Indeed, the partner system for men and women is a contractual relationship authorized by the academy.

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To summarize what kind of system the so-called partner system is, it’s a『proof of man and woman relationship』.

It’s not that it doesn’t feel like a kind of marriage contract.

Well, it’s like an academy-authorized license for male-female relationships.

In case male-female relationships troubles occur such as you head over heels with someone and have sex with them, if you have a partner relationship with them, it will strongly affect even the official arbitration.

Even if they are being overbearingly scouted or picked up, if you establish them as your partner, it’s hard for unnecessary troubles to arise.

However, the binding conditions for men and women sides are completely different.

It was an antiquity system of male chauvinism, or rather, more like that women are the property of men.

For example, women are forbidden from sleeping with men other than their masters, but there is no prohibition for men.

The consent from both sides are necessary to seal a partner contract, but only the man has the right to break it.

Seeing it from a modern ethical viewpoint, it is not a contract that the woman side would deliberately propose.

As for Shizuka and the others, well, they were that, though.

Based on my experience of getting about four applications for partner registration sent, I can tell you that no matter what wills the person in question has, as long as their thumbprint is taken, the application will end up getting unilaterally approved.

If you find your thumb has gotten red with red ink when you wake up, I think something is bound to occur, so you should be careful.

「That’s why, get your ass over here already. You don’t want to bother them, do you? Or do you want to be re-disciplined right here and now?」

「Stop it! Let Ringo-chan go!」

「… You won’t to do anything to them, will you?」

「You mustn’t! Ringo-chan!」

「Yea, of course. For today, that is, right? The rest will depend on your attitude and stamina. Kukkukku.」

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「Here’s some refreshments if you may.」

Handing over the plate of corn dogs to Kurumi-senpai and the others, who are frozen solid and trembling, I take one that has lots of mustard and ketchup on it.

It doesn’t really matter, but I’m of the faction of putting a lot of sauce on my corn dog.

Lifting Mikan-senpai, who ends up getting pushed away until the end, in my arms, I pass her onto the soft cushion of a Touka-senpai.

I step forward in place of Rinko-senpai, who has her hands crossed in front of her chest as if to protect her body.

「Huh? The heck are you… No, really, what the heck. You.」

As his face stiffens, the fox-face, who has been staring at me with an amused face, suddenly returns to a plain face and asks me twice.

If I were to look at myself objectively, I’m just a normal male student with bearded glasses who is chomping on a corn dog.

「I’m going to execute you.」

「… huh?」

I should have told him in a simple and easy to understand manner, but his hearing seems to be a little poor.

「I’m, going to, execute, you, right here, right now.」

I declare slowly and loudly, as if I were talking to a child.

Behind the fox-face, who is stepping back as if frightened by my intent-filled voice, the crew cut-kun who has a conspicuous physique lets out a laugh.

「Kahaha. I don’t know who the heck you are, but guys, a first year twerp is here picking a fight with the 『Hungry Wolf Warband (Wolfsritter)』!」

Even though it is a holiday, it is compulsory to wear uniforms on academy grounds.

Well, a jersey is also fine, but in case they wear a blazer, you can tell what grade someone is in by the color of their tie.

In other words, what the second-year crew cut-kun is probably trying to say is that we’re also comrades.

That’s discourteous of me.

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It seems that ever since Mikan-senpai got pushed away, my has snapped and not been working properly.

For better or worse, he’s a senior, so I’ll try to use polite and easy to understand words.

「I’m, going to, execute, you all, right here, right now. Do you understand? You maggots.」

「… You can’t swallow back the spit you have spit out, you know, brat.」

「Y, you mustn’t, Touma-kun.」

Before the still pale Rinko-senpai can step in to intervene, someone stomps their feet and raises their voice.

「Let’s have a Student Duel (Mensur)!!」

◇ ◇ ◇

「It’s been a while since we’ve had a『Student Duel (Mensur)』, huh. There has been completely none these day, so we of the『Duel Committee』 have also been out of jobs.」

「I see.」

The gentlemen who appeared out of nowhere bustle about and take charge of the scene in no time at all.

Rather, it’s more like they were mixed in with the students who came to the flea market.

The members who wear the『Duel Committee』 armband seem to have a great deal of discretion within the academy.

Perhaps to avoid personal identification, in addition to the armband, they also wear white bag-shaped hoods.

They are as fishy as the 3K group.

However, perhaps out of consideration for my ignorance self, he explains to me about『Student Duel (Mensur)』 while they are setting up the duel arena.

According to him, 『Student Duel (Mensur)』 is a right of self-help that is equally possessed by all enrolled students.

In a duel, whatever your status or standing may be, it won’t be affected by it.

The right to duel is a privilege equally possessed by all enrolled students, and at the same time so is the privilege to refuse a duel.

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The rules of the duel are determined by the side who receive the challenge, and not only can the challenger not raise objections to the rules, if they refuse the duel in accordance with the rules, that would be taken as defeat.

The terminology is so classical that such is the extent of what I can understand with my head.

The duel location being set up on site seems to be the standard procedure, and a circle about five meters in diameter is drawn in front of the『Adept workers』 booth.

They are mumbling some sort of spell-like chanting and using tools, so it may have a barrier-like effect.

By the way, it seems that the place and time can be changed if both parties agree to it, but I reject it because I feel like if I delay it, Rinko-senpai might be kidnapped and subjected to bad experiences.

「Say, say, Touma-kun. You mustn’t agree to something like a duel.」

The kind Mikan-senpai is desperately trying to dissuade me, but her knees that were grazed when she got pushed away are painful to look at.

「Cease this foolish shenanigan. This matter has nothing to do with you, after all.」

Rinko-senpai grabs me by the collar and urges me to back down, but she ends up getting secured by the dueling committee gentlemen.

According to them, she’s the conditional object of the duel, so she’s not allowed to interfere in the duel.

「The challenger is claiming partner rights to『Rinko of the second-year third group』. What are the demands of the acceptor?」

I feel like there’s something wrong here, but there doesn’t seem to be any problem result-wise.

「Yeah, he’s too horny for a mere brat, you see. Doesn’t he already have four partners? Come on, bet them all.」

「I deem the demand to be improper. For every partner of the acceptor, at most it is two partners of the challengers.」

With a notebook in his hand, the gentleman who seems to be the leader of the duel committee is adjusting the conditions.

It seems to be a record of past duel precedents.

I guess it’s because duels with partners as the bet is a common occurrence.

I have no intention of losing, but I have no intention of putting Shizuka and the others on the betting table either.

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I don’t have any treasures that have the same worth as Rinko-senpai, but I wonder if there’s some sort of item that they may want.

Pretending to take it out of my pocket just in case, I try pulling out various things from the Item Box.

First of all, the Magic Sword Seiichi and the others have pushed on me, telling me to put it to good use, comes out.

The surrounding onlookers show a startled expression to see a large sword over two meters long coming out of my pocket.

As expected, it is still too dubious.

I wonder if I should ask Yuki-chan if I could borrow the Senryo Box from before or something.

「… You’ve got a good Magic Item there. It’s wasted in the hands of a first-year brat. Very well. You can bet with it.」


The leader of the duel committee doesn’t say anything, so it must have been deemed to be proper as a condition.

It’s a Magic Sword that has yet to be appraised, though… I wonder if it’s really okay.

「I accept.」

「You mustn’t, that’s.」

「Oops, don’t needlessly interfere. Prize.」

「I deem both parties to have agreed to the conditions! Therefore, the『Student Duel (Mensur)』 is hereby established!」

*Whoo* The onlookers raise a shout of joy, and the sound of stomping feet echo like a raging wave.

I wonder if the majority of the students who came to the flea market must have ended up gathering here.

「You fool! If you bet your sword, in the duel….」

The unappraised Maken is taken to Rinko-senpai’s side, who has a tearful face.

Ah, I wonder if she is worried that I will no longer be able to use the spoils.

As far as I’m concerned, though, it’s a weapon I couldn’t care less about,

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