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Ji Yang sat in the dining room with a dark face. The atmosphere had turned chilly with his dark aura. It's been half an hour since Anna went to give a bath to Webster. The food has turned cold. And here, poor Ji Yang is waiting for her.

After a long time Anna was having her time with Webster, she had forgotten about the poor soul waiting for her downstairs.

"Sorry..., I lost track of the time." Anna asked nervously scratching her cheeks. The aura around Ji Yang was enough to tell her what's the situation.

"Eat." Ji Yang didn't say much and began eating ignoring Anna. Anna felt guilty, but she had no guts to poke the erupting volcano.

Whereas Webster was happily munching on his food.

Next morning Anna woke up alone. The place next to her was cold meaning Ji Yang left long ago. It wasn't the first time he left early due to morning meetings so Anna didn't think much.
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Giving a morning kiss to Webster Anna tidied herself.

Anna smiled looking at the breakfast on table. He never forgets to make breakfast for me even if he's busy.

As a wife shouldn't I be the one to do it?

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"BREAKING NEWS: A new twist in Lizi's case. As we all know after the raid in Lyra nightclub, the owner, Lizi, went missing and was found dead in her house with a suicide note. Police suspected it to be a murder, but didn't had any stable evidence. Now we an update, it's

no longer a suspicion, it's a clear murder. She was choked to death with a thin elastic wire. Now the important thing is who is the murderer? According to the investigation the police have three strong suspects. One is the ex-boyfriend of Lizi, second is the minister, with whom she had an affair and the third suspect is Lizi's sister, Xu Liang. The police speculates Xu Liang to be the murderer as she has strong motives to kill her. Was is it really Xu Liang who murdered her own blood sister for money and power or someone else from behind the scenes?. Stay tuned to get more updates on the case." The breaking news continued to repeat.

Xu Liang has once again hit the headlines. Anna smirked looking at the breaking news. Let's see how you are going to react.

The whole Yu Mansion was in complete chaos. They are still yet to recover from Anna's huge blow and another one hit them. Elder Yu is still in hospital and Yu Kong is hardly seen in the house. Now the entire house is in Yu Chong and Meng Bei's control.

"Hubby, what should we do about this shameless woman? She's dragging our family into this murder case." Meng Bei turned to her husband in concern but she didn't try to hide her smirk.

Xu Liang clenched her fist. How did this happen? I was careful enough not to leave any evidence, but how come I'm the biggest suspect now?

"Sister-in-law, as you can see, you are under suspicion for a murder and drug case. We, Yu's, highly value our reputation and morals. Since things have turned out like, I recommend you to leave the house and not to taint our names anymore." Yu Chong said placing the coffee cup on the table. He has long been waiting to take control over the family. His only obstacle now is Xu Liang, if he can remove this scheming woman, no one can stop him anymore. He'll be the head of the family very soon.

"Yu Chong, don't think I'm unaware of your avaricious desire. Don't forget I'm still the first lady of Yu family." Xu Liang's voice was dark.

"Sister, Yu Chong is just trying to help you." Meng Bei sneered.

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"I know how to deal with my problems, you don't have worry about me." Xu Liang left giving a warning glare to Yu Chong and Meng Bei.

"Bitch." Meng Bei muttered.

Xu Liang smashed the mirror in her room angrily.

"Everything was in my control. It's all because of that bitch Lizi, she's trying to pull me down even with her death. I'm losing control over everything. How did this happen?!!" Xu Liang banged her knuckles on the broken mirror. The glass pieces pierced her skin yet she didn't show any pain.

She had lost her two biggest support. She killed Lizi with her own hand and Yu Yuri has turned into a mess locking herself in the room. Xu Liang was afraid Yu Yuri's sickness would relapse.


The clear afternoon breeze swayed Anna's hair with the window rolled down. They have been traveling for more than half an hour and yet she doesn't know where they are going.

Anna glanced at Li Shen, he brought her out saying it's a surprise but now looking at his exhilarated yet anxious look Anna became even more curious.

Where the hell is taking me to?

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"Shen, don't tell me you have secretly been dating someone and now wants to introduce her to me." Anna asked out of the blue with a serious expression startling Li Shen.

"Is she pregnant?" Anna continued with her wild thoughts.

Li Shen halted the car in jolt.

"Woah! Hold your horse women. For your information, I don't have any girlfriend so no one is pregnant. And where the hell did you get this thought?!"

"Anyone would suspect the same with your ambivalent attitude." Anna shrugged.

Shaking his head at her Li Shen continued to drive.

Will I be hospitalized after she knows the truth?

Li Shen peeked a look at Anna gulping in fear.

After minutes of drive Li Shen stopped in front of huge black gate. Anna tilted her head in confusion, where the hell is he taking me?

Anna was unfamiliar with the surrounding and failed to notice the house nameplate at the side. The security guard opened the gate without asking anything confusing Anna even more.

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The big white mansion with history of many years filled Anna's sight. Have I seen this place before?

"Sis, let's go." Li Shen pulled Anna inside the house.

The maids and servants bowed respectfully towards Li Shen and Anna. Everyone had a surprise look on their face.

Taking her upstairs, Li Shen brought Anna inside a room.

Anna heard two people arguing over something.

"Old coffin, you ate my Osmanthus cake. This is the third time you are deceiving me with a shadow move. I'll avenge my Osmanthus cake. Get your ass out from there and face me if you dare." An angry voice yelled.

Anna's lips twitched hearing the voice, it kinda sounded familiar.

"Hahaha, old fart, you're too bold to make that move. I'll beat you until you're crippled." The other person mocked.

Anna turned to Li Shen with a 'are you serious?' look. What the hell is going on here?

Li Shen coughed embarrassingly alerting the two people.

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