High School DxD

Chapter 51

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I, Basara Tojo, when saw those four kids, who were almost as the same age as mine, I immediately rushed out to call for help.

I brought old man, Zanko with me who used to live near the forest, he usually had a cart at his place, and I made him bring it.

We took those unconscious children with the help of the cart and brought them to my place.

Dad was smoking, during this time he usually does.

He got startled when he saw, me and old man Zanko carrying four children.

We got them to our bedroom and Zanko-san went to call the doctor.

I wiped, those wet children and myself as well.

"They must have been through a lot" Dad said, he threw the cigarette he was smoking outside.

"I see that as well" I replied, but my eyes were drawn towards the brown haired boy.

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There was something about him, something unusual about the boy, as if he was drawing people towards him, I couldn't get what it was, at that time of course.

Slowly he opened up his eyes while the rest of them were still unconscious.

"Where am I?" he speaks

"You are safe" I replied back.

It was all too sudden, when out of nowhere a punch was thrown at me; to my surprise it was strong enough to smack me straight towards the wall and cracks occurred.

He was too fast that, brown haired boy and he punched Dad as well but he blocked it easily, I was sure after all he was an S class hero, but next moment even my eyes almost popped out.

That brown haired kid managed to lad a hit on Dad and he was thrown aback, I being a hero who is stronger than B-class heroes, I never landed a single hit on dad, but this kid, on his first attempt landed a perfect hit.

I heard dad praising him, he said, "My, my, a kid of your caliber, you certainly are strong to push a warrior of my level"

"Warrior? Aren't you from the church, and trying to kidnap us? Do not taint the word warrior, asshole" he says in a tone filled with rage, but somewhere in my heart I felt anger as well for the way he talked with my dad, not knowing who he was.

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With anger I replied as well, "Hey, don't talk crap about my dad"

"Shut up, weakling" he said, he now made me pissed, and unknowingly I drew out [Bryhinder] and rushed towards him.

Dad was saying me to stop but it was too late I was ready to cut off his arm which was covered in bandages, but then he stopped my sword with his right arm.

I was shocked yet again…


He kicked me outside of the window.

That was unexpected; I actually got pretty injured by that kick, by now I understood he wasn't a normal kid.

I rushed towards the bedroom yet again, by the time I reached that kid was already unconscious and dad was holding on to a simple long sword, by the looks of it, it didn't had any sharpness that's why he was knocked out.

"He's pretty strong Basara, this kid can actually force an S-class to go all out" Dad said as he used the sword to disappear.

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"Dad, what do you mean?" I said those words even though I got hint, what he meant.

"This kid had a really rough past, to put it simply he went through hell much worse than you, but instead of breaking he made it his own strength" Dad explained, but then I realized what he meant.

After that incident, I had been down and had been cursing myself for the incident, and during my mock battle with dad, I was performing bad, actually not bad, worse I was afraid that I might hurt someone again with this cursed powers, I was drowning in my own guilt.

"Keep yourself; in his shoes then think Basara" my dad says

"…" I kept quiet.

"There is a chance, no I am sure of it that he has face difficulties much more than you, but today, even though he knew he was weak he still fought with his whole might, those eyes weren't aggressive but actually defending his comrades who were lying there, Basara, yes you made a huge mistake, who doesn't, but the important thing is what you learn from it"

"But Dad, what does this has to do with-"I was interrupted by Dad yet again…

"If you think yourself for guilty for too long, it will only harm you, you can't change what happen, but you can change what will"

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My dad comes forward and hugs me, after that I realized I was crying, I forgot that I was a child too, that I needed protection and my parent's warmth too…I understood that day, meeting that kid was surely something one can easily call fate.

I saw something strange, those bandages in his left arm had come off and I saw, a red mechanical claw that covered his entire left arm.

"Dad, what is that?" I was a little surprised seeing that.

"That, Basara is a scared gear"

"Scared gear, a Longinus?" I knew about those, there were 21 of them and rumored has each had different ability and can surpass even gods…I then asked Dad, "Which one is it?"

"It's the [Boosted Gear Armament]"

"Huh?" I couldn't get what he meant at first…then he says

"One of the 21 Longinus, which boosts the uses ability every ten seconds, in other words this kid is this generation's Red Dragon Emperor"


To Be Continued: - Chapter 52:- Basara's memories- Days spent

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