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"Grandpa..." Anna opened her mouth.

"You heard me right, let's annul the marriage." Grandpa said once again triggering Ji Yang even more.

"No." His cold base voice resonated in the whole room. A simple word had too many meanings in it. The deadly warning clearly visible in his eyes.

Indirectly stating no one can break their marriage and take away his wife. If they try, they can only face the warth of a Devil.

The hairs on Li Xiong, Wu Tang and Grandpa Li stood straight with bone chilling warning of Ji Yang. He simply hasn't earned the name Ice-Demon King, he has ability to crush anyone in few minutes.

"Haha... President Ji, don't take it seriously, dad was just joking." Li Xiong visibly wiped the sweat on his forehead.

*Cough, cough* Grandpa Li glared at his son.

Anna was too stunned and confused to do anything. Wasn't Grandpa praising Ji Yang earlier, but now what's gotten into him to oppose our marriage?

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Ji Yang's eyes fell on Anna who stood dumbfounded, the darkness around him slowly dissipated into thin air. If there's anyone who can control the beast inside him, it is Anna.

"Only she can be my wife. She's the only person in my eyes and heart. Moreover other than me who can be worthy of her." Three simple sentence has shook everyone. Anna's heart beated rapidly with his words.

Is this the same person who is known to have a cold stone heart? But now he's boldly confessing his feelings in front of others.

Wu Tang and Li Xiong looked each other with wide eyes.

"Ha, told you, my brother-in-law is the best." Li Shen cheered happily giving a thumps up to Ji Yang.

Grandpa Li cleared his throat.

"Alright, if you say so. But boy, prove your worthiness by playing a game with me." Grandpa Li still wasn't ready to give up. Ji Yang nodded without hesitation.
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"Let's have dinner first." Wu Tang said breaking the tension in air.

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In the dinning room, all kinds of food decorated the table, it looked like a mini restaurant with varieties of food.

With the help of Li Shen Wu Tang has prepared all the favorite dishes of Anna.

Grandpa Li sat in the main head chair, to his right sat Li Xiong, Li Shen and Wu Tang, Anna and Ji Yang sat to his left. Grandpa Li's heart overwhelmed at the sight of his complete family. He had yearned for many years to see this day. He was having the most peaceful and happy day of his life.

Grandpa Li picked a shrimp to place it in Anna's bowl but Ji Yang stopped it half way.

"She doesn't like shrimp." Instead Ji Yang placed a chicken dumpling in her bowl. Unable to dodge this attack Anna could only nod at Grandpa Li.

Grandpa Li gave a deathly glare to Li Shen who was busy stuffing his mouth with shrimps.

"I used to like it before not anymore." Anna explained recusing Li Shen before he could get beaten up later.

"Yeah, now her favorite is chicken." Li Shen said before swallowing another shrimp and proceeded to pick another.

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Grandpa Li: "..."

'Who's favorite is it then?' Grandpa Li glanced plainly at his grandson who was eating as if he was starved for a year.

Ji Yang and Grandpa Li fell into competition with filling Anna's bowl. All kinds of chicken piece piled up Anna's bowl.

'Why do I always end up getting struck between a food fight?' Anna pursed her lips.

Finally the dinner came to an end. It was time for Grandpa Li and Ji Yang's game.

Grandpa Li is a excellent player in Mahjong but since it's competition between only him and Ji Yang he can't play this game as it needs four players.

But in Go game he's of top notch level, he has remained almost unbeatable in this game.

"Grandpa, isn't this unfair? You are a Master level player in Go how can brother-in-law beat you?" Li Shen said the obvious. Wu Tang and Li Xiong nodded agreeing to Li Shen.

"Shut up, brat. Don't you know everything is fair in love and war." Grandpa Li willed ignorance.

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Anna sat tension free. She doesn't know how Grandpa Li plays but she's pretty confident in Ji Yang's talent.

Soon the game began, Ji Yang chose black stone making his first move on the 4-4 point. Both continued making alternate moves. Grandpa Li had a proud expression as he had 10 territories whereas Ji Yang had only 4 territories.

But there wasn't slightest reaction from Ji Yang, he remained the same since beginning.

Grandpa Li's pride and happiness only short lived. While grandpa Li was busy expanding his territories Ji Yang was setting out his layout.

With his powerful formation Grandpa Li was unable to break it and lost his territories.

Grandpa Li's eyes became the size of soccer with jaw dropped touching the ground. This is the first time he lost to someone in Go and that too in just some mere formations.

"Hurray!!" Li Shen thumped his hand up in air unable to contain his happiness. Grandpa Li was always boastful about his unbeatable title in Go and bullied others, but now his pride must have crumpled loosing to a younger generation.

"Have I earned your trust enough?" Ji Yang asked with a smile.

Grandpa Li didn't answer and stood up. Without looking at anybody he walked away.

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