High School DxD

Chapter 24

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"Here, two pacts, Prez" Issei handed two scrolls, Rias took in both of them….she and the rest of her squad were astonished two pacts at once? Not even they did so, because humans do not easily make pacts, not mention an life-based pact is higher worth than normal pacts….

But what Rias was thinking was completely different, it was Issei's luck, no beginner's luck will get him two life pacts but something was fundamentally different about this boy something was different about his air.

"Ise, I want to ask-" Rias spoke but soon was interrupted by Issei…

"About authority?" Issei completed


"You know, if you want to keep an eye on someone, your familiars are not doing a good job" Issei said as he sat down, and drank the cup of tea Akeno poured.

"Yes, Ise tell me, since I am curious about the skill 'authority'"

"It's a long explanation" Issei said

"We do have time, the night's still young" Akeno said

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"Well...the rumors are, Authority is based on skill called life force, the moment you use authority, your life force saps out and you die, normally authority requires huge amount of life force and so this is where nobles came in, higher classes and kings could use it and soon their descendants, but once use the next moment they won't live"

"But you are well and fine sitting in front of us" Kiba said

"Now-now, swordsman, I said its 'based on life force' not 'solely relies on life force'"


"I have, something unique developed by me over time, it's called, [Conqueror's Force]"

"What's, that?" Rias queried

"Well, I rather not use that here, but it's a different type of force which enables me to forcefully take away consciousness of any person for a week, and whoever is targeted gets affected, unless they have enough will power to stand against me"

"That's sounds a little farfetched" Koneko said,

"[Conqueror's Force]" Issei said, as he looked towards everyone

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Exactly what happen, they all dropped down unconscious, fell on the place where they stood.

"Good thing I just need to wait for an hour for the rest of the explanation" Issei muttered.


The Hopeless Romantic: El Madator Beach, Los Angeles

An army of rouge demons were heading towards a little beach house, but they stopped, when the saw near the beach house, a young girl, she was playing violin, and was wearing a school uniform.

She had long blonde hair, which were set free, her eyes were blue as ocean she was smiling, and the setting sun made it look like a painting but, only one thing was different, the girl's bloodlust was strong enough to throw shivers down the spines of the demon, her smile, was beautiful but it was wickedly as she turned towards the army and stopped playing the music now, the bloodlust aura was even visible, she pointed her violin's bow towards the army and said," Are you here to listen to my concert?"

The entire did not comprehend what she spoke

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"You, all are right, welcome to Kaori Miazuna's concert, 'The Concert of Agony'" she smiled


"Rise and shine people " Issei said as he sipped another cup

"Huh, what happened?" Kiba asked

"You all were affected by my conqueror's force, which made you all lose consciousness, well now I think the 'far-fetched' demonstration is done, right Koneko-chan" Issei said

Koneko expressionlessly nodded and kept quite.

Everyone was at shock at Issei's power, now that they think about it, that they with his one gaze he could have stopped them when they were following Issei, why he didn't do that.

It became clear, the boy hides much more power within him, if he really wanted he could have killed the moment they met him.

Rias, broke the silence by saying, "You said for a week right, it's only an hour"

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"Now that's the important part"


"My ability authority draws power form conqueror's force instead of life force, which is effectively used by me"

"I see, the very simple reason, you switched the power source, but I has to take a hell of training to do so" Akeno said

"Correct, senpai, it did take a long time, but I manage to control it"

"Well, it's a long shot, but is there anyone else who can use conqueror's force?" Rias asked

"Well, there are some, there is also a violinist who can use it"


To be continued

Chapter 25- The Beach Concert

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