Morning of the third day since I came to the town.

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Today I head to the guild early morning.

The owner of the hotel hands me a cup of milk and a vegetables pie every morning.

While eating them…

“Owner, has Rue left already?”

“Yeah, she went to the guild with the sunrise”

Yes, I worked separately from Rue.


I arrived at the guild and went to the reception as usual.

The receptionist is a young lady with a peach colored short cut hair from where sheep-like horns grew.

And as expected the button in the chest are unbuttoned so you can see the cleavage .

“Kai-san, Why are you in that human figure? Show off more”

“There are certain circumstances with that, please be patient with me”

Only equipped with the demonic eyes that can not be percieved by other people, I squint a little and focus my sight


“Afternoon …., Don’t be startled … um, ok, these two requests are for Kai-san”

From the second day I was working on sealing the demon king look but apparently it is difficult if not impossible to hide the horns, wings, etc. and that’s showing off.

Apparently, for female demons, wings, horns, and demonic eyes are proof fertility, they are a subject of longing.

And it is said that the number of the male demons is really small.                                      The proportion of men and women in the game era has no doubt cause this ……        Thanks to that I’m able to have this great sight every morning.

Well anyway, I’m in this demon girl’s care, she arranges requests for me.

Apparently it’s not like she has to do it but some receptionists do that for their favorite clients.

“Let me see   ‘Scout around Salt Dish’ and  ‘Collect the fat from a Glow Horse’ “

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“I understand”

Salt Dish is the salt lake and Glow Horse are the demonic horses that come to lick its salt.

It’s an enemy that was also around the forest where Rue lived and I can beat it without problems. I guess that there aren’t monsters that I cannot beat around here.

“…I want to know defeat”

“Did you say something?”


When I’m leaving the guild Rue is coming in.

However, we go pass each other while we pretend to ignore each other.

There are 3 unfamiliar guys with Rue, they follow behind her like a rope.

Well … OK, let’s go.

When I’m leaving the town I talk with the gatekeeper about the request and ask about the patrol.Apparently it seems that they already have several people all following the instructions of the gatekeeper.

The plan is to go straight ahead to the salt lake and come around in a clockwise direction to the town. In addition, when asked about Glow Horse, it seems some were seen around yesterday. It seems that I will be able to do both requests at the same time.

While walking along the highway I look over the sparse meadows spreading to the left and right. Is grass dificult to grow because of the type of soil? It’s near the salt lake so that must have something to do with it.

… … This is peaceful.

Even if you look around, there are no monsters or anything else, so let’s go to the salt lake with a little running.

I finish the request like that.

On the opposite side of the salt lake I show the proof that you received the request at the hut on the side of the forest where we got out , after the procedure I leave the hut.              If you don’t that procedure here it will be assumed that you skipped the patrol.

Due to making my weapon skills all speed focused I was able to finish this request very quickly.

By the way I got plenty of Glow Horse fat from five of them along the way. It’s packed in a cooler-like box that I got from the guild and that’s stored in the item box.                        Now that I think about it, even if you take things out of the Rue’s bag, wouldn’t there be no problem if you then put them in the item box?

I returned to the guild before dusk and then decided to return to the inn as soon as I finished reporting.

“Kai-kun! I don’t want to do this anymore !!!”

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“Hahaha, do your best in the next two days.”

As soon as I got back to my room, Rue jumped at me crying.

Yeah yeah, after all she had to stay and didn’t go out.

To begin with, why is this happening?

“No, It’s impossible to cancel because the reward will be void”

“Obviously it’s the client who plays the bottom of heart.”

She had a certain request on the second day.

“Companion to the Ice Fog forest (female magician)”

That was not for party recruitment but to have money and get people to come.

The reward is exceptional as 150,000 lux in three days, it is equal to the monthly accommodation cost of me and Rue.

However, there are unexpected pitfalls.

“Why can’t I talk to Kai-kun or any other guy?”

“That’s right, I want to monopolize … I want to make you my own exclusive woman magician.”

“… … if you break a contract or try to do something to me it will be no reward”

“At that time, that’s it, kill all the guild even if they turn it into enemies.”

Thos are my favorite words.


But, well, this story is develops as expected.

Do you say that the template that did not happen at the guild on the first day came late? Sure enough –

“With us, she can use her power at 100%, even 120%, and a someone like her is right for me.”

“Rubel-sama has succeeded in the suppression of Little Fenrir in the Ice Fog forest.      Rue- sama’s magic and Rubel-sama’s sword skill were as if they were a married couple who had been together for many many years”

“Nee-san is better with us, what if we introduce you to a new magician?”

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A man that wears a wastefully lavishly decorated armor, an elderly man wearing a deep blue robe and a big skinhead spearman with brown skin. In the last day of Rue’s request these three are in front of the inn to pick her up whenever she comes back.

Right, it’s a promise.

“Sleeep talking, Ruie is probably in the guild, let him pass.”

“Did you not hear the story? We are her -”

I’m glad I was not 17 years old! Until ago, 17 years old was the subject of fear!

It is already ten years ago …. I do not remember when I was able to say “I’m 17 years old” or so. I can not move indeed thinking about the disadvantages that would happen if  I said “killing”. But things that are not fun if they aren’t interesting, and of course it is a place I’d like you to return some sense of mind.

“Let her judge. If she decides to follow you guys that’s okay, or are you going to take her even if she does not want it?”

“…OK, that will be good”

I pulled aside. I wonder if it’s pride for once? Or do they have secret measures?

Shouldn’t it be useless even if you cheat ?

“Then,since I’m before the son of a lord, so let’s go for a formal attire”

“Hmm, atleast you understand the minimum courtesy…”

I change my equipment in front of them to something I call the complete Demon King Look. 

It seems that they were surprised, but that was it. Funny, even though the people in the guild were all alarmed.




Arriving at the guild , I was able to find Rue immediately. She was talking with a middle aged man in a corner of the lobby.

“So, please go to the reception room … ….”

“I refuse, what is the reason to have go there? If you say that it is the authority of the guild, I’ll leave immediately.”

“Hey, it’s not gentle Ryue, what’s wrong?”

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“Mum, Kai-kun, you came … you guys, why are you with Kai-kun?”

When I talked to her to break her from that conversation, the moment she saw me her face turned into a smile but when she saw behind me it returned to expressionlessness like a Noh mask (TN: like this)

“Rue, these three people have said that they want you to join them indefinitely, is Rue going to do that?”

“I guess that’s not the case, today I have finished the contract, I was held in control of this guild, I was in trouble”

The lord’s son seems to have more power than the guild. I do not even know where or who this organization belongs to in the first place, and now I am really curious. To be used by the son of a lord….

“Well, you heard what Rue said, stop being involved with us anymore”

“And you too Guild Master, you were only talking to her to make time until they returned,”

“… … Well, I’m sorry, Rubel, I can not hold back anymore than this, so once you have made the contract done through the guild, that’s it.”

“Ku … … then the contract is extended! Three days left! Remuneration double, 300 thousand lux!”

Overturning and taking over as you desire. It is not the way to popularity.

It’s that it?, Is not power, Saying that we are balancing or socializing, that just complicates things so don’t complain anymore.

In the past there was a bad in-law man like that. The age was …. I do not know because a foreigner’s age can’t be telled at a glance, but probably less than 20.

“An extension? … If Rue-dono accepts … …”

“Oh, of course I will refuse to accept it because I already earned enough.”

“Wow! 400,000! How about 400,000!”

I guess he grew up being spoiled.

Okay Rue-san be sure to clearly refuse. I try to tell her that with my eyes but…

I forgot.

This…is a bit stupid

I do not know if I misunderstood and why I came up with such an idea, but she proudly said something like this

“Can’t be helped then, let’s become companions if you can beat Kai-kun here”

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