Himajin Maou Isekai Chapter 02

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Translator: Silver

「Chapter Two」

A little fantasy.

The shock halted all rational thought for a moment.

Why? At first, I was amazed to learn that one of my characters was moving on their own, but then I remembered that there wasn’t a monitor between us. The person in front of me was a living being.

Perhaps, this wasn’t the game world.

I don’t remember giving her a surname.

However, she introduced herself as 『Rue Semiere』.

I doubted that this was a coincidence.

“My name is……”

How should I identify myself?

Should I introduce myself as 『Nishikida Yoshiki』, or would using 『Kaivon』be more appropriate?

My name wasn’t listed when I checked my status screen. At the moment, it was still undetermined.

It’s possible that what I choose to introduce myself as would be reflected on the screen.

However, I had a strange feeling that using my actual name with this body would be wrong somehow.

“My name is Kaivon. Please call me Kai.”


Her expression clouded over for some reason.

“Well, Kai, what do you intend to do now?”

“Although I would like to learn what kind of place this world is, I still need to get accustomed to this body.”

“Hmm, then how about you stay here then. You won’t be able to leave this place without a certain degree of strength.”


Apparently, there was a protective barrier around the area that only the strong could pass through.

She didn’t know the exact parameters, but it took a week to reach the boundary on foot.

We were currently at the center of the barrier.

“I have my own reasons for not leaving this area. Therefore I won’t be capable of protecting you outside.”

“That’s…… Is that alright? I’m a man, after all, there might be a problem with a man and a woman living under the same roof.”

“Hmm, when did I say I was alone?”

…… was she married? Or was she already living with another man? Why wouldn’t I be interested in the life of someone that appeared to be my lovely character?

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As a father, I won’t permit it.

“Oh, someone else lives here?”

“No, I live alone, but…:


“I’m just testing you. Well, it’ll take a great deal of effort on your part to do something to me.”


She lived in a dangerous area by herself, I guess I’d be reduced to dust if I tried anything funny.


That’s how our last two weeks of living together began.

Hmm? What about the half a year standard? I wasn’t so indifferent to life her that such an extended period of time could pass over the course of a single sentence.

To be frank, I was met with new surprises every day. In a variety of ways.

“Mmm…… Kai-kun, why didn’t you wake me up?”

“You said ‘Another two hours’ when I tried waking you a little while ago.”

“I don’t remember that…… what are you making today?”

We’ve become quite familiar with one another over the last two weeks.

Although that familiarity could have been one-sided on my part, since she rarely had the chance, she was all too eager to talk to someone.

Thanks to that, we regularly settled into a relaxed tone.

She rubbed the tiredness from her eyes and approached me with an excited expression.

It was hard to find a place to look because she tended to sleep in the nude or only wore thin nightgowns.

Well, every day of the past few weeks had been a treasure.

A particular folder in my brain would be reaching the terabyte mark soon.

It was okay, she wasn’t that much younger than me. What would you do if you were in my position?

I’m still young too, you know.

“Today, I tried to pickle the fish fillets from the warehouse. It’ll be delicious once you bake it immediately, but I’m preserving some of it for later.”

“Oh, I can still have a decent meal when you’re gone.”

“Well, I want you to have a proper meal when I’m gone.”

“……That’s right.”

I wasn’t a master chief or anything, but even I was capable of cooking a few masculine dishes.

I was limited to things like『Baking with Salt』or 『Boiling with Soup』.

The “Warehouse” had an abundance of seasoning and ingredients, but it mainly contained miscellaneous items and dangerous weapons.

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In any case, an item’s freshness is maintained indefinitely within the warehouse.

It was such a strange place.

When I first visited the place, it’d been like stepping into a large shopping mall.

Everything inside the place was automatically replenished. However, the supplies seemed to arrive at random intervals.

『Something like a tribute』was the only explanation as to how it all worked.

“Today is fish…… I think it’s salmon, but I’d like to sauté it and add a side of potato potage and garlic toast.”

“Mu, I think rice would be better.”

“Won’t bread match this dish? Maybe you just don’t like bread, Rue.”

“Is that what it is? My jaw just gets tired whenever we have that.”

I understand, its a baguette after all.

Your jaw shouldn’t hurt if you thinly slice it and soak it in the soap.

Before, she merely took bits out of the bread in a mannish manner.

No No. you have to cut it first.


“So crispy and delicious. That warehouse is quite convenient.”

“Don’t you have a grasp of your own warehouse?”

I found a fire-less sandwich grill in the warehouse, so I decided to test it out.

There were other unusual items and cooking utensils from my world in the warehouse that I couldn’t wait to try.

I like cooking, but I loved trying out new implements and novelty items more.

“Well, that thing was simply given to me, and I decided to keep it. Its some advanced type of magical tool.”

“How long have you been here, Rue?”

“Well…… I don’t really remember anymore. The best I can say is long enough for a type of animal to go extent.”

“That’s an enormous amount of time.”

She was a ridiculously old grandmother.

Though she still passed from a petite teenager.

After we finished eating, Rue, regrettably changed into her unusual robe.

Even though the fireplace kept the house warm, she insisted on wearing it.

Was it just that comfortable?

{Pat Pat}

“Hey! What are you doing?”

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“No, because you always wear those, I wonder what they felt like.”

“Oh, it’s a magic item that increases mana recovery.”

“Huh? Are you using that much mana?”

“Consider it a maiden’s secret.”

Did it have anything to do with how she maintained her youth?

I might as mention what little I’ve learned about magic too.

Things that had been possible in the game weren’t possible here.

While my physical abilities have risen along with my new body, the last two weeks of fruitless effort, revealed that it was impossible to use my skills as I had done in the game.

Sadly, all I learned was that my default combat setting was that demon king appearance.

Every time I engaged in combat, my appearance would immediately change to that form.

Now let’s have a discussion about magic.


“What is it? Why so abrupt?”

“Is it possible for me to use magic?”


Was that the “It’s impossible for you to use magic” reaction?

No, what kind of position did magic have in this world?

Was it apart of everyday life, or was it something only a select few could use?

“That’s right, Kai-kun is a human. Learning magic for self-defense is fine, but I thought you wouldn’t need it since you’re a swordsman.”

“Is ‘swordsmanship’ the rarer option?”

“The physical demands of only fighting with a sword is beyond what a commoner can handle…… Well, it was that way when I was last out in the world.”

Her self-confidence was rather low.

“Okay, since it’s still cold outside, let’s practice some simple magic in here.”

Rue left and returned with a cup of water and some tissue paper.

……Had I done something to offend her?

Shouldn’t there be a dedicated tool or practice wand?

“It’s a common practice, but I will be instructing you in my magic of expertise.”

“That would be ice magic, right? Even though you’re sensitive to the cold?”

I still was sure yet, but the Rue I created had been built around ice magic.

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For now, I cast that thought aside and focused on her explanation.

“First, soak a piece of paper in the water.”

“Is this regular water and paper?”

“Yes. Then, try to pour your magic into the piece of paper.”

“I don’t understand the flow of magic.”

“Its a feeling that’s hard to teach. For now, focus on you’re breathing and allow everything to flow naturally.”

Even if you say that I wasn’t suddenly gonna get the hang of things.

I’m a person that can’t learn how to work without an overly-detailed explanation.

But a bit of reputation would go a long way to help me learn a new skill.

In fact, with the help of the neighborhood wat――

“Kay-kun, you have to concentrate.”


For the time being, I controlled my breathing and tried to push an invisible force onto the wet piece of paper.

The paper slightly stiffened.

“Oh? Is this mana?”

“Yes, that’s it, From here, the mana’s elemental attribute will change following your will.”

The damp piece of paper in Rue’s hand gradually began to freeze over.

With a flick of her wrist, the paper shattered in her hands.

“It was completely frozen. The water wasn’t necessary, it just made it easier for the paper to absorb the mana.”

“Ah, so the focus should be on the paper?”

This really was an exercise for beginners.


“Oh? Rue, I think I got it.”

“Let’s see……”

After an hour of trial and error attempts, the paper finally froze.

Trying to conceptualize the movement of water molecules and or the mana itself getting cold hadn’t worked, but envisioning heat dispersal did the trick.

Imagining the mana and water robbing the paper of its heat at an accelerated right produced the desired result.

Rue declared it a success after snapping the ice crystal in her hand.

“Alright, you can be taught after all. However, you can’t be so wasteful with your mana,”

“Ah, sorry. I’ll try to improve later.”

Hmm, was it possible to apply magic to something?

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