Translator: Silver

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「Chapter 024」

After received a jug of water from the innkeeper, a female knight showed up as I was returning to my room.

However, she didn’t have any business with me, so I paid her no mind and continued on my way.

“……I have a bad feeling.”

I quickly returned to my room and place the water on the table beside the bed Rue was sleeping on. Suddenly there was a knock on the room door next to mine.

“Rue-dono, are you there?”


Just in case, I lowered Rue to the floor on the opposite side of the bed from the entrance.


“Sorry, please be quiet.”

“No, it has to be on the bed.”

After a while, I heard the sound of the other room’s door opening.

It should’ve been locked. Did the innkeeper give them the key?

Well, the opponent was a knight, so there’s no helping it.

“Not here……”

They were probably coming here next, so I decided to take a few safety measures.

Since the enemy was a woman, that should work.


“I’m sorry, Kaivon-dono.”

There was a knock on my door, so I replied that it was open.

“Excuse me. Have you see, Rue-doー.”

“Forgive my appearance. What happened?”

I was shirtless and had a towel wrapped around my waist.

Killer move: Male honeytrap.

Few could withstand a nude ikemen with a well-trained body.

Of course, I put on my best smile.

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“Sorry, I was just cleaning my body a little. So, what’s going on?”

While smiling, I took a half-step toward the now off-balanced knight.

The knight’s face turned a deep shade of red, and she took a step back.

“This, I have some business with Rue-dono……”

“Hmm, I’m sorry. She’s out at the moment. It seems like it’s going to be a lonely night.”

“U-U-Understood, then I’ll be going.”

I took another step forward and dropped my voice to a whisper.

“So, how about it?”

I’m not saying anything!

It’s up to your own imagination.

“AAAAAA, excuse me!”

The door was slammed shut with great force, and I could hear vigorously retreating footsteps.

That would’ve been bad if she examined the inside of the room, but things went unexpectedly well.

Was she a different person than the knight from the carriage?

“Kai-kun……you hereー.”

“Yes-Yes, I’ll put you in bed right now.”

If you’re too defenseless, your brother will eat you up.


The next morning.

Since my bed had been occupied, in the end, I locked the door and slept in Rue’s room. Reluctantly, I when someone turned the doorknob to my new room.

“What is it, Rue? How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. I used a spell to treat myself. I came to get a change of underwear.”

“Then, I’ll go back to my room. By the way, I don’t know if you remember, but a female knight came looking for you last night.”

“Ah, I faintly remember. I’ll ask her later.”

I don’t think it was anything serious anyway.

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After a light breakfast, we headed toward the inn where the other knights were staying.

They’ve already packed up their equipment and were loading up the carriages.

“Good morning, both of you. Did you sleep well last night?”

“Yeah, no problems.”


While everyone was busy, I informed the knight commander about what happened yesterday.

Communication is important.

But, sure enoughー.

“That was probably Lord Capur…… he doesn’t know the horrors of facing a S-ranked adventurer.”

“Well, can Rue and I be at the forefront of the party today? I want to quickly relieve him of his ignorance.”

“That’s a good idea, and it’ll ease the tension.”

The decision was made.

Although the merchant had misgivings about the line-up change, the knight command safely put us on the front line.

Afterward, we departed for the capital.


We’d been on the road for a while when I spotted a forest on the horizon.

As we approached the forest, I activated my sonar. Although the open space diminished its effects, I was still able to grasp the locations of a few monsters hidden within the thicket.

The monsters were close by and seem to be preparing for battle.

“Rue, seven of them in the forest on the right. They’ll enter our line of vision in fifty meters.”

“Understood. Can you leave it to me this time?”

“Take it as serious as possible.”

I raised my right hand and sent the signal to stop the caravan.

At my side, pale light enveloped Rue’s whole body as she began casting physical buffs.

It looked like the paladin spell 『Barak』 and not some auxiliary magic that magicians usually cast.

It was inconvenient that the spell could only be cast on yourself, but its effects were decent.

Using it granted a person HP auto-recovery, added the holy attribute to melee attacks, and increased all stats by 5%.

The stat increase was pitiful, but the other effects were excellent.

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And above all, the effects scaled with the caster’s level.

“……That sword also has a high magical power stat, doesn’t it.”

Adding that to Rue’s personal abilities should’ve caused her combat strength to shot up by a monstrous degree.

Now. what was Rue’s current level? During the game era, she was a level 200 paladin with a level 50 magician sub-class.

Also, it seems that I wasn’t limited by Depriving Swordsman occupation. I had access to the skills I gained from the various sub-classes I took back in the game.

“Everything is ready. It looks like they’re coming out of the forest.”

A group of massive boar-shaped monsters suddenly bolted out of the forest.

The boars looked quite impressive as they changed towards us in a full sprint.

undeterred, Rue drew her sword and began running towards the monsters.

“It’s quite difficult to do while running.”

With a wave of her arm, a thin ice blade flew from the edge of Rue’s sword. The ice blade tore through the monsters’ legs one after another, causing them to fall.

By the time she reached them, all seven monsters had fallen to the ground, their separated legs laying behind them.

Her magic usage was different from mine, and there was a vast difference in actual combat prowess.

Rue calmly approached the left-most monster’s broadside, raised her sword, and brought it down on the beast’s thick neck.

The ice blade cleaved through the monster’s neck and continued to sever the heads that were aligned with the first.

Upon closer inspection, all seven bodies had fallen down in a straight line. It wasn’t a coincidence.

“Just based on fighting skills alone, I can’t win…… as expected.”

I calculated a potential battle in my head.

The result was a one-hit insta-kill.

“Kai-kun, there are some useful parts here. Can we take them?”

“Alright, I’ll roast it later for dinner.”


“Incredible…… seven red boars slain in an instant.”

“Are they strong?”

“A single one of them is classified as a D-rank threat. As expected of a silver-ranker.”

The knight commander who I spoke with approached us…… it’s a hassle. Let’s ask his name.

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“By the way, I haven’t heard your name yet. If you don’t mind.”

“Ah, my apologies, I should have introduced myself first. My name is “Logan”, captain of the Metropolitan Garrison.”

“Metropolitan Garrison…… that’s an army subdivision, right?”

“Yes. There’s the Public Guard, the Royal Protectors, the Metropolitan Garrison, Expeditionary forces, and the Boarder Defense.”

I see. It sounded like a solid army.

Everyone in this escort team was equipped in standard knight armor, and each of them had considerable strength.

“This much is a piece of cake for Rue. As an S-rank adventurer, she has the power to defeat an entire division without much issue.” (TN: An army division is topically made up of 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers.)

“Certainly……and what about Kaivon-dono?”

“Hmm, perhaps I can destroy a single country at the moment.”

Logan thought I was joking and started laughing.

No, I think I could actually do it. I just don’t want to.

“So, why did Rue go to the carriage again?”

We finally reached the main point.

After the subjugation, Rue was called to the employer’s carriage.

It seems Capul has something to say after witnessing the earlier battle.

Most people were determined to obtain something they wanted, but wasn’t it impossible for an individual to possess a silver-card holder?

It took contractual obligations, financial dependence, and the guild’s collective power to keep them under control.

“I’m sorry, but it seems she was approached again…… however, I didn’t think he would behave in such a bold manner.”

“Well, I can somewhat respect a man that can push forward after watching that fight.”

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before Rue throw open the door and jumped out of the carriage.

“6 million a month! 6 million lux, please!”

“Knight commander, you’re the one who made the request, right?”

“Y-Yes. What’s wrong?!”

“You’re the one whose orders I have to follow. I won’t go in there anymore, okay?”

The pig leaned out from the carriage, lost his balance, and fell down face first.

He hadn’t learned his lesson.

On that night, the capital was finally within sight.

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