Himajin, Maou no Sugata de Isekai e Tokidoki Cheat na burari Tabi chapter 7

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“Fuu… Kai-kun, this is the guild!”

“After all that group of people were going to red-light district weren’t they?”

“Uhmm, hehehe”

After all, I had to ask people around and this is the place I ended up in.

The big sign on the top says Saltberg General Guild

The building itself looks like a saloon you would see in a western movie, the people inside aren’t just fighteers and mercenary looking people but also the general populace.

“Let’s make a prediction here Rue”

“Uh? Why all of a sudden?”

“First I register on the guild, then bad guys that were hiding behind the scenes approach me

“Ho, then what?”

The Template (TN: This is in english)

“Then, keep an eye out Rue, I’m forced to part ways”

“Hmm, that is not fun, let’s take it back.”

“No, no, that’s my role, so why do not you go out”

When entering the guild, because there were so many visitors no one was looking our way.

But there is tension in the air.


“Two pairs of wings,and.. they are jet black”

“Higher demon?! Why in this faraway place?”

“Wait… there are also horns.”

Are demons hated or something like that?

I’m in my full usual set because it’s my formal attire

“Golden goat horns… Golden is the is the color of those connected to the royal family”

“I’ve never heard of twin wings and horns existing at the same time,”

The noise spreads.

This is different from what I expected!

“Kai-kun, let’s go to the reception”

“Oh, ah.”

Rue does things at her own pace.

As I headed for the reception, the officials are getting really nervous, even a woman with sheep-like horns seems flustered, she is squirming behind.

Well, there it’s nothing I can do now.

“I would like to register for this guild”

“Yes, please fill in your name and the rest is optional.”

In the paper I’m given information like name, age, race, birthplace, feats and other remarks on battle could be written.

For the time being though…

“Good, this is in japanese”

“Japanese?, its in the common language, what is japanese?”

“No, nothing”

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Anyway, name, race and combat information

“Mr. Kaivon, race…  Um, is not recommended to have false information in your application”.

“So it’s not forbidden? Anyway I’ve not written any lies”

“Certainly, sir, so your special battle skill is, eh, cuisine?”

“Oh, You can do anything with magic and weapons and are good with swords in general.”

It’s not a lie! I’m really human!

Also, in my actual status…

【Name】           Kaivon

【Race】             Human (?)

【Classes】       Depriving Swordsman,  Gladiator

【Level】            399

【Title】             Fake Demon King

              One who made God cry

           Dragon King Slayer


【Weapons】    Depriving Sword Brandt

【Head】           None (El Capricorn) (Pains Persona) (Crimson Demonic Eyes)

【Body】    Black Emperor Gold-Threaded Mantle: Polymerized Armor Synthesis version                       by Guunya♪ ♪            (Elder Wings)

【Arms】 Gloves of Longing and Despair

【Legs】 Black Emperor Gold-Threaded Mantle: Polymerized Armor Synthesis version                       Lower Body  by Guunya♪ ♪

【Player Skills】 Dark Magic, Ice Magic, Flame Magic                                                                             Swordsmanship, Long Sword, Great Sword, Deprivation                                       Hand-to-Hand Fighting

【Weapon skills】

『Extreme vitality enhancement』

『Rights of The Usurper (Fighter)』

 『Rights of The Usurper (Dragon)』

『Rights of The Usurper (Sword)』

『Presence Detection』

『Area of Effect Healing』

『Good Luck』

『Money Acquisition x2』

It seems that Mr Status is working just fine.

Why is my race in question form!? You don’t have to do that kind of work, I don’t need it!

Player Skills has the magic that I have learned in this world. I’m satisfied.

I thought that Magician was going to be added to Classes but it’s justDepriving Swordsman and Gladiator like in the game era.

Gladiator as a subclass just raises attack power but it’s the biggest bonus so much that it increases your ability in hand-to-hand and with weapons.

It’s the default for a swordsman class to be the main and gladiator to be a sub, it’s the eternal bridesmaid of classes.

In Weapon Skills I put skill that I thought were convenient for travelling.

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I you have those you will never feel tired, I did a great job!

Okay, thinking about it, how is it that Status is working correctly?

That’s a system from the game era but doesn’t matter how much I think about it or other mysteries like why I’m here the answer will not appear.

But still I can’t just live on and forget about everything.

I spent a year in that forest, the values ​​learned in the civilized society, and my hometown in the original world are diminishing.                                                                                              I can’t put my feelings in order but still I will do my best to live here  because…

“Say Kai-kun, /What should I do!?  How old am I?”

“Put something that makes sense, something suitable”

I have a cute friend, a daughter and a teacher by my side.


I don’t know if everything is okay but Rue and I were able to register with the guild.

Well, in the case of Rue she just updated her card to the style of this city, no, this continent.

Whatever it is we can now earn money,but before I do any job there is something I need to do first…

“Hey, you can’t be depressed forever Rue”

“sob… A man would never understand… The sadness of having to confront your age”

“Well,  I guess I am not living 1022 years, so I do not know.”

“I hate you!”

Apparently having to confront your age is hard.

It is taboo to tease a woman with their age.

But I thought you would not do it because it was taboo!

“Is that so?… I’m hated?”

I will retract.

The plan is to create confusion.

“Oh, no its a different kind of dislike so don’t look at me like that”


“Did you say something?”

I’m worried as a father that she is being deceived by a bad man.

Being deceived by a man who looks evil right now (Demon King look).

We exit the guild normally without dallying around, I mean I’m not in the mood to look around right now. The sun is still up in the sky, there is still plenty of time to do things in the day.

“We first need to find, we have to find an inn”

“Oh, that’s right, are you planning to stay in this town for a while with a long-term contract?”

“Oh, I don’t know what request I’m going to do for the guild, but Rue does not know the current situation in the world, so is not it good to spend a little time here?”

“We certainly have enough money to afford staying here for a while, I need to learn the basics well here to earn money”

What? But why does Rue have money from this age?

Indeed it is unlikely for the monetary value and coin standard to not change for hundreds of years.

Were you in that storehouse? I wonder where is that being sent from?

“Professor Rue I have some questions”

“What is it Kai-kun? If it’s about the three sizes you can find out later by touch”

“Oh yeah, next time. So, from a little while ago I’ve noticed that you have been paying with money for this era, Rue, is that also from the storehouse?”

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“That’s right, it’s not like it’s a tremendous amount wealth, But I wonder how much is there?”

“I’ve been curious before but now I really want you to tell me what’s with that storehouse”

I used to asked that same question when I lived there before.

I was only told that is a tribute, but what kind of thing is it, who is sending it?

“I wonder if it’s okay to tell you now, well rather than being a tribute its a ‘Gift’ ”

“…Rue, I don’t remember raising a daughter to be that rotten”

“That’s weird, I don’t remember being raised. Okay, it’s a sacrifice, an offering to me”

“Don’t hesitate to go to the next life”

“Would you hear until the end?”

Was that small banter not good? A sharp kick cleanly hits my little guy.

It’s an attack with great dexterity without even changing facial expression

Why is it that it hurts even though there is no damage?

“For one, it was treated as a sacrifice, I guess it remains as a tradition among elves, it has spread and it is now sent from all over the world.”

“What, then, is it the object of faith? It was that it was useful for life by using it well”

‘I think that the mechanism was created by some of the elves that left me there…. Probably, I wonder if it was meant to be a crime ‘

Elves, I have not forgiven all of it, but thank you.

I was able to use fresh ingredients everyday.


While strolling around the city, Rue will started going ahead again and again while following people who look like travelers.

As a result, we arrived at a spectacular inn this time.

I wonder if she will just follow around people that she doesn’t know and get lost.

“Why are you looking at me like I’m a child”

“Don’t worry about it”

The inn we arrived at is a big three-storey one.

If you look around, you can see many buildings with signboards in the shape of a bed and a blanket, you can tell that the inns are concentrated around this area.

Rather than that, it seems that the development of this city is proceeding unexpectedly.

The existence of a telegraph pole and obviously its modern facilities clustered densely by type.

It looks like the kingdom of certain mouse (TN: Disney)

“I look out-of-place, do you think I should change how I look?”

“I wish I could stay as long as I was in this town, shouldn’t you have removed it from the beginning?”

“Hey, actually my ability increases considerably with this set.”

Yes, somehow the accessory set rather than the accessories by themselves.

Wings, corners, eyes, and masks were supposed to be only cosmetic, it shows in the status just like in the game era.

However, even if you remove them, the level seems to be quite high.

It’s kind of like a racer driving a race car compared to driving a normal car.(TN: Thanks gumtreeblossom! )

That’s the difference.

It’s a subtle example though.

“Hmm, then that’s it, let me think about an interesting use of it.”

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“I’m listening”

“Kai-kun is someone who lives as an ordinary person first, but when there is a crisis in the city!”


This is a similar from the prediction we were doing before going into the guild earlier .

“Kai-kun hurts his knee, moves behind the scenes in the town, and then Kai-kun who is now in the form of the demon king prepared to be known by the inhabitants of the city!”

“… ….”

“Using Kaivon’s original power, Kai-kun safely protects the city “

“Yes Yes Yes Template Template” (TN: He says the template in english)

“What’s that”

Well where to get in from?

“First of all, who is the demon king?, who is it?, and this identity is that of a human, isn’t it?”

“Well, I don’t dislike that look, but please leave it off before we enter the inn.”


It is because clothes, or this equipment it would be weird to release with just one touch,  after entering the inn.

Although it can be done in a moment when equipped, it is slightly inconvenient.

Once we confirm that there are no people around,I unlock the “Maou set ()” handled as an accessory.


“I’m sorry, I would like to take a room for a long time”

“Okay, I will attend you “

I enter the inn, and speak to the receptionist.

If I don’t have the accessories on, people’s reactions are also normal.

“First of all, what would be the price if you stay for two months in two rooms ?”

“Um … … two rooms, breakfast and nearby bathroom discount will be followed and it will be 180,000 lux a month”

Is 1 lux about 1 yen? If you think so, it is cheap , whether it is 3000 yen per person per night or more.

The question is whether Rue can pay that price –

“Slightly better, how much would you be if you were one room for two?”

“That would be 150000 lux, as it is 5000 lux per night in a room for two people.”

“Well then may I ask for it?”

“Hey Rue-san wait”

“What is it Kai-kun?”

What a strange look .

Temporarily young (appearance) men and women. He is a healthy boy with the hunger of a thirty year old.

“Do you know the word of chastity?”

“If I compare it, it is a delicious fruit in the forest.”

“Do you want me to eat freely?”

“Or haven’t we lived in the same house for a year now?”

Oh, is that so?

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