High School DxD

Chapter 50

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Let me tell you a story about a boy I met and how he changed my destiny and in the how I ended up calling him friend and brother-in-arms.

It all started 6 years ago…

I, Basara Tojo, 10 years old used to live in the Palaptine Hero Village, the head village in the Realm of Heroes.

My dad, Jin Tojo, was an S-class hero, who had even fought, Evil-gods and Demon-gods.

Thus through his countless achievements he earned the title of 'War-God', since my dad was so strong people and the head of the village thought that I was strong as well…which I will not deny, I indeed was stronger than the B-class heroes despite the fact that I was just six years old.

I was given the title prodigy and all; people around me loved me and cared for me.

Even though I never had the blessings of a mother, I never regretted the fact that I had an amazing father, who also took care of me.

But, since he was an S-class hero, he used to be out doing quests, I used to be alone all the time…but I got used to it.

Yuki and her little sister Kurumi used to play with me and her mother used to prepare lunches for me.

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The blue haired girl and the little violet haired one were practically quiet close to me among other children of my age, I considered them family.

Things were going all good and all, but one day, I never expected that it would change it all.

Our village had an underground base which held a sword named [Bryhinder], it belonged to the strongest lancer who got cursed by the gods and his souls shattered and sealed inside of it.

Of course during that time I was unaware of something like that existed in the village.

But one of the B-class heroes did. His name was Ozilyu Pelka, after losing to me, a kid, and the Pelka family insulted him as a hero and planned to disown him.

At that time I was unaware that Ozilyu held a grudge against me, so in order to obtain power he broke the doors and went straight to get the [Bryhinder].

I and Yuki were playing with many other children on top of the mountain near our village.

At that very moment we heard a loud blast at the entrance of the village, all the children got a little shaken up when they saw smoking oozing from the village.

I used [Enhanced Vision], to see what's going on, what I was were many dead people and Ozilyu whose body had distorted to that of a monster, but at that moment I realized I made a mistake, using [Enhanced Vision], emitted some of my mana in the air, and the monster Ozilyu came to sense it, as he rapidly hasted towards us without wait.

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I warned the other children to go and hide, and they did so, but Yuki didn't, she said she will stick with me till the end.

I just couldn't get off her, but in my heart I was happy that someone was by my side.

But my time of joy thinking was over when Ozilyu appeared…

"YOU LITTLE BRAT I FOUND YOU, NOW I FINALLY CAN KILL YOU" he says with an echoing voice, I didn't turn back but I could sense the Yuki was scared.

In my mind all I had that I had to protect her no matter what.


I had let my guard down and with [Bryhinder]'s strike he cut up my stomach.

Yuki comes near me as she checks weather I am fine or not. I indicate her to run, but she just won't listen. Persistent girls I must say.

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For the first time I was cursing my father for not being here.

At that moment Ozilyu was about to swing his sword, if he did that time Yuki would have died, that was something I couldn't allow…the moment he swung the sword I caught it with both of my arms…suddenly my body started emitting green aura and covered the entire place.

At that time I didn't knew, it was [Banishing Shift], everything around me had disappeared, the mountain, grass, only Yuki was holding on to me.

Ozilyu had disappeared as well, and I was holding on to [Bryhinder] without even knowing what happened…

Then I saw around me, the children had disappeared as well, and apparently the villagers arrived with head the same time that it occurred.

I was deemed cursed child that moment on.

Because of me children of the village died, everyone was eyeing me negatively and wanted to get rid of me. No matter how I wanted to explain the situation no one would listen to a kid after all.

I was deemed to be executed, but at that time my father showed up.

Whatever he and the elders of the village had discussed is still a mystery to me till date, but all I know I and him were branded traitors and were told to leave the Realm of the Heroes immediately.

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Those became the last when I saw my village.

I and dad entered the Realm 1, the Land of the Bible, and stated living in a country side of Japan.

Within a few months we got along greatly with the people around us and were living a good life.

Hell dad was even called 'The most eligible bachelor', and every woman, married or not use to eye, him.

A week later, I was running through the forest, it was raining hard and I had to woods on my back. On my way, I saw several footprints which lead to a cave, it appeared to be of those, children, and I thought someone might need help so I rushed in.

What I saw, those four kid looked like savages and had torn clothes, but what mystified me the most was a green haired boy with a scar on his left eye, a little girl with violet-black hair, and a blonde kid where holding on to a brown haired kid, whose arm appeared to be a little more plump than most of the kids and was covered in bandages.

They emitted aura, touch this kid and we will kill you.

Yes, that's was my first encounter with Issei.


To Be Continued: - Chapter 51:- Basara's memories-Little explanations

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