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Yu Guowei's face became ugly being embarrassed in front of everyone.

"Just a mere bitch of an assistant, you dare to be arrogant. You must be courting death." Yu Guowei's nostrils glared up in anger.

"I might be a bitch, but this bitch only works for Yu Han. Moreover, I'm not an employee of Yu company so you have no damned rights to order me around. Now, excuse me." Yu Han collected the papers and left leaving the stunned audience behind.

Yu Guowei could only clench his fist and let her walk away.

The courage she had a minute ago dimmed when she was out of their sight. Her heart was beating rapidly, Yu Han couldn't believe she fend off Yu Guowei. All her life she was scared of Yu Guowei. Just a angry glare from him would have succumbed her in fear. Now that she told him off she somewhat felt happy, she felt thrilled.

Inside the chamber Anna was talking to Li Shen.

"I have made the preparation just like you asked. Wait till the morning for a breaking news." Li Shen updated feeling excited.

"Good. They're trapped from all the sides." Anna smirked.

"Sis, are you free this weekend?" Li Shen asked randomly.

"Er...yeah, why?" Anna glanced at the wall clock, it was already evening.

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"Great, be ready I'll take you to some place." Li Shen's energy pitched.

"Where?" Anna squinted her eyes curiously.

"Surprise!" With that he ended the call. Anna's lips twitched at his action.

"Will he ever get a girlfriend with his childish nature." Anna sighed thinking of his future.

Anna and Yu Han left to Hotel Glorious after wrapping up their work. Anna was excited to meet Webster.

As soon as the door opened a flurry ball bounced at Anna, jumping and wagging its tail excitedly.

"Hello to you too. Did you miss me? Did you recognize me who I am?" Anna asked snuggling and cuddling him.

Webster barked loudly jumping all over Anna.

"You did! Aww. I love you so much." Anna kissed him.

Yu Han stood at the door with a smile looking at the beautiful and pure relationship.
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After playing for a while with Webster Anna turned to Yu Han.

"Pack your stuffs."

"Why?" Yu Han had confused look.

"Cause you'll be staying in Goodwood Residence." Anna said plainly.

"No, that apartment belongs to you. I'll look for another apartment." The memories of the apartment took over Yu Han.

It gave her shelter when everyone pushed her aside. She has spent most of her time in that apartment. Although it was lonely, she still made few memories in that place. But now she's no longer Yu Han.

"I know what you're thinking but logically that apartment belongs to you. I'm just returning your things."

Yu Han hesitated but finally accepted to stay in Goodwood Residence.

Anna returned to Glory Manor with Webster. All the way the excited Webster looked outside the window sticking his tongue out.

Anna bit her lips nervously, it was pretty late. The lights were on indicating Ji Yang has reached home before Anna. Usually Anna is the one who waits for Ji Yang.

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Sneakily Anna made into the house with Webster tailing behind her. Both walked in stealth mode.

Webster's gaze fell on the person cooking in the kitchen. Gloominess took over Webster and barked at Ji Yang loudly expressing his dislike for him. Poor boy, he thought he would stay alone with Anna.

Ji Yang frowned looking at Webster, he knew Anna was sneakily walking in but didn't except a dog to accompany her.

Anna's body turned stiff with Ji Yang's gaze falling on her. She gave a awkward smile and looked at Webster.

"Why is he inside?" Ji Yang asked crossing his arms with a deep frown plastered on his face.

"Well, cause he stays with us." Anna shrugged.

"He'll be staying out of the house and 500meters away." Ji Yang replied strictly glancing at Webster.

Webster gave a hard look. He's a smart dog, so he understood what Ji Yang was saying.

"What? I brought him here to stay with us. And why the hell does he needs to stay 500 meters away from the house?" Anna gave a disbelief look.

Webster turned to Anna with a puppy eyes whining and snuggling her legs.

"Aww...look at how cute he is. Can't you see the love in his eyes?" Anna lowered to Webster's level stroking his head.

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Webster gave a satisfied look and cuddled Anna. He glanced at Ji Yang with a smile.

'Spoiled brat.'

"No, he can't stay." Ji Yang glared at Webster still firm with his words.

"Please, pretty please let him stay with us. He is a smart and very kind dog." Anna turned to Ji Yang with a pout pleading him with her puppy eyes. Anna tried her ultimate move.

Ji Yang huffed helplessly, he can't ignore her puppy look.

Anna continued to beg him, finally Ji Yang gave up with a sigh. I have spoiled you too much.

"Fine. You can keep him inside, but it's limited to the foyer only." Ji Yang tried to negotiate.

"Thank you, hubby." Anna's smile widened and gave a flying kiss to Ji Yang.

"Come on Webster, let me give you a bath." Anna walked upstairs completely ignoring Ji Yang's words.

Webster barked happily and followed Anna glancing at Ji Yang with a mocking smile.

Ji Yang stood there dumbfounded defeated by a dog.

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