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" he angry?" Anna turned to Li Shen, Grandpa Li looked like a grumpy potato walking away.
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"Hehe...his ego is hurt, he's probably going to vent his anger on that poor thing." Li Shen replied feeling sympathetic.

"What? What thing?" Anna frowned.

"Pfft... there's a Elder Yu's dummy plush doll in his room, whenever Grandpa is angry he would punch it until the doll looses it's eye." Li Shen laughed loud remembering how Grandpa Li vented his anger on that poor doll.

Anna shuddered imagining the scene. She couldn't believe Grandpa Li have this kind of twisted anger issues.

Li Shen was filling in details on how Grandpa Li punches the doll.


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"Brat, meet me later." Grandpa Li smacked Li Shen's head too hard.

'When did he come?' Li Shen cried rubbing his head.

"You, take this." Grandpa Li passed a wooden box to Ji Yang unwillingly.

"What's that?" Anna came closer to Ji Yang waiting for him to open the box.

Inside the box was a gold chain with tear drop pendant made of deep blue crystal, if paid attention one could see the red color change in the center. The chain was absolutely stunning, the craftsman of chain and pendant was unique and one of a kind. It costs more than million dollars. It's one of the most treasured possession of Grandpa Li's.

"This chain has a very long history, it signifies soulmates and true love. My grandpa gave this to my mom. I gave this to your grandma on our wedding day, the day I made my soulmate mine forever. It's our family's tradition to give this to the daughters. Unfortunately I couldn't give this to An Shu, I never believed Yu Kong is her true love..."

"But young man, I can see the love in your eyes for my Little Han. You both are made for each other. I hope you two would live a happy life. She's a precious treasure protect her well or else I'll break your soul, I won't care even if you are the Demon king." Grandpa Li warned looking straight into Ji Yang's eyes. His voice was cold and authoritative.

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Li Xiong and Wu Tang had a smile on their face. Now they understood why Grandpa Li was so hard on him. He was just simply testing him, Grandpa Li's way of judging people is quite unique.

"Thank you. I will." Ji Yang smiled bowing to Grandpa Li in respect.

But Anna had a different feeling from others. She was overwhelmed and fell in debate within herself.

Love? Do I deserve his love?

Are we really soulmates?

Will his love be the same if I swap the souls again?

Will we ever have a happy ending?

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Anna and Ji Yang drove back to Glory Manor. All the way Ji Yang kept glancing at Anna, who sat in silence.

'She must be tired.' Ji Yang reasoned himself.

But he knew something was wrong with her ever since they went to Germany. Something was bothering her, it seemed she doesn't want to share it. All he can do is to wait for her patiently.

Anna's mood changed as she was greeted by Webster who was sitting at the door step waiting for his master eagerly.

"My baby, sorry I'm late. Did you miss me? Are you hungry?" Anna asked in baby voice scratching his neck.

Webster barked loudly snuggling her even more closely.

Ji Yang: "..."

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Ji Yang pinched his nose bridge and sighed.

'It's just a dog.'

It was still early to go to bed so they decided to watch a movie, it was Anna's suggestion.

Ji Yang's left arms surrounded her shoulders and right hand held her hand in his clasp. Webster sat next to Anna with his head laying on her lap. Somehow he was annoyed with Ji Yang holding Anna's hand. He sneakily pushed off Ji Yang's hand instead placed his paw on hers.

The room instantly turned chilly.

"Is something wrong with the AC?" Anna asked innocently unaware of the situation, she was too involved in the movie.

Ji Yang gave a sharp look to Webster. But being a stubborn dog like this master, Webster turned his head away as if nothing happened.

Ji Yang pushed off Webster's paw harshly clasping his hands with Anna once again. Webster glared at Ji Yang but got afraid with Ji Yang's look. He's just a dog and can't fight with the Devil. Of course, Anna didn't notice this either.

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