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「Now then, the level of the duel shall be decided by the acceptor!」

The leader of the duel committee, arching back and shouting, is in high spirits.

「Isn’t it obvious? Anything goes (Vale Tudo)!」

Another earth-shaking roar rises from the onlookers.

If it is fine not to hold back, that makes things easier.

It seems that they’re being considerate of me.

Well, I won’t forgive the crime of pushing Mikan-senpai away, but at least let’s execute them without causing unnecessary pain.

The excitement of the onlookers is completely that of a festival merry.

There seems to even be some sort of scalper-like ticket vendors.

Inside the duel area, the fox face already has his unsheathed sword in his hands.

As expected, it seems that the inside of the duel area is covered by a quasi-barrier, turning into an instant pseudo-dungeon space.

It is a secret craft of the duel committee, and although the concentration is low, it seems that skills can more or less be activated there too.

「Kukkukku, you foolish bastard. Thoughtlessly letting go of your Maken like that… On the level that you won’t die, I’m going to thoroughly beat the crap out of you.」

He seems to be elatedly misunderstanding things, but I guess there is no need to take the trouble of telling such a thing to an execution target.

It seems that killing in a duel is treated as an accidental death, but a grave penalty is imposed on intentional killing.

We have to stop at execution, not capital punishment.

Or rather, we just happen to be getting so much attention and all, so we should do some advertising for『Adept Workers』.


「Mikan-senpai, please lend me one of the weapons you’re selling.」

I stroke Mikan-senpai, who also has a teary-eyed look on her face, by the head.

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I was on guard in case the members of the President Guard Squad came rushing to restrain me, but they all similarly have teary-eyed faces.

「Please, umm…. Absolutely, absolutely don’t ever hurt Ringo-chan.」

「Leave it to me.」

With orthodox goblin dagger in hands, I step into the duel area.

The rules of the fight seem to be limited to one on one.

It looks like I could get it done even without using the Raijin style high speed maneuver.

The duel begins with a signal from the leader of the duel committee.

In a duel with anything goes (Vale Tudo) rules, the winning condition is for either side to give up or no longer be able to fight.

There is no time limit, no limit to the equipment used, no limit to the skills used, no limit to the potions and other consumables used.

True to words, anything goes (Vale Tudo).

I can equip the『Gaki Lord Metal Lord (Overgreed Gear)』 or the『Armor of Heavy Pressure (Stressor Armor)』 from the Item Box, but I feel like it will be overkill and end up executing him to death.

This special goblin daggers customized by Mikan-senpai and others is more than enough.

「Kukkakka. Oi, Mr. Lady-killer…. After getting drawn with seduction, quite the crazy poor lot you’ve pulled there, huh.」

The fox face carelessly comes up to me, swaggering and playing with the longsword in his hands.

「Does it taste that good? Rinko’s asshole. It’s a hand-me-down that I had thoroughly developed, but, you see. Kuhaha, for a loose pussy, the sensitivity is top notch, isn’t it? She acts as if she’s not interested in sex, but if you stick your dick in her, she’ll wag her ass with a stupid look on her face.」

Grabbing the dagger with my right hand, I hit him in the face with a probing left-handed Seiken-Zuki.

He is incontinent, lying on the ground like a puppet with a broken string.

He ends up getting struck squarely in the tip of his jaw.

I wonder if he isn’t a little too careless.

The cheers of the onlookers also die down, turning the area into a strange vacuum space.

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The leader of the duel committee is also frozen in a strange way, but I wonder if I need to deliver the finishing blow here.

「This… what a sharpness, what a fantastic weapon. This sense of security of the grip that offers an exquisite holding feeling, the delicate and stylish one point workmanship, and the grip end that can be used even for striking. It is a fact without any shadow of doubt that if it were not for this goblin series weapon, which has been specially customized by 『Adept Workers』 and has the same performance as a Magic Weapon +1, I would have lost.」

「… Huh, huuuuuh?」

The frozen Mikan-senpai had been rebooted.

「I can’t believe that I can get such a nice and wonderful weapon for less than the beginner equipment sold in the purchasing department. So wonderful.」

It’s the first time I’ve ever talked this long, so I feel like I’m going to bite my tongue.

During my middle school days, I pretty much settled everything with「begone」, 「shut up」, and「die」, though.

Perhaps coming to his senses at my casual appeal of stealth marketing, the leader of the duel committee shouts out the declaration of victory.

At the same time as the cheers of the onlookers are revived, the expired betting slips are fluttering through the sky.

◇ ◇ ◇


Amidst the echo of the mysterious choral chant, I, feeling great with my excitement soaring high, have already become hall-naked.

Even though I’m on the surface ground, *Tak Tak Tak* The tap steps, stirred by some mysterious magic power, are going wild.

The tap dancer feeling is shooting through the roof.

「You fool, you let your guard do….」


「Don’t get cocky, you…」


「… Y, you, are you using some kind of magic ite….」


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The ammonia smell is filling the duel area, so I’d like them to seriously give it a break already.

All of them went down with one shot of Seiken-Zeki, but they should really make some moves to avoid it.

For the time being, I’ve been throwing No-Tempo strikes, but lately even Seiichi and Saki have been becoming able to evade it.

Speaking of the betting slips, let alone how many people I can take out, it seems to be about how many seconds they could last, and the onlookers appear to have all squandered their money.

However, it seems that the club is originally a disliked one, so the onlookers are very excited to see their shameful sight of fainting followed by incontinence.

The last one seems to have gotten cold feet and is intending to run away from the beginning, but the gentlemen of the duel committee have acted as a wall and prevented him from escaping.

The atmosphere has already become like an attraction of a throwaway match, and perhaps my nonchalant publicity has been successful, as customers are showing up in droves at the『Adept Workers』 booth.

「B, bastard, I’ll never forget those bearded glasses. Just you wait, you’ll regret it.」

As if promised beforehand, incontinent.

I sincerely hoped that he could have gone to the restroom first.

But well, incontinence aside, it seems that most of them ended up fainting is due to the effect of the duel barrier.

It seems to be a safety function that replaces fatal damage to the flesh with mental damage.

「It is strictly forbidden to leave a grudge over the outcome of a『Student Duel (Mensur)』. Punishment will be in order if you break this rule, so do keep that in mind.」

I don’t think they hear it since they are all faint and incontinent.

At any rate, the declaration of my victory is carried out.

The gentlemen of the duel committee quickly dismantle the duel area and drag the members of the incontinence club away.

It seems that treatment at the health and medical care building is also included in the after service of the duel committee.

One generous support it is.

「— Now then, we will also take care of the transfer as well as renewal of the partner registration. Nice, Mensur.」

The leader of the duel committee who has remained until the end gives me a thumbs up and disappears into the sea of people.

What a truly magnificent act of professionalism.

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「Touma-kun, amazing!」

I receive a diving attack from a sparkling-eyed Mikan-senpai.

「You were so awesome, strong, and cool!」

「It’s all thanks to Adept Workers’ special weapon and the bearded glasses.」

I stroke the beautifully curling moustache.

The opponents were just some paper tiger phony thugs, so it seems that the event was over without causing them much worry.

The other Senpais, who were crumbling and looking like about to cry, are also bustling about as smiling saleswomen.

Quite a prosperous spectacle.

I suppose I did quite a good job as a reviewer.

「Thank you very much for saving Ringo-chan…..」

Mikan-senpai, who has been hugging me and hopping about, shyly let go of my body.

Being in the state of fighting spirit boost, limiter suit off (Cross Out), all the time is quite embarrassing.

「I’m sure you’re tired, so go ahead and rest in the club room. I’m leaving Ringo-chan in your care.」

Mikan-senpai, bowing her head, shows a motherly smile and pushes Rinko-senpai, who has been hanging her head and saying not even a single word, from the back.

In a sense, Rinko-senpai was treated as a gambling prize, so she must have been mentally burdened.

I am heartened by the President’s thoughtfulness in letting her take a break in the club room.

There is also a possibility for there to be remnants of the Horny Woof Warband, so I guess the escort role is necessary.

As if showing that the liveliness of the flea market is still just beginning, the place is back to its original bustle.

It seems that everyone is strong, or perhaps the『Student Duel (Mensur)』 is treated just as a minor event in their daily lives.

Rinko-senpai, who obediently follows along with her head down, remains silent, as expected she seems to be in low spirits.

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