Translator: Silver

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「Chapter 023」

The town was smaller than Maine Valley or Saltberg, and the fence surrounding it was relatively short. There was only one guard stationed at the main gate.

However, as a rest stop on a major trade route, there were a conspicuous number of inns and shops.

“Kaivon-dono, escorts can stay at the same inn as us for free, but what do you plan to do?”

“Wait a minute, I’ll consult with my companion.”

I walked over and called out to Rue, who was still sitting in the carriage.

“Rue, can I borrow you for a minute?”

“What’s wrong Kai-kun, did something come up? Hold on, I’ll be right out.”

As soon as I called her, Rue practically leaped out of the carriage.

We walked away from the group and made sure no one was around before she started talking.

“Finally. That merchant seems to be pretty fond of women, doesn’t he? I was fine, but he keeps touching the female knight that was riding with us.”

“I-I see.”

Sorry, I heard everything.

That knight had a silky voice.

“So, what do you want?”

“Oh, what should we do about an inn? As escorts, we can stay in the same inn as their party for free.”

“Hmm, I am kind of tired. I’d like to stay in another inn with Kai-kun if I could.”

“I thought you would say that. Well, that’s that.”

We returned to the carriage and told everyone that we’d be using a different inn.

The knight that seemed to be the leader offered us a knowing smile.

……You’re having a hard time, mainly concerning the female knights.

“What, Rue-dono is going to another inn? Then you should get a room in the luxury inn where I’m staying.”

“Thank you for the offer. However, I have something to talk about with my friend, so I’ll have to decline.”


The merchant’s glare landed on me.

He reminded me of Oink’s former appearance.

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In short, he was a pig.

This was a real capitalist pig.

“Well, if you like, you can lodge in the same inn, right?”

“……That’s not necessary.”

Don’t you know that owning a black guild card is equivalent to being a minor aristocrat?

Or is the royal family’s purveyor superior to the nobility?

“Then, excuse us. Rue, let’s go.”

“Right. Kai-kun, shill we grab a little something to eat?”

Rue rubbed her stomach to emphasize what she wanted.

I also copied her behavior and whispered in a slightly easier-to-hear tone.

“I suppose I could eat.”

“So, what are you in the mood for?”

Despite missed my meaning, Rue and I departed in a hurry.

When I looked back, I saw the merchant staring with a red face.

Well, if you’re in such a bad mood, how about you fire me?

“Jeez. I hate those with obvious ulterior motives.”

“I think you’re releasing a pheromone that attracts stupid men, Rue.”

“N-No No, stop it. ……Kai-kun, what do I smell like?”

Wh-What…… you smell so good!

That’s right, from an ecological standpoint, males are predisposed to think females smell good.

I don’t know about other elves, but Rue’s scent reminded me of sweet flowers.

“Would you like my specific impression?”

“Stop, that’s embarrassing.”

“Then, simply put, you smell good.”

“I see, then Kai-kun’s a stupid man!”



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The two of us wandered around town for some time.

The primary industry of this town seems to be providing lodging and entertainment to people like us.

There weren’t many hawkers in the open-air market, so maybe the town had its own regulations regarding them.

Instead of the usual peddlers, there were spiritedly placed souvenir shops throughout the town. I never got tired of browsing them.

“Hmm, accessories…… Kai-kun, does this look good?”

As we pecked into an accessories show, Rue picked up a hair ornament.

“Of course, it’s blue. Ummー”

A shiny blue gemstone adorned the hair clip.

However, the metal frame was a dull bronze color that clashed with Rue’s silvery-white hair.

When I looked at the display shelf, one of the ornaments caught my eye.

“Doesn’t this one suit you better? It’s silver and has a bluish tint to its finish.”

“Hmm, that’s true. It’s shaped like a pair of beautiful wings.”

“I’ll give it to you as a present then.”

“Really?! Thank you!”

The wing-shaped barrette, with its silver and blue finish, complimented Rue’s beauty.

When we took the barrette to the shopkeeper, he priced it a 50,000 lux.

Since it was a beautiful piece, that price was acceptable.

“I’ll pay with this.”

“Th-This is a black card!”

Yes, at this moment, I was fulfilling one of my lifelong dreams.

I put the barrette in Rue’s hair and left the store in a dashing manner.

I was feeling slightly embarrassed.

“So, did you notice them, Kai-kun?”

“I’m acting this way because I’m aware of their presence.”

Almost everything we’ve done has been calculated on our part.

One of the knights, the one the merchant had been getting touchy-feely with, had been following us.

Perhaps they were trying to find out which inn we’d be staying in.

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“It can’t be helped. That knight is just doing her job. Let’s just pick an inn and go find a place to eat.”

“Aright. She should leave once she knows where I’m staying.”


After deciding on an inn, I walked outside and listened to the surroundings.

Thanks to the effects of my abilities, I could find what I was looking for just by concentrating.

Once I was sure that our follower wasn’t there, Rue and I went to one of the taverns we passed along the way.

Several knights were seated when we stepped into the building, and the knight commander had already started eating.

“Thank you, good work.”

“Ah, Kaivon-done, Rue-dono.”

“Seems like there was only one knight following us.”

“……I’m sorry. That was probably Capul’s personal servant. She’s a private bodyguard and not under my command.”

“Hee, that guy is impressive. I’m not going to ride in that carriage anymore. That’s okay right?”

“W-Well, yes. There’s not much we can say to a freelance escort…… and we’re fed up with this assignment too.”

“By the way, is his status higher than a bla-…… higher than an EX ranker?”

This was something I’d been worried about for a while now.

Even if he was a royal purveyor, that pig was just a merchant. If so, couldn’t I silence him with my card, which symbolizes noble power?

“Certainly, so long as the guild backs you, Kaivon-dono holds the higher status. However, some nobles and merchants don’t have a good relationship with the guild. Capul is one of those merchants.”

“It funny how he can do whatever he likes based on his mood.”

“Indeed…… that card only comes into effect if Capul tries to step out of line…… but as long as he has his royal backing, that is……”

“This might be off-topic, but do you know the adventurer guild’s president Oink?”

Why bring up Oink? She said she could win a war with the royal family, and controlling the guild alone gave her the power equivalent to high-level aristocrats.

If the new card Oink was making carried that weight behind it, I wouldn’t have to deal with these irritating problems.

“Of course! Oink-dono is the benefactor of all knights! Long ago, she was a legendary woman who weeded out the corruption in the knight order, standardized our equipment, and subsidized maintenance cost.”


Maybe she saw a money-making opportunity.

After all, she basically monopolized a major customer……

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Rue and I listened to tales of our friend’s past achievements as we completed our meal.

The knights got up and returned to their inn. However, the night was still young, so Rue and I stayed behind to indulge in a bit of alcohol.

There was a more extensive verity of alcohol than I had imagined. Many of them were fermented like fruit wine to change the taste and aroma.

Some of them came close to matching the taste of Campari. Still, carbonated water was a rare delicacy rarely found in ordinary restaurants.

“By the way, is it okay to have separate rooms?”

“We can afford to do so. Besides, I’m a woman, and I have to be aware of myself.”

“……You’ve grown up.”

“Don’t stroke my hair. The barrette may come off.”

This girl is adorable.

Even though you’re a beautiful elf that carried the aura of a holy paladin at a glance, the spell was broken once you opened your mouth.

Still, I liked that part about you.

Good, good.

“Phew, I enjoyed that.”

“Mu……my hair is a mess.”

The number of customers slowly began to increase, and the early drinkers were loosening up a bit.

It’s a little earlier, but I asked.

“Are you alright, Rue?”

“This is so much fun!!!!!”

When I ordered a rare distilled liquor, it didn’t take long for Rue and me to down the entire bottle.

I think it was some kind of brandy, but it was carried a sweet fragrance.

There was already ale, so why not add a bit of whiskey too?


“Rue, we’re at your room.”

“Shut upー.”

“……We should’ve stuck to separate rooms.”

Rue wasn’t in the best state at the moment, so I reluctantly laid her down on my own bed. Once she was settled, I pulled up a chair beside her.

I wish I could use healing magic, but that was the exclusive ability of priest-associated classes.

Rue couldn’t cast any spells in her drunken stupor, so all I could do was get some water from the receptionist desk.

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