Himajin, Maou no Sugata de Isekai e Tokidoki Cheat na burari Tabi chapter 10

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Well, let’s see the weapon skills I’ve been using these past few days.

『Extreme vitality enhancement』

『Moving Speed x2』

 『+15% Agility』

『Stiffness reduction』

『Presence Detection』

『Good Luck』

『Money Acquisition x2』


There is nothing to enhance weapon attack power and there is one empty spot. It really doesn’t matter because I’m not planning on using a weapon that can instantly kill the Dragon King.

Also, even without enhancing my attack power,being Lv 399 means that I already have tremendous power. If a monster appears I can defeat it with a single blow.

Even the other day I was able to decapitate those horse monsters in an instant. Moreover the quality of the parts they dropped was high because of 『Good Luck』and I’m able to sell them for more than the normal price because of 『Money Acquisition x2』. I’m able to live comfortably just by hunting monsters.

But what about fighting against people?

Being a modern japanese is hard for me to kill.

But other private soldiers are at work for the time being. I guess it’s because I’m at work, is not it?

I guess leaving them half dead should be fine.

“Now what am I going to put in the last slot?”

I say that out loud even though there is no one around.

Let’s seriously try to stop doing that after we leave this town.

I want to go more properly. If I do that maybe I’ll may be able to make a friend or two.

It’s not like I’m jealous of Rue or anything like that though.

“Sigh… okay”

The chosen skill is 『Back Sword Strike』, it’s a single blow with the flat side of the sword that will left the target with the smallest amount of life possible.

Although it’s unknown why this skill exists in the first place, I was using it to help a friend become stronger.

It was quite handy because the one who deals the killing blow gets most experience points.

The question is how that is going to work in this world that is no longer a game.

“Since I won’t be charged with any crime even if I kill them I guess it’s okay”

Because there is that “Rule”.


“Ladies and gentlemen! I welcome you today to this stage that has not been used for a long time! Today’s match is a dispute over a woman, as a woman myself I can’t help but feel jealous!”

A woman from the guild is talking from something that looks like a microphone while standing in a well prepared stage.

She is taking advantage of the fact that the vast majority of the spectators don’t really know what’s going on to make this look more of a spectacle.

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I don’t really have any complaints but aren’t you going a little overboard? I’m getting a little embarrassed.

“The beauty that has being imprisoned by a great demon! The beautiful elf Rue! The one who will try to rescue her is the youngest son of the Lord , the explorer Rubel! He has 15 subordinates with him! “

Hey wait a minute, you are obviously trying to make me look like the bad guy here!

Why are not you complaining Rue?  (TN:Illustration here)

I have my pride too!

“Please raise your hand when you are ready!”

“We are ready here”

Rubel raised his hands as soon as the referee finished talking.

I don’t know if he is that sure of his victory but he is smiling.

Well then, I guess I’ll no longer refrain from hitting him in the face.

“I don’t have any problems, please start anytime”

What about a strategy you say?  There is no need for that!

“Well, let the battle begin!”


In a group battle is important to make the first range attack .

「Vast Overland Brandishing Attack」

Its and intermediate level ranged attack of the swordsmanship type.

A sword swings with full power while flying close to the ground really fast.

It is about 20 meters wide and occupies more than half the diameter of this stage.

But wouldn’t that also end up hitting me? Well the truth is that attack can’t hit airborne targets.

「Flame Föhn」 (TN: Föhn is a generic term for warm strong and often very dry downslope winds that descend in the lee of a mountain barrier.)

As the sword swings I invoke magic at the same time. (TN: Illustration here)

It’s a spell that most players had forgotten or thrown away.

It creates a heat wave but thanks to its dark magic attribute it doesn’t actually burn its targets, it just makes it really hard them to breathe.

I take a moment to see how my Rubel and his group are doing so far.

Even if they somehow dodged the sword attack the magic wold have surely got them.

“……What’s this!?”

Spreading in front of me there are multiple warriors missing everything from the knee down and rolling in blood.

Not only that, everyone is holding their throat and desperately trying to breathe.

It is a hellish sight. (TN: Illustration here)

“Th-This is…. as soon as the match started there was a strong intense slash ….  everything was hit!! And then a magic attack …”

It’s magical magic.

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I don’t see them trying to surrender though. Do you still want to continue?

Let’s ignore the riffraff for now and get closer to the three people in the back.

Since none of you seem able to speak let’s cancel the magic.

“Do you still wish to fight?”

“Coward! This match is invalid!”

What the hell did you say?

For now I look at the other two, they are furiously shaking their heads.

“Referee, do you have any objections?”

“….I have none”

“Is that so? Have you checked the rules?”

Your father set up those rules.

Well I guess you suggested them.

“Then die!”

I raise my sword and swing it down towards his neck but then….


A voice coming from the audience through the microphone cries out for me to stop.

Well I was going to stop from the beginning.

The person that spoke was a middle-aged man sitting in a luxurious seat in the middle of the group of nobles I saw earlier.

Well it’s seems that the Lord finally decided to move because his son was about to be killed in front of him.

“What? I am trying to finish this match according to the rules.”

“This match has already finished!”

“If that’s what you want why don’t you offer some terms so we can stop this here?”


Is it hard understanding what I say while sitting all the way up there?

It’s weird to expect me to not kill him just because he says so.

Even more if you consider that the guild has not tried to stop the match yet, although it is a shame that the battlefield is not moving now.

“Please give me the microphone first.”

Now, since people’s impression of me became bad because of the announcer’s introduction , should I reveal the truth now?




“….That’s how it is. The rules this time were decided by the Lord’s side , I wasn’t told the rules in advance and you can see how they prepared a big number of people for this. Seeing all this I think you can all understand that everything I’ve said is true. “

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Jeering started to be heard from the audience, people were blaming the guild and the son of the Lord.

Listening to that it doesn’t seem that the Rubel’s misconduct started today.

Well that’s fine, they wouldn’t have many other occasions to complain outside this.

“Now, I told you to offer terms, If you are not sure what to say then I could help you…. Please think about how much your son’s life is worth to you?”

While saying that I swing my sword again.

Even while I’m doing as I like the guild still doesn’t move.

Do they understand that they have no place intervening or is it that… You understand that I just like Rue can take your entire organization in this town by myself?

Surely in this world someone with a mounstrous power like me….

I do not understand this oversight of it.

Is it because we are in a frontier or do they think that they can’t go against the nobility?


“Come on. Don’t you understand your own situation? If you mind that … … You or anyone, can you destroy everything that you built?”

I stare at him with a serious expression.

Wearing all this accesories that make me look like a demon also has the side effect of raising my intimidation power.

Well I’ll would also be scared if I was stared at by such scary eyes.

However, even my patience has a limit.

“Well, I’ll say this as clearly as I can, how much are you going to pay me for your son’s life?”

” You little…”

I swing down my sword again, this time I target the upper body.

Even without using an ability  a considerably deep incision is made in armor.

Just because you dont instantly doesn’t mean that will you not die of bleeding if its left like this.

“So, how much?”

“I understand! I understand! 50 million lux!”

So the life of one person is worth 50 million.

If you live modestly 50 million is more than enough to live in this world .

Well anyway, I have no problems with that being the sum.

I look down to Rubel who is about to faint and whisper with contempt and pity.

“Your worth is 50 million lux, it’s a bargain price decided by your father. Yes, 50 years or so of living in poverty, that is your worth.”

“….Well…. ….I….”

“Isn’t that it good? You can now live modestly from now on, that suits you.”

Mental attack is fundamental for dealing the final blow.

“Referee. He is not able to surrender like this but he also can’t continue with the match, please make a decision.”

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“Kai wins!”

How embarrassing.




“I kept you waiting Rue, because of you this became a big deal “

“I’m sorry, I did not expect this to be such a fuss, I thought they were going to fight for a while, give up and then ran away and that would be it”

“It would have been great if that would have been the case, but it is the son of the lord, you really should have thought this through”

“……I’m sorry”

Ignoring all the guilds’ complains I went to the arena with Rue, she will heal the people who got hurt with her area of effect magic.

Originally this was a specialty of Rue.

You cannot become a Holy Knight without making it to the highest levels of healing as a Priest. However, it seems that 3 have only had their wounds heal to a minimum compared to everyone else.

“Well then, shall we go to the Lord’s mansion?”




As expected, I will not make big appearances as the match is over, I will just confirm that he is scared.

As for me, I had to go to his mansion.

Are there no banks in this world?

As for the audience they seem completely scared because of how unforgiving I was during the match and while negotiating with the Lord.

However, we receive a great welcome from the guild and the people affiliated to it, who belonged to the guild, as for the officials they had a complicated expression.

Well, it seems that the guild decided to report this whole matter to both his and the Lord higher-ups, he owned up to the fact that he lost control of the situation and ended up resigning as a result.

“But 50 million, that’s amazing Kai-kun, You have instantly exceeded my earnings”

” I think I can probably make more. There is a lot of salt here, if you think about travelling and transportation, the demand for preserved meals has to be very high so the value of salt also ends up being high right?”

“I guess but I am not sure, but certainly everyone said that the cuisine in this city is more delicious than in other cities.”

“It’s like that after, even if this is such a remote frontier if you go to a bigger city the taste will not change very much.”

Whatever, Rue gets many spices and herbs than can be used as seasoning as part of her “tribute” .

As soon as I got the 50 million and I safely stored it in the item box.

Then, the money shown the menu screen changed from the unit of the game era to the lux used in this era.

So what happened to the old money ?

Well I guess I can not use it now.

It’s like this that all the commotion came to an end this time.

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