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I know your very angry but I have my own problems and my inspiration to write Weakened .

but I'm trying to revive the previous feelings. thank you!


It seems like the time stop, the oppressive aura made them suffocate and hard to breath. They look around and they felt horrified. The place they set foot was gone, the magnificent castle that erected a while ago had vanished only a dreadful plain valley was on sight, and in addition a dangerous feeling was lurking on their side giving them goosebumps.

"I dare you to touch a single hair of hers and I'll swear not only the powers behind you will vanished to this world but I'll torture your soul for eternity!" A swift flashed in that moment when a shadow appeared behind Grandmaster Mo.

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It's like a whisper of a devil, his entire being became soft like his soul flew away from his body. 'God! What is this!?' he cursed. He felt it's the end of his life, this person behind his back was like a grim reaper, and one move that caused him to touch this lady will be the end of his life. He was afraid, no his too terrified to look, his body slumped to the ground kneeling and knocking his head down to the ground.

"I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry! F-forgive this insect!" blood oozing from his head but he didn't careless, he keep continuing to beg mercy "Lady! Please have mercy! I didn't mean to offend you!" he cried, a river of tears and snot was a sight to see on his face but everyone was terrified. In his heart he really don't care if he kills the lady, but that doesn't means his not scared what's behind her. What a tarnation have I been through!

They didn't dare to look and only bow their heads. Prince Chen Tian on the other hand, was keep on shivering, if only he knew travelling here was so dangerous he would not come! That castle was residing a powerful expert! No a- a god! His intestine turn green, if only! If only! Damn it!

He's too afraid! His body keep on shivering non-stop. He only heard his senior brother speaking about the legend behind this cliff, he only thought it's only a stupid fable!

The elders didn't dare to come down and speak about this cliff but who would have thought it's was true! 'Junior brother if you saw a cliff with a black cross shape don't dare to come! My master said it was a forbidden place and must not be disturbed'

That warning echoed in his ears, endless regret crept upon him. Then, he stared at the young girl staring at the man behind Grandmaster Mo. 'this bitch!'

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Not only his insulted but also failed! He failed to contaminate the girl! Because of her backer!

He silently curse and pretending not to be noticed, he keep his silence and hide his presence. He swiftly escape from the place but a cold terrifying aura from his back make him shiver. Chen Tian wanted to move and escaped but it feels like his own shadow was sown by needle in the ground quietly quivering.

"A mere cockroach want to escape from our sovereign! What guts! Did your head kick by a donkey?" Chen Tian silently prayed he collapsed this instant suddenly a black shadow pop in and met him with contempt as his eyes was filled with bottomless abyss, you can feel your soul being devoured and tortured just by looking.

He adverted his sight and bowed down. Chen Tian was very ashamed but deep inside a tantamount of hatred had sown. He never lower his head but to anyone but with just one look made him feel scared and jealous. Even his subordinate was this powerful! This was the power that he doesn't have!


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The Black shadow Guard silently watching and keep looking out for Yan Rou. Her complexion was paled as paper and by the looks of it she drained her Qi to the extent. This made him silently grieved, his thankful to the cockroach he didn't kill her or else his almighty master might ruin this continent.

He look at his master with silent fervent eyes, this was his true master!

His master is way too cool, way too badass and for at least a thousand years he released his famous death domain!

No enemy can escaped from its death and when his domain was released the day of judgement will be held. Xuan Zi looks alluring and mighty, he was standing in the air while looking at the humans. His eyes meet the people who attack Yan Rou earlier, the other cultivators who know there fault had beg for mercy similarly banging their head.

Xuan Zi released a mist and the boy earlier emerged kneeling in front its master. He gives the aura of servitude and danger. "Master, your orders?"

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The other cultivator watching from the sideline went on the run, they're not stupid. That devil wants to kill them! When that devil emerged from the mist they felt the bloodthirsty aura from its body, and God only knows how thick his murderous aura is! That young man must killed a hundred millions of lives! That suffocating aura even when your miles away can make you shiver what if that man go in them? They were courting death!

"Run! You must run! That boy is dangerous! His a slaughter, you must run!" another nascent practitioner shouted, he was only a bystander when the fight emerged, but now he was filled with regrets, if only he wasn't filled with greed. He felt the scent of danger but by the time he notice his head was gone, everyone who panic stop when they saw a nascent practitioner head's rolling in the ground. His eyes were mixed with regret and shock, he must not be aware he was killed.

The place was silent again, no one scream or breath, its feels like not making a sound was their salvation.

Xuan Zi eyes narrowed, he didn't even look at the ants twice only glancing at Yan Rou, her face remain beautiful even though she's pale but Xuan Zi was not concerned for this. He immediately dart towards the castle carrying Yan Rou in his bosom, the shadow guards and the mist boy went speechless.

When the palace door and the barrier close again he leave a message in everyone's ear like a devils whisper.

"Kill them."

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