still kill you! HAHAHAHA" Grandmaster Mo suddenly rushed, he activated his most terrifying attack. Everyone went pale, for a little beauty his attack was extremely vicious, it was aiming to her face! He wants to kill her!

Yan Rou summoned her fire shield but it was destroyed. She calculated and racking her brains but still failed. She felt useless and close her eyes. But suddenly--

"You dare to touch her? What guts!" A powerful voice resounded.

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