「Chapter 03」

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Author’s Note: We’ll push forward a little bit.

Hmm, what should we have for lunch today?

At the moment, magic training had been put on hold because Rue had left out, so I was currently in the kitchen.

I had free rein of the warehouse, but the number of options on hand made it difficult to decide.

“Although it isn’t a refrigerator, the cold items remain chilled…… but, where is the meat…”

There was a steep learning curve involved with traversing this place.

I suffered a phantom case of heartburn when I came across a massive slab of meat.

The sheer size of the slab as worrisome, but what type of animal did this meat come from.

We’ve just been eating chicken-like meat for the last couple of weeks.

“Let have bread for lunch.”

Personally, I was in the mood for bread or noodles.

Also, I wanted to see if I could unitize the magic from before, so I quickly gathered the necessary items and left.


“You there, Kai-kun. I’m back from my trip.”

“Welcome back, sandwiches okay for lunch?”

“Oh, is these bread soft? I don’t like hard games, but this is good.”

I used the previously sliced chicken-like meat, lettuce, tomato-like vegetables, and my homemade mayonnaise to make the sandwiches.

I was happy that the mayonnaise didn’t turn out too greasy after I used various types of vinegar to emulsify it.

In any case, it was a tasty mayo with a variety of uses.

“As usual, Kai-kun’s white sauce is delicious.”

“It’s just mayonnaise. It’s made from items stored in the warehouse.”

“I didn’t know that. No, it because I never really gave the warehouse much thought.”

Though I remained calm on the surface, my son became a little restless.

A young lady shouldn’t say such things with a smile.

“By the way, I also made a little dessert. Do you want to try it ?”

“Hmm? Sweets? Is that made from the seasonal fruit in the warehouse?”

I’d made a large quantity of it, so I scooped up a small portion for Rue.

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A little while ago, I mixed egg yolk with some kind of milk (probably milk) and sugar and slowly boiled the concoction.

After moving the concoction into a pot, I used my magic to freeze it.

Thanks to the air-pockets, the concoction became and air-rich pudding.

I wanted to taste it beforehand, but it was meant to be a dessert.

The fruit Rue had mentioned had been crushed, mixed with sugar, and boiled into a syrup.

Though there was a lot of corner-cutting involved, I’d made a sweet chilled dessert.

“Yeah. It may be cold out, but eating it inside should be fine.”

“Hmm, what is this?”

“Try some first.”

She timidly drizzled the syrup over the bread pudding ( she didn’t even notice her unsteady hand) and brought a spoonful of ice cream to her lips.

I’d used a pear-like fruit this time.

I thought its soft flesh would make it quicker to prepare the syrup.

So, how will she react?

“It’s cold but tasty. It’s sweet even as it melts in my mouth.”

“It’s a simple treat to make.”

“I like it. Came we have some after dinner, too?”

Despite her seeming indifference, she counited scooping pudding into her mouth.

It was a success.


The next day, since the temperature rose slightly, we practiced magic outside.

However, the content of the lesson was the same as yesterday, but the target was the ground instead of a piece of paper.

“I was surprised when you told me how you made yesterday’s dessert, but since you can already freeze things denser than water, we’ll be skipping ahead a few steps in your training.”

“I see. By the way, I also diluted the sauce and froze today’s portion of ice cream.”

“Okay, let’s stop training for today.”


There were ways to mimic a freezer, but the texture of the breading so I made it the same way as before.

Today’s pudding was fruit-based, so I made it using baguettes instead of white bread,

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“It can’t be helped…… Now, let the mana flow through your feet and freeze the ground beneath them.”

“Such a half-hearted explanation! Where are you going?”

“To eat a slightly early lunch.”

No matter what world you’re in, women seemed to love sweets.

“Well, it’s going.”

The ground at my feet was slightly frozen.

When I dug up the topsoil, I found a beautifully formed frost column.

Perhaps this was the first step in creating the enormous icicle that Rue had used to kill the snake back then.

The goal was so far away……


Thus, I lived with her from January to January.

Eventually, through the use of magic, I became capable of killing the small dog-sized monsters in the surrounding area.

Of course, they were easily bested with I used my sword.

Rue gradually taught me about the monsters of this forest, new magic, and other attributes of combat.

The white snow piling up marked the shift to winter.

“There’s no irregularity in your mana flow, just aim.”

“Then, I’ll go for its head.”

A fireball shot out from my outstretched hand and flew towards my enemy.

My fated enemy was a giant serpent similar to the one I first encountered.

Wither its metabolism had slowed, or it was merely caught off guard, the snake’s movements were sluggish.

Even though the snake recognized the danger, it couldn’t dodge the flames.

“Hit. Is its head missing?”

“…… It is. Perhaps you have an affinity for fire magic, Kai-kun. You can warm me up when it gets cold at night.”

So my magic was a heater substitute?

“However, you’re amazing Kai-kun. Your skills seemed to lay in the sword, so I never imagined you could learn magic so quickly.”

“Is it really that impressive?”

“It’s difficult for me to use chant-less magic, or at least invoking the spell’s name. It’s like firing an arrow without drawing the bow.”

“That isn’t impossible though.”

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“But the arrow is more likely to miss isn’t it?”

“So it’s possible for chant-less magic to fail?”

The analogy wasn’t the best, but I got the gest of it. In other words, I was great.

“The intensity of those flames were impressive. Did the head evaporate before it could even burn? The more intense the flame, the hotter they are.”

“Also, your flames had a yellowish tint to them.”

“Does that color relate to its temperature? I’m ignorant of ice and fire classifications.”

“I don’t understand it well, but blue flames are incredibly hot.”

“Blue? I needed to practice my fire magic.”

Was she so proficient in Ice magic because she liked the color blue?

That reminded me…… all of Rue’s clothes and equipment were either white or blue.

Was she influenced by that?

Based on what I’ve seen, that certain aspects of『Grandia Seed』 had mapped itself unto this other world. This “Rue” had been influenced by the parameters of my Rue.

Although she had access to game systems, Rue was a person born of this world.

It was easier to accept this a fact rather than endlessly pondering over difficult things.

“Kai-kun! Even though flames came out, their not blue!”

I couldn’t help but grin when I heard her frustrated cry.


As the snow began to melt, I realized that I’d mastered ice and fire magic to a satisfactorily standard.

I wondered what would happen if I combined the two magic.

Umm, I’d probably just create water.

So, I decided to learn a third magic attribute.

“Kai-kun, why don’t you just give up? Although, it would suit your appearance.”

“No, refuse to quit, I already look like a demon king anyway.”

“But, I don’t know anything about ‘dark magic’. According to the book, it’s a semi-solid mass.”

Are you okay with that?”

The man can develop chuunibyou at any age.

I had developed the demon king strain of the disease.

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“Even though darkness has no substance, it’s still a natural phenomenon.”

Once you shut off the light, you were enveloped by it.

In other words, dark magic should deal with the removal of light.

But, why did it become solid?

Do you mix it in water to――

“Let’s give it a try.”

I visualized combining darkness with ice magic.

A died stop suddenly interrupted the flow of my mana.

I needed to manipulate the mana with a more delicate touch.

“Waa? Kai-kun you did it!”


I’d closed my eyes to concentrate, so when I opened them, I saw I was holding a wriggling black lump in my hands.

It felt as if I was holding partially frozen black water.

“Then this is…… dark magic.”

“You can really use dark magic.”

So does dark magic only manifest when I mixed it with other magic attributes?

Maybe, I could do that then?

I switched to fire magic to perform a little experiment.

“OHHHHH! Black fire!”

“Ohh!? …… it’s not hot.”

“Eh, really?”

…… Did fire without heat have any value?

It was easier to manipulate the flames than the ice, maybe I could blanket an entire area with it?

Also, if the fire had no heat, I could take advantage of nighttime darkness…… to stealthily burn through oxygen?

“Rue, this is unexpectedly atrocious magic.”

“It’s a coincidence Kai-kun, that’s what I think. Let’s just shelve this for later.”

I don’t want to imagine a situation where I would have to use such magic.

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