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Looking at the tall man standing in front of him, the expression of Allen changed slightly, "Yi, is he your boyfriend?"

Su Yi used the tissue in her hand and pretended to wipe her mouth calmly, "Yes."

With her words, Allen's face became even uglier.

Wu Xue hastily got up and said, "Allen, your mouth is bleeding. Let's go. I will take you to buy a band-aid. When I first came in, I saw a pharmacy next to the restaurant."

Wu Xue almost dragged him away. However, Allen was big, and it was understandable that he wouldn’t have been easily dragged away by Wu Xue if he wasn’t willing.

Su Yi sat down and gave Chu Ying a place to sit beside her, "Why are you here?"

Chu Ying said lightly: "I had some work along the way. Am I disturbing your work?"

"No," Su Yi explained, "I was planning to come here with Wu Xue, but Allen said there was a job to talk about. That’s why we came together."

"Oh! Okay. Is there any brand you like?"

The question was asked suddenly, and Su Yi only reacted after a long time, "what's wrong?"

Chu Ying said: "Change the endorsement. Don't renew the contract."

"Okay." Su Yi agreed without thinking about it. She held Chu Ying's hand and played with it silently. "But I don't have any favorite brands. After the termination of the contract, there should be other endorsements. Don't worry about me. Have you eaten yet?"


Su Yi was about to call the waiter, but Chu Ying got up and said, "Let’s go back."

She was a little confused, "You haven't eaten yet."

"Let’s eat at home," Chu Ying said. “I want to eat your noodles."

The two of them got into the car, and Su Yi turned his head to look at the man beside her. She felt that something was wrong with him.

Chu Ying's face had been expressionless since the meeting. It was just like the first time they met.

Soon, Su Yi noticed the driver had changed. He was not the one who used to tremble in fear before speaking.

It seemed that the new driver was quite old. As Su Yi got in the car, he turned to get a better look and greeted her with a smile.

After the two of them had sat down, he greeted her: "Miss Su."

Su Yi smiled and inquired politely: "Hello, have you had dinner?"

"I'll go back to eat later. Miss Su is really gorgeous." The driver turned his gaze, stepped on the accelerator, and said cheerfully, "No wonder the young master was willing to wait so long in the parking lot."

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Chu Ying frowned and interrupted: "Uncle Yang."

“Young master, where are we going now?”

“Uncle Yang,” Su Yi copied Chu Ying and said; "You can drop us at the supermarket. Thank you."

Uncle Yang smiled and nodded, “Good, good. I will take you to the bigger one.”

"OK." Su Yi responded and grabbed Chu Ying’s hand tighter.

After getting out of the car, Su Yi waved at Uncle Yang through the window: "You should go back for dinner. We can take a taxi later."

After the car drove away, Su Yi took Chu Ying's hand: "Let's go."

“Why do you want to come to the supermarket?”

"I want to buy the ingredients," Su Yi said, "I promised you that I would make you a full banquet for you. Did you forget about it?"

The supermarket was very large and there were lots of ingredients in the fresh food area.

"What do you want to eat? Fish? Beef? Or pork?" Su Yi knelt holding Chu Ying's hand, staring at the fish tank, "This is a good fat fish. Let’s eat fish. I will make sweet and sour fish."

Chu Ying looked down at the little head beside him. His eyes were filled with tenderness as he nodded, "Okay."

Su Yi was a tall woman. Although she was covering herself tightly, she still attracted a lot of attention. Plus, there was a handsome 1.9-meter tall man in a suit right next to her. So, no matter where they went, they attracted a lot of attention.

Before long, the cart in front of them was full. After picking up all the ingredients and passing through the fruit area, Su Yi stopped and said: "Let’s buy some more fruits; there is no fruit at home."

Chu Ying nodded: "Okay."

Su Yi picked up a watermelon and knocked it twice.

"This is good." She put the watermelon in the shopping cart.

A girl came up to her from the side: "Are you, Su Yi?"

Su Yi pulled down her mask and greeted with a smile, "Hello."

Although the girl greeted her back, her eyes were glued to Chu Ying: "Can I take a picture with you?"

"Sorry," Su Yi declined, "It is my private time. It's not very convenient."

The girl persevered: "It's all right."

Su Yi shook her head and refused again. The girl might have felt a little shameful after her refusal, and her expression wasn’t too good.

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This episode passed in an instant, and they continued to shop. There were not many people in the supermarket, and the two of them quickly checked out and left.

They took a taxi back home. After closing the door, Su Yi took the bag from Chu Ying's hand and walked into the kitchen.

Chu Ying followed closely and started washing up the dishes on the side.

While skillfully removing the scales from the fish, Su Yi asked: "Today... were you there to pick me up from work?"

Chu Ying’s hand didn’t stop: "Yeah."

Su Yi was silent for a while: "Then why didn't you call me?"

'Or was it that you were in the parking lot, but didn't stop me?' Su Yi could not ask out loud.

"I was afraid to interrupt your work." Chu Ying put the washed dishes on the side, "Is there anything else I need to help with?"

“... Yes”


Su Yi was wearing an apron. She was holding a fish in her hand, yet she leaned towards him, "kiss me."

The man didn't talk about it, leaned down and gave her a soft kiss.

It took more than half an hour to cook everything. When Su Yi had finished cooking, the table was full of dishes.

Chu Ying was a voracious eater. On top of that, the bowls in Su Yi’s house weren’t that big. In a single bite, he could eat half a bowl. There was no leftover on the table soon.

Su Yi got a dishwasher at home. After cleaning, they took a bath and went to bed together.

Chu Ying embraced her to sleep as usual and put his hand around her waist properly. There was no other action. Su Yi had her back pressed against the man's chest: it was warm.

Not long after, Chu Ying got up again.

Su Yi heard him take something out of his pocket and go straight to the balcony. After getting out, he closed the door behind him.

She got out of bed softly and walked over on tiptoe. In the moonlight, the man stood by the railing with a cigarette in his hand.

Su Yi had never seen him smoke in the past. From his action, Su Yi was sure that he had been used to smoking before. He had an ashtray beside him, which Su Yi had prepared for Wu Xue.

He moved his hand to the top of the ashtray and gently knocked the cigarette twice with his index finger. With his actions, a lot of ash fell.

She opened the door and walked out. The man heard the sound and looked back.

Finding Su Yi behind him, he raised his eyebrows and asked: "Why did you wake up?"

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Su Yi was only wearing an extra-long shirt; the one Chu Ying had left here before. The shirt could only cover the important parts. It completely exposed her extra long legs.

He continued: "Go in. It's cold outside."

Su Yi didn't listen to him, walked over, spread her hands, and hugged him firmly.

After a long while, Chu Ying lowered his eyes, twisted the cigarette, and threw it into the ashtray.

He rubbed her head and covered her neck with his other hand as if trying to keep her out of the wind.

She buried herself in her man's arms and asked in a muffled voice: "What happened?"

And a long silence followed. Then she heard him ask again, "Are you afraid of me?"

Su Yi was taken aback and asked him: "What should I be afraid of?"

Chu Ying hesitated, but said, "... I beat someone."

He had been in the army for many years and had already developed steel-like self-control.

In the past, amid several emergency rescues, they sometimes had to compromise. During those times the out-of-control family members came up to punch and kick him, yet he could stand upright and salute them.

There had also been criminals who wanted to use money and women to earn their lives. When he caught those people, he didn't even blink his eyes.

Yet, in front of this woman, all those self-control shattered like broken glass.

He was a little impatient when he saw her in the foreign man's car in the parking lot.

When he reached the restaurant, he sat at the table beside them.

The foreigner began to pursue Su Yi. His words were full of temptations, and he worked hard to promote his strengths.

He even heard those suggestive words of the other party. "Try before making a decision", the line just broke his calm heart completely.

"Not afraid." The person in his arms spoke in a resolute voice.

Chu Ying was stunned, and the movements of his hands on her head also paused.

This time, her voice was thin and soft: "You are the gentlest person in my eyes."

Chu Ying hugged the person in his arms. His voice was deep, with indescribable emotions, "Su Yi, like me."

[Lazybug: yes, you've read it correctly. I haven't made any mistakes. He didn't confess, he actually asked her to 'like him’.]

Su Yi couldn’t react: "What?"

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"Like me," he said, "You won't be disappointed."


Su Yi put her hands on his chest, struggling to raise his head, "Are you mistaking something?"

Chu Ying said nothing.

Su Yi continued: "If I don't like you, why would I chase you before?"

"...because I saved you." The wind was very strong outside.

Su Yi frowned, and couldn’t help asking, "What?"

The person in front of me didn't seem to intend to repeat it, but it didn't matter. She had heard it clearly.

Remembering Chu Ying’s weird behaviors during this period, Su Yi could connect all the dots.

When he learned about the past incident of Ding County, Chu Ying had no happy emotions on his face. He even hurriedly took her out of that place.

Now, thinking about it, could it be that he was...

"When you were at the farmhouse, you were in a hurry to leave. Could it be because of Zhou Ming’s words?" She said, "Do you think I'm with you purely because you saved me? You think I am repaying my gratitude?"

Chu Ying did not speak, apparently acquiescing. Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She let go of his hand, reached up, and hooked his neck. "I really fell in love with you during that mudslide."

Chu Ying's eyes darkened.

"You came like a bolt of lightning, with thunder behind you," She exaggerated, showing a row of white teeth. "Boom, it lights up my world."

"Handsome and masculine, I was so fascinated by you. On the road, I kept asking your name, but you just didn't want to tell me. After being rescued, I went to the local army to look for you, but I didn't find you. However, I had never thought I'd meet you again after so many years."

"Fortunately, this time I am not the little girl lying in the corner waiting for you to save. I have my own business, and I have become much more beautiful."

Her eyes curved into a very nice arc: "I finally grew up to be someone who can match you."

Chu Ying's eyes became brighter and brighter with her low, soft voice.

His heart was shocked, and he was about to say something. But the person in his arms stood on her toes, pulled him closer, and pecked his lips lightly.

The soft voice dragged every word: "So, my love for you is not based on gratitude. To put it bluntly, you just happened to save me."

“Even if nothing had happened in Ding County, as long as I live, as long as I meet you, I was destined to fall in love with you at first sight."

[LazyBug: Feeling blessed.]

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