About a month has passed since I arrived in Saltberg.

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After that incident nothing unusual has happened except that I’m now known as the “Demon King”, it’s now widely know how strong I am and that there is no one around who can really compete with me.

But if you really want to know….

“Kai-sama! there are no requests of Kai-sama’s caliber today “

“Kai-sama! I made a reservation in a restaurant for today’s lunch….”

“Kai-sama, are you busy tonight? If you want, with us….”

This town’s demons thought, I wonder if I’m being surrounded by 80% female of that race?

Looking around it seems like spring has come early.

They all are supple and continue getting closer and closer to me without hesitation.

However, I can’t break character here so today I also behaved like a gentleman.




“Hoi Hoi, I see that you are having fun”

“Nothing like that. Well, I am also a man….”

“When since I found you let’s go back to the inn, there is nothing interesting here after all”

I don’t if it’s the work of some invisible power , but Rue always appears “Before something happens”, I will be brought back to the inn.

To be honest I’m acting too hard, I’m already used to the flow of living in this town but it may be time to change things around.

“Oh yeah, should we leave this town soon?”

“Hmm? Are you sure? You will not be disappointed?”

“….Traveling together with friends sounds nice”

“Kai-kun…. I don’t mind being cared for, but why do you have a look of chagrin?”

Damn it !

Then the next day.

I was searching for an escort request to a neighboring town on the board.

It seems like the guild staff has been hiding those kinds of request from me so I don’t leave town though.

Then I noticed that there still was one left.

“A escorting mission to Mines Valley in need of 2 people”

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I take the request and go to reception desk with Rue.

Today there is a male receptionist.

“Sorry, I want to hear the details of this request”

“Kai-sama, Isn’t that kind of job beneath you?”

“That’s for me to decide, tell me the details”

” I’m sorry, I’ll do that right away”

Is everyone in guild in cahoots?

 I finally got to hear the details, it seems that the merchant is leaving today.

It seems that there is only one vacant left but we will just tell the merchant that the reward for one person is enough for both of us.

“At noon today Rue and I will leave this town,   thank you for everything”

“Well, then we will go too!”

“I’m sorry but I do not intend to add more traveling companions, with Rue alone it’s enough”

“Is that so?……”

I came here because I thought that it would be bad to leave without saying anything to the  receptionist that took care of me all this time.

That girl is the same as me because she has wings, she is from a strong lineage.

I’m a human though, I never accepted being a demon.

“Kai-kun, are you ready to go?”

“Oh, I have finished my greetings, then let’s go back to the inn and pack the bags.”

“Rue-san … we are jealous of you, please take care of Kai-sama”

“Don’t worry about , I will not let him play with strange insects.”

Are you my mother?

I guess you are tired of strange insects.

Returning to the inn, I cancel the demon set for the first time in a while and return to wearing ordinary clothes.

They are clothes that can handle battles without problems as well as traveling.

They are of a charming black color.




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【Name】           Kaivon

【Race】             Human

【Classes】       Depriving Swordsman,  Gladiator

【Level】            399

【Title】             Fake Demon King

              One who made God cry

           Dragon King Slayer


【Weapons】    Depriving Sword Brandt

【Head】           None

【Body】           Traveler’s coat (black)

【Arms】           Leather Gauntlets (Black)

【Legs】             Leather Pants(Black)

【Player Skills】 Dark Magic, Ice Magic, Flame Magic                                                                             Swordsmanship, Long Sword, Great Sword, Deprivation                                        Hand-to-Hand Fighting

【Weapon skills】

『Extreme vitality enhancement』

『Presence Detection』

『Good Luck』

『Moving Speed x2』

『+15% Agility』

『Stiffness reduction』

『Area of Effect Healing』


Of course the clothes that I am wearing are black.

There is an empty slot but the skill composition is already fine with just this.

I don’t need to earn more money and I don’t need to increase my attack power.

To be honest, there is something bothering me.

I thought that I would get new exciting abilities after I came to this world but so far there is being nothing.

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It is about time that I get something different and strange.

Specifically something that allows me to analyze the ability of the opponent.

“Well, you can’t always get what you want”




After that we went to where the merchant and the other guard were intending to leave the city.

There was another guard, a human man named Musta, apparently he didn’t seem to know me or about Rue.

Perhaps he just arrived to this town. However, the merchant seemed to know everything about us….

“Kai-sama and Rue-dono as escorts, this needs an increase in the request fee!”

“No, no problem, 20,000 is enough for both of us.”

“Are you two famous or something?”

“No we are just travelers that are taking the opportunity to earn some money taking a request from the guild.”

Well, there is no need to watch the surrounding eyes anymore, so let’s take it easy.

Even though it is a neighboring town you need to travel for 4 days via carriage.

Fortunately there was no need to patrol outside the carriage because the security was good alongside the road, so we just seated inside and spent the rest of the trip in the loading platform.

4 days later without any incident we arrived at Mines Valley in the evening.

When I headed for the guild to receive the reward I noticed that there was a sign on top that says “Mines Valley Adventurer Guild”.

It’s “Adventurer”, at last the chance to get the title of the classic adventurer from fantasy stories.

Is it only that town that has a general guild?

“Kai-kun looks happy, do you like adventurers so much?”

“Isn’t that the classic? When your rank is decided?”

“That reminds me, there were such things … I wonder what I will get”

The building is not too big, and when I open the door I get it looks nice inside.

We go to the reception and show our guild cards., Registration as an adventurer has not been done yet so it was decided to have full-fledged registration.


“Rue-sama, there is something we need to ask you, could you please come to the reception room?”

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“Excuse me, she is with me, is there something wrong?”

“There is something I want to ask about Ruie-sama’s card … ….”

“Is it okay for him to accompany me?”

“Yes if that’s what Rue-sama wants”

Hmm, has that Lord’s son done something?

If so, I’ll crush him this time.

“Excuse me”

An old man was in the reception room when we entered.

Despite being an old man he looks like an elf so he must be even older than average.

“I’m honored to welcome you after such a long time Semiere-sama.”

“From where do you know me?…… Who are you?, depending on your answer Kai-kun here may not be able to stay still”

“Hey, what are you saying about me? but…. when it comes to elves….. No way”

Are you one of the elves who tricked Rue?

Death to those Elves, there’ll be no mercy.

For now I put my hand on my sword.

“…… It is natural for you to be angry. Allow me a late introduction, My name is Cromwell Eyesword Richt “

“Richt? Then you…. Are you a survivor of the clan that remained and cared for me till the very end!?”

“My mother left that forest as soon as I was born, I guess she thought that the climate was to harsh for a baby, that’s why I have lived in this city all this time.  Nevertheless, I have no choice but to apologize”

“No, it’s okay, rather I’m glad that there are survivors, and it’s a baby, but are any of my friends from back then still alive?”

“You can call me a friend!  I am deeply sorry, I didn’t have the power to do anything back then…..”

Apparently it seems that he is not a descendant of the clans that left her behind but an elf that was born from the clan that remained with Rue.

Seeing how the grandpa in front of me was a baby back then, I realize again that Ruie is a grandma.

“What are you doing nodding while looking at me? Kai-kun…. blade!”

“Ouch! Why? So suddenly”

“Then, Rue-dono, may I ask who is the gentleman accompanying you?…. And also, Does Rue-dono being here…. Does that mean that Seven Star-sama has been successfully awakened?”


Seven star-sama? Woken up? What are you talking about?

Aren’t they the enemy to beat?

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