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After returning to Beijing every day was very busy for Su Yi. Because of spending such a long time with the casting crew, the amount of work piled up for her in Beijing was not small.

Like today; today she had a photo session for Pasion's new season items.

Winter was coming; almost all of Pasion's new styles are boots. It irritated Su Yi, yet she tried them, took a few photos, and sent them to Chu Ying.

Su Yi: "[Image][Image][Image] Which pair looks good?"

Chu Ying was drinking coffee with his partner. As he heard the sound, he glanced at the chat-box.

"Then this plan is set. I will be looking forward to our cooperation." The middle-aged man, sitting opposite of Chu Ying, pushed the original plan to Chu Ying with both hands and put his copy away.

He looked up only to find a rare smile on Chu Ying’s lips, "Mr. Chu?"

“Okay then. You can go ahead.”

"Mr. Chu, I will send you back to the company."

"No need," Chu Ying said, "You can go first."

“That, that won’t do… I'll sit with you for a while.” After finalizing the cooperation with the Chu, he didn't dare to neglect Chu Ying.

‘Businessmen are more particular than the family.’ Chu Ying sighed inwardly when he looked at the man sitting opposite of him.

Chu Ying got up and said: "Then I will leave first."

The middle-aged man stood up and nodded: "I will send you out."

"No need, goodbye."

Chu Ying had big steps and had already walked far in a few steps. As soon as he left the restaurant, he stopped. First, he responded to the message, then entered the car.

*In the dressing room.*

"Pasion's shoes are getting more and more excessive," Wu Xue wasn’t happy with the product, grumbling, "If this continues, they will lose many female customers."

Su Yi just tried on a pair of white boots. It reached close to her knees and increased the elegance of her long legs. In one word; it’s exquisite.

The beauty mesmerized her, so Wu Xue tried it. The boot, up to her thigh, was anything but graceful.

Su Yi smirked and said, "Who asked you to try it on?"

"They didn’t have any other size*." She grumbled.

[Lazybug: *他们也没拿别的码数来呀. I am not too sure about its meaning. So I chose the most suitable meaning.]

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The phone rang beside her, as Su Yi picked it up and looked at it.

Chu Ying: "All look good."

Chu Ying: "Buy it all."

Su Yi couldn’t stop the edges of her lips from curving upwards as she replied.

Su Yi: "It's the brand I endorse. They will send me the new styles I like directly. Am I not saving money? [Attitude*.jpg]"

[Lazybug: It was like smoking a cigarette emoji. It’s like having an attitude.]

Chu Ying: "Well, yes."

"Stop playing with mobile phones." Wu Xue urged her, "they have set up the lights and everything. Don’t let the staff wait too long."

"Coming," Su Yi hurriedly replied with an emoji, saying that she was going to work. She put the phone in her handbag before hurrying out of the dressing room.

The person in charge of Pasion in China was an Englishman named Allen. He liked China a lot. In the last few years, not only did he make many Chinese friends, but he also learned to speak Chinese very well.

The foreigners tended to have an accent, which sounds particularly funny. And Allen wasn’t an exception.

Allen was communicating with the photographer outside. When he saw Su Yi, he exclaimed, "Hey, Yi, you are so beautiful."

Wu Xue once told her that Allen was the reason they picked her to endorse Pasion, so Su Yi had always been grateful to this man.

She smiled and hugged him: "Long time no see. Your Chinese has improved again."

"So are you," Allen laughed, "You are getting more and more beautiful."

"Thank you," Su Yi smiled and pulled away from his embrace. Turning to the photographer, she asked, "Can we start?"

Although she was wearing a pair of thin jeans, she had a long white down jacket on her upper body. The hat behind the coat was furry. It was tickling around her neck. On the top, it was hot inside the studio.

"Okay," the photographer said, "I heard you stumbled during your last shot?"

Getting a foot stuck sounded awkward. It also sounded funny, so Su Yi joked: “Is your photography circle so small that good things do not go out, but bad things spread for thousands of miles?”

"Haha, this time you can rest assured, we have checked the props before shooting." After a while, the shooting officially started.

This winter, Su Yi didn't have time to come and shoot before, so there are a lot of new products accumulated, and the brand itself had high requirements for the quality of the images. So, the session continued until 6 pm.

She changed the last pair of shoes and sat beside Wu Xue: "I want to go home barefoot."

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“Yeah, you are so poor.” Wu Xue scolded with a smile, “Get up. There is a French restaurant near my house. I will take you there.”

After the things with An Xuan, Wu Xue has been extremely demanding of the assistants who came to apply for the job. Until now, she wasn’t able to pick a suitable candidate, so Wu Xue had to do all the work.

Su Yi changed her clothes, asking, "Didn’t you say that when you return to Beijing, you would pick someone? Why do you always follow me?"

Wu Xue helped her pull the zipper behind her back: "Why? Don’t you like it?"

“No," Su Yi said, "I am afraid that it will bore you."

Wu Xue laughed, "How can it bore me? After all, I have to clean up all the mess behind your ass."

Su Yi refuses to accept: "What the hell are you talking about? Can't you see how clean I've been recently?"

"If you want to have more work, be clean," She didn’t know the reason, but the edge of Wu Xue’s lips twitched a little, "I don't know if it was too noisy in the past, but this half-month was really calm. However, I can’t help feeling a little flustered in my heart."

Su Yi got dressed and knocked on her head: "Don’t jinx it. Let's go out for dinner."

It was not an outside job. So, Wu Xue did not contact the nanny car, rather drove here by herself.

As soon as they arrived at the parking lot, they bumped into Allen standing by the elevator.

Seeing them, Allen smiled and said, "Hi ladies, you guys are finally down."

Su Yi asked, "What's wrong? Do you need something?"

Allen was wearing a suit. With one hand on his abdomen he was full of gentlemanly charm: "Yi, I want to invite you to go to have a meal together."

Wu Xue said with a smile, "Sorry, she has already made an appointment with me."

"It's okay," Allen’s smile grew wider, "It's an honor to invite two beautiful ladies together."

Seeing that Su Yi didn't speak, he continued, "There are some work-related matters to discuss."

In the end, they got into Allen's car together and went to the French restaurant Wu Xue had recommended.

The restaurant was very stylish, with elegant piano music and few seats. The people at the table are talking quietly and the atmosphere was excellent.

Ordering a good meal, Allen smiled and asked, "Yi, I heard that you have a relationship with a boy?"

Somehow, Su Yi wanted to laugh inexplicably when Allen called Chu Ying a "boy".

She nodded: "Yes."

"It's a pity," Allen pretended to sigh in disappointment. "If I knew you were planning to fall in love, I might have started sooner. Isn’t there an old Chinese saying? Start first... …What was it?"

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Wu Xue also smiled: "Start first to be strong."

Allen nodded: "Yes, that's it."

"What do you mean by 'I have plans to fall in love'?" Su Yi smiled, "I'm not a single, Allen."

“God, I always thought you will be,” Allen said, "After all, you are so beautiful, and you haven't had a relationship with men."

Wu Xue felt she was going to be brainwashed by the beautiful words.

The aesthetics of foreigners and Chinese are very different. The Asian look that foreigners like is small-eyed and thick-lips, while Chinese people like beauties with blue eyes.

[Lazybug: The author wrote ‘electric eyes’. I thought it was about blue-eyed beauty. Let me know what you think.]

Su Yi was an exception. Previously, there was a selection of "Beautiful Asian Faces" on the Internet, and Su Yi ranked first on the list.

Moreover, the domestic reviews were surprisingly good at that time, and the recognition rate of Chinese people was exceptionally high - that had never happened to other female stars.

Su Yi politely thanked him, took a sip of lemonade, and asked: " You said there's something about work to talk about, what's that?"

Allen said straightforwardly: "You know, our contract will expire next year. Pasion and I have been very satisfied with you in the past few years. My idea is that we will continue to renew, and I have already reported my opinion to headquarter overseas, So ... Do you have any thoughts?"

Pasion signed her before she became famous, giving her a lot of exposure and opportunities. If she had decided not to renew, it would have been too ungrateful.

And Pasion itself was also a good brand, especially in recent years; it was going uphill in China. However, before she could respond, Wu Xue spoke first.

"Allen, you know, our company has been acquired, the upper-level people have changed, and the decision-making power of many things is not in our hands. We may have to discuss this matter with the company before we can give you an answer."

Her words were very professional. Even if Allen didn't understand everything, he still got the gist of it.

"Of course, we will wait for your reply," With a nod, he turned towards Su Yi. His gaze was gentle, "Yi, didn't you really consider me?"

Su Yi was having a spoonful, and wasn’t able to react in time, "huh?"

"I mean, get rid of that little boy and stay with me," Allen winked at her, "I will be a very good boyfriend."

Although she had heard that foreigners were very relaxed in terms of relationships, but Su Yi didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward.

[Lazybug: That confidence really is off the chart.]

She smiled and was about to give a polite refusal.

"I'm great," Allen continued. "In many ways, I am better than a Chinese boy."

It shocked even Wu Xue, ‘is he trying to destroy our good relation*?’

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[Ladybug: *明目张胆的挖墙脚. The literal meaning of this idiom is blatantly digging into the foot of the wall. It is an idiom kind of similar to ‘killing the goose that laid the golden egg’. If you know a better idiom, please let me know.]

Su Yi still smiled and said neatly: "Allen, I love my boyfriend very much."

"Oh, that's a shame," he said so, but his expression remained the same, "It's okay, I'm willing to wait for you. If you are separated someday, look for me at any time.”

Su Yi frowned: "Allen, we are just friends."

Seeing the change in her expression, Allen raised his hands: "OK, OK, I just give you one more choice. Yi, you can try first before deciding."

"... No." Su Yi unhesitantly rejected him.

The next set of the meal was served, and Su Yi ate quickly. She had only one thought in her mind, ‘eat early, leave early.’

Halfway through, Allen got up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

As soon as he left, Wu Xue grumbled: "I didn't expect that. How can Allen be so irritating? He was even blatantly complimenting himself. Eww… Will you ask Mr. Chu to handle him?"

Su Yi did not speak, nodding slightly in agreement.

Wu Xue asked, "What do you think? Do you still want to renew the contract with Pasion?"

To be honest, after the conversation, Su Yi really didn't want to renew the contract.

Allen was the person in charge of Pasion China. If the contract is renewed, she would inevitably encounter him frequently when working in the future.

She shook her head: "I don't know. Let's listen to the company's arrangements."

Allen went to the toilet for a long time. When he came back, he was clutching his cheeks. His face looked deformed and ugly. Upon closer inspection, one could see that both sides of his face were already swollen.

Wu Xue asked in surprise: "Allen, what are you..."

"Chinese men are rash," Allen was so mad that he forgot the words he was trying to say, and he wasn't concerned about the meaning of the words "There was a man just now. He came up and beat me."

Su Yi was also stunned. There was a little blood coming out of Allen's mouth. She took a tissue and handed it over: "Do you need to call the police?"

"No." Allen gritted his teeth. The man didn’t only beat him but also handed him a business card.

The company on the card was very familiar. He knew he couldn't afford it, so he had to endure, "Just treat it as my bad luck."

Su Yi was about to ask something, and she felt a big hand had covered her mouth. And a familiar manly voice came from above, "if you harass her again, it won’t be ending with a simple beating.”

Su Yi's heart jumped, and she retracted the tissue she was holding in mid-air.

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