Himajin, Maou no Sugata de Isekai e Tokidoki Cheat na burari Tabi chapter 9

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After that went down me and Rue were invited by the Guild Master to his office so he could explain more about the situation.

“Rubel-dono is the third son of the Lord that rules the territory around this town and the salt lake, while the guild doesn’t belong to any one country since this is the the frontier I can’t really oposse him too much or it could become problematic for us”

“What kind of person is the Lord himself?”

“The Lord is…you could say an old fashioned aristocrat”

Aye, so a nobleman

“So, you are in charge of the guild here where his family rules the land but don’t you have superiors that you can talk to?”

“You see, until now there really haven’t been any problems.”

That’s convenient, Are you that worried about your superiors evaluation of you?

I wonder if he is just a hired manager?

Well that doesn’t matter.

“I case of emergency the guild can make a request mandatory for it’s members but, everyone just accepts that because in normal times the guild protects and helps them in return”

“…I agree”

“We both came to this town and it hasn’t been long but our registration with the guild was approved, so the proper response to this would be….”

“Kai-kun, it’s fine already. Better than that, I’ll take care of all the preparions for the battle, you are not trying to go back on your word are you ?”

There are still a lot of things I’d like to say  but, I guess there is no helping it.

Although it’s forbidden for guild members to fight each other there seems to be an exception if you do the procedure for it via the guild, under the guild’s supervision.

It seems that a big venue is going to be used for the match, Why? If have to summarize it it’s something like “Don’t complain because if it’s treated as an spectacle a lot of money can be made”

It should be pointed that my opponent is the son of the Lord but there seems to be no problem with that.

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Once you are part of the guild, everything is your own responsibility. There will be no problems even if his parents try to get involved.

It seems that if they try something this time the headquarterswill be contacted, those are not in this frontier but in the center of this continent.

“So, what are the rules of the match?”

“First I want to confirm something, Rue-dono is not going to participate instead is going to be Kai-dono who will be in the match , there is no mistake about that right?”


“I think this time there match could end up being 3 vs 1 fight, do you still want to continue?”

“No problem”

The rules are going to be announced just before the match, so I’m going to the guild until this ends.


“Hey, are you alright?, did that spoiled brat do anything to you?”

“No, I’m fine, thanks.”

“Nee-san! Please depend on me whenever you want! I have to go out soon in an escort mission but I can leave that aside if you…”

“Thank you for worrying, but it’s okay.”

What’s this?

A lot of people approached when we were leaving the guild .

All of them were worried about Rue.

This is weird… We both have been here for the same time but I have not made any friends.

“Rue is really popular”

“Oh, While I was doing that request, as long as it didnt hinder our progress I was allowed to help other parties that we found struggling along the way”

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“A lot of them seem to be men, was that okay with Rubel?”

“Since we were only together when we were roking on the request, I was only able to make friends and hang out when I went to bars or restaurants”

Oh boo hoo.

Ever since I came to this town I’ve only been eating the meals at the inn. Apologize to me who has been working doing guild requests all day every day.

“Oh, and that person is….”

“He’s my companion, we’re not in a party right  now but he is my original partner”

“Nee-san’s ….”

I wanted to go unnoticed, but it seems that I’ve been noticed.

Everyone is staring at me.

“I’m Kaivon, I’m traveling with Rue”

“Is that true… No way… No…”

As a man I wanted to enjoy this sense of superiority for a while, but the reaction is different from what I thought. Is obvious that they are all scared.

Is it because I’m a demon? No, I am a human. By the way did I come to the guild looking like this the first day?

The crowd that had had gathered starts to disperse because of me.

In the end, one girl lowered his head saying “Please take care of Nee-san.”

But really,It’s amaazing what you have acomplished in just a few days Rue-san. Please share those social skills with me by any means.


Two days passed.

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Since Rue was going outside the inn and took care of meetings and all the necesary preparations I was to live without worries for that time.

Some people came to visit a few times but Rue just told them that “I am not going to go out until this whole situation is over.”

Words are amazing, They sound completely different depending on who says them.

She said “I cannot earn more money because what I have already earned has given me stomach ache”

Today is finally the day of the match.

Rue and I went to the army training grounds located outside the town.

It’s a large place used to prepare the troops that go on expeditions to subjugate large monsters, in addition to that is also sometimes used to host matches like this one.

Spectators’ seats were also prepared, there were people who were worried about Rue, a group that seemed to be nobles and public in general.

“Well then, since I am the prize, I will go to the special seats a bit, Kai-kun, I think you know what to do”

“Yes, I’ll lose on purpose”

“I’ll get really angry! Will I have to completely, thoroughly and utterly beat you to a pulp?”

I show a wry smile to the staff who was watching this exchange and then proceed to check the rules.

I read the rules written on the paper that was handed to me.

“Oh, so that’s why the guild master looked troubled, I was underestimating them”.


“Well Kai-dono, now that you know the rules, do you wish to forfeit the match?”

The rules are “Both participants can use all the power they have until one dies.”

The match that I thought was going to be 3 vs 1 has become something else because of this rule.

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Rubel’s group includes many mercenaries.

All of them will be my opponents this time.

“I see, it was going to be like this from the start”

“In this situtation, if it’s Rue-dono, it would be easy for her to handle on her own right?, that’s why…”

“Certainly, apparently you understand the extent of Rue’s power.”

“…Yes, honestly I was surprised because I thought she was a Magician but to think that she was already a Wizard….”

Magician, Sorcerer and Wizard

These are completely upward and backward compatible between them.

If you raise your proficiency as a Magician you can become a Sorcerer and finally at the pinnacle at the extreme end of progression you can finally become a Wizard.

It’s like the difference between those who can handle devils, those who can subdue devils and those who lead devils .

It is not surprising those can lead and lord over them are at the top.

In the same way Rue is at the top of magic.

Her main class is still that of a knight though.

“Surely the people organizing this did a lot of work but…. my feelings weren’t considered at all here”

“Are you feeling okay? I know that Kai-dono is her friend.”

“No, it’s okay, who came up with this rule?”

“The Lord”

“That’s good then”

Why? because now you have no right to complain.

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