Translator: Silver

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「Chapter 025」

At a distance, I could make out a huge castle and a vast wall surrounding it.

It was a strange sight to see a castle standing in the middle of an open plain.

The entire city seemed to be packed into those walls.

“We’ve finally arrived. Logan-kun, we’ll receive the reward at the capital guild, right? In that case, is it alright if we part ways here?

“Y-Yes…… Again, I apologize for what happened.”

“It would be helpful if you could provide a guide to the guild, but only if you’re able.”

A massive drawbridge spanned the fifty-meter-wide moat that surrounded the capital.

The robust entrance was also heavily defended.

I didn’t want to stay on this site for a second longer than I had to.

Fortunately, Logan had to send someone to the guild to submit a report, so we just followed after them.

Logan continued to apologize until the female knight, who came to my room the other day, lead us to the guild.

For some reason, she turned red and looked away from me whenever I tried to make eye contact, but it was cute, so I didn’t mind.

“Do all the knights live in this city?”

“Yes, that’s right. I normally act as a city guard, but this trip was thrown together in a hurry……”

“I see, it was a disaster. By the way, were you looking for me?”

“Y-Yes. Lord Capur asked me to call you to his inn, Rue-dono……”

Shouldn’t that man’s exclusive guard have done that?

Despite being late into the night, the old, the young, and the beautiful were still walking the streets.

In addition to the city’s robust external defenses, the public order was well maintained.

This place was like a paradise for the residents.

While walking through the streets, my gaze occasionally wandered to the castle in the center of the city.

The thought the place that could connect to Japan did raise my interest, but I wasn’t in a hurry to go back.

Instead, I was hoping that there were places where Japanese cultures, especially culinary taste, had taken root thanks to those who crossed over.

“I wonder if I can find some sake……”

“Oh, are you interested in that stuff?”

“Can you explain in further detail?”

The knight just hinted at something vital just now.

I couldn’t help but grab her hand.

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“Can you take me where it is? If that is inconvenient, just tell me what type of sake is it or where it’s made?”


Damn it, this girl is overheating.

It’s still winter, what’s going on!?

“Kai-kun, let go of her. You’re making her upset.”

“Don’t declare it yourself. Don’t tell me you’re jealous of her.”


Yes, Yes, we can hold hands laterー.

It’s a lover’s connection. However, doing so would make my shoulders stiff if we walk at different paces.


“This is the Lark Adventurer’s Guild Headquarters. It shouldn’t be too crowded this time of day.”

“Is that so? Thank you. Also, thanks for the information on the sake.”

“N-N-No problem. Excuse me, I have to go make my report.”

The guild building was reminiscent of a large city hall.

Inside, there were magic tools displaying numbers above the various receptionist windows in the back of the room.

This somewhat Japanese layout must’ve been the result of Oink’s influence.

Fortunately, my black card allowed me to skip the wait for the request completion line.

“Excuse me, I’m here to turn in a request, and I’m supposed to be receiving something from president Oink.”

“Please present your card.”


While Oink wasn’t the guild’s founder, she was responsible for restructuring the organization for the better and build this guildhall.

Now she was at the top of the political world.

My friend’s outstanding achievements made me look a little small and unimportant.

“We’ve received confirmation. Kaivon-sama, right? Please accept the reward and this card.”

“Yes, thank you.”

The receptionist handed me a transparent blue card instead of my original black one.

The material was nether metal or glass, so I was a bit timid in my handling of it.

“An alchemist custom-made your card out of blue diamonds. It represents the rank of 『SS』and it’s no exaggeration to refer to you as the president’s right hand. The royal family will issue you an official title on a later date.”

“What benefits does it carry?”

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“You carry the right to command all members of the guild in emergency situations. Your standing is higher than every branch guild leader. The aristocratic system has also been abolished in Semifinal. Still, you now have the same rank and power as an Endresia Duke both here and abroad.


Aren’t dukes the people that had blood connections to the royal family?

Following the law of equivalence, didn’t this mean Oink really did have the power to rival the royal family?

I thought she was just talking herself up, but was it true?

“From this point on, you have unlimited access to all facilities, including the salon on the top floor.”

“I-Is that so? Then, what about the restaurant here……

“Everything is free of charge.”

Yes, I have arrived. I had the right to ear and drink as much as I pleased.

Several shops sold sake in the capital, but the guild’s in-house restaurant had the best variety.

In a bid to bring adventurers and ordinary people closer together, the restaurant was open to the general public, but guild members received discounts.

Thank you Oink, I’ll be sure to repay you later.

“As for Rue’s reward, it comes to 25,000 lux.”

“Thank you. I’m really jealous of Kai-kun’s EX-ranks at times like this.”

“Fufufuu, I’ve been promoted to SS-rank now. Look, look, this rank and card were prepared just for me.”

“Ah! It’s so beautiful! Switch with me!”

“That’s impossible. Make a couple great achievements and talk to Oink.”

“……If I defeat all the seven stars…… I can’t…… if there’s a war, then……”

“What dangerous things is this kid saying?”

Do you want to go that far?

After informing Rue that we could eat free of charge, we headed to the restaurant together.


The restaurant was located on the third floor, and it looked pretty crowded today.

There was a queue, and all the chairs in the waiting space were filled.

And I passed right by the line and headed towards the restaurant entrance.

I was experiencing a sense of immorality, superiority, and a slight sense of shame! I can’t believe it!

“Customer, as you can see, it is very crowded todー. I’m sorry.”


I took out my transparent blue card.

“……What is that?”

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“I’m sorry, please line up at the end.”

What’s going on?!

“Kai-kun, are you okay? Are you feeling well?”

“Oy, so annoying! Shut up and get in line!”

This, have they not been informed yet?

That’s right, I’ve just been issued a new rank, and no one knew about me yet.

I was careless. Besides, the gazes and anger from the crowd were starting to focus on me.

“My deepest apologies, Kaivon-dono?!”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“My name is Cesar, the manager of this establishment. I’m sorry about this slip-up! I’ll take you to the VIP room at once!”

“Ah, yes. Excuse me.”

Perhaps the door attendant contacted him, but a middle-aged man wearing a monocle and tailcoat suddenly appeared to shepherd us into the restaurant.

However, Rue seemed a bit reluctant to come with me.

Oh, I was the center of attention again. But this time it’s was really uncomfortable.


After climbing a small spiral staircase inside the restaurant, we were led to a private room that overlooked the floor below and had a window that faced the city outside.

A set of high-class tableware was set up on the table, and a beautiful onee-san waiter was standing by.

However, I asked her to leave the room until I called for her.

“This place is amazing. I have to thank Oink for this.”

“……Wonderful, they really have sake here.”

I immediately looked through the menu.

『Junmai Ginjo Sake “Pork and Pearls”』(T/N: Junmai Ginjo is a grade of sake milled to 60% rice and water. Sake with this rank are generally considered a high quality brand of alcohol)

『Snow Chilled Junmai Ginjo “Pork brocade”』

『Junmai Daiginjo “Acorn blend”』 (T/N: Similar to the one above, another high quality sake.)

The names were terrible.

“Hm, what’s this?”

One of the brands had a different naming convention than the others.

『Special Junmai Daiginjo “Kizuna”』

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『Guild President Oink presents the highest quality gem to share with that special person.』

……I wonder what this is.

The description caught my interest, so I placed an order.

Although, it might be a little hard to drink before a meal.

“Kai-kun, there are a lot of unfamiliar dishes.”

“I don’t like it, but most of the pork dishes are grouped towards the end of the menu. Why don’t you give the assorted pork skewers a try?”

“……I can’t be here and not order anything.”

The sake I ordered arrived in a beautiful tortoiseshell bottle.

The word “Kizuna” is adorned on the label with skillful brush strokes.

The dishes hadn’t been brought out yet, but I poured myself a cup out of curiosity.

“Ah, I thought I’d pour it for you.”

“That would be wasteful. The sake you drink with a beautiful woman is exceptional.”

“D-D-Don’t say such things……”

Saving her embarrassed face for later, I brought the glass choko to my lips.

At that moment, a sweet scent filled the air as the umami flavored liquor passed by my lips.

The first sip’s sharpness was soon replaced with a more mellow flavor as the sake left my taste buds behind.

This…… although sake was dry, the aroma created the misunderstanding of it being sweet.

“……It’s good sake. I really missed this.”

“Nostalgic? Have you drank this before?”

“Well, give it a try, Rue.”

I thought more on the sake as I poured Rue a cup.

During the game era, I used to ask around about local sake before buying them online and comparing them against one another.

In return for their help. I sent my guildmates a bottle of my favorite local sake.

Back then, we’d gotten so close no one batted an eye at the exchange of addresses, and this sake reminded me of the one I gave out.

I see…… Oink must’ve remembered the flavor and enjoyed it enough to recreate it.

And the name she gave it was Kizuna(bond)?

“……You’re real cheek, you pig.”

“Huh? Kai-kun, are you crying?”

“Don’t worry. This liquor just took me to somewhere else.”

My heart returned to a place far in the past.

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