High School DxD

Chapter 23

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"Most miserable day of our life you say, yo-you little demon" Shu exclaimed

"Let me show how strong we really are" Donasheek said

"What is 1000-7?" Issei asked

"Huh?" both of the fallen angles, went into shock, what the hell is the demon saying the sisters duo went into astonishment as well,

"Well, I am trying to be someone I am not, but well I think it's worth it, [Authority], "PROSTRATE YOURSELVES!" Issei's voice roared, it was as if the sound waves could be seen emitting from his lips, then suddenly both of the fallen angels, bowed down, it was like some unknown pressure was forcing them to bow, they could not lift their heads…..

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"Sister duo, I know human rights will be against this but since they are not humans to begin with, give me orders what to do, I will treat them the exact same way as you both want me to" Issei said as he looked towards the sisters….

"Onee-chan, I will go first" the little one said as she stood up.


"Demon-san, we, we were raped, we lost everything, the must suffer, tit for tat, their nails peel then off with skin included" Laura said, with no gist of regret in her eyes, what she suffered had to be payed with suffering...

Issei lived by the same code, if you kill someone prepare to be killed as well, he was not some hero of justice that he will spare his enemies lives, since he committed murder you killing him will make you a murder too, you should not, you should do what is just…..he thinks all of this as bullshit, why you ask, killing the wrong does not make you wrong you; only did right, an eye for an eye, an tooth for an tooth, there is no wrong vanquishing or punishing the wrong, what wrong is to spare them, because fangs of bad ones are not easily gone, they always turn to bite you back the moment you think, you thought them a lesson….

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"PEEL OFF EACH OTHER'S NAILS, SKIN INCLUDED" Issei's voice roared again

The moment Issei completed sentence, both of them, the fallen ones, did exactly the same the tore of each other's nails, skin was included both were screaming with pain blood was dripping, the sudden fear grew in their hearts, they knew they do not stand a chance against this demon, what's worse is they can't even escape because their opponent was using authority, an ancient legendary ability passed down through the kings, but the authority ability was usually a failure because no one knew what is the actual source of ability, but whoever used authority never lived to see the second day, why the deaths were unknown, the kings who used them found dead the very next day....the secret of authority remained closed, but the rumors spread around about the mysterious ability…

Shu and Donahseek, both had heard before the ability of authority but discarded it because no one exists currently to use that ability but, this person, in front of them, this demon...was different, he emitted the aura of a king.

The torture did not end, after nails, each other tore off their wings, eyes, hair, arms in the end their hearts...all this they were screaming with pain and killing each other and then the moment came, both of them died, instead of crying finally the sister duo had smile and tears, finally they smiled.

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"Here, duo sign, completion of contract and give me a pact" Issei handed over two old scrolls, and both of them unhesitant, signed them…

"Um- demon-san" Maria was about to say something

"Do not worry, I will bury you entire family with honor" Issei said and smiled

Maria, heart fluttered, what she saw was a bright smile as the sun, her darkness gone the same with her little sister Laura, they hugged each other tightly as slowly the life ended….

"What human's desire actually is not money or power, actually what they desire are happy moments" Issei muttered

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At some distance, someone was spying on Issei,

"I need to report this to, Lady Rayranare"


To be Continued:- Chapter 24- Truth behind Authority

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