「Chapter 028」

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Translator: Silver

Conducting a forceful entry or leading a raid was a type of romance in and of itself.

The staff member walking about were confused by the sudden intruder, while a group of burly thugs rushed me.

How can you hate adventurers while you hire people like this?

“Hey, what the hell!”

“Sorry, I’m no good with swords.”

Don’t raise a sword without the ability to wield it.

When the same person tried to brandish his weapon again, I sliced the back of his hand to disarm him.

I pushed my advantage and thrust the tip of my sword into his chest.

Before anyone could react, I shouted a warning to everyone present.

“This is a formal investigation sanctioned by the guild and royal family! All acts of violence and property destruction are permitted! If you’re dragging out the chairman, that’s fine. Otherwise, every action you make will only implicate yourself!”

Actually, I hadn’t received the royal family’s permission, but this was a case of empowering the masses.

Not to mention, I possessed power second only to the royal family, and I wouldn’t let the responsible party get away scot-free.

Well, Oink will carry the brunt of the blame, right?

“O-Our chairman is in the underground storage area…… please help me.”

“Underground? What will he do if he’s trapped inside? Where’s there a secret exit in there?”

“A-Ah, no.”

“Alright, show me.”


After I was led into the basement, I saw a colossal bank vault-like door on the back wall.

It was thick, heavy, and golden. Though simple enough to break, I changed up my ability loadout.


『 Sonar 』

『Five Senses Enhancement』


First, I used Sonar to map out the storage room’s layout.

According to the feedback, there was only one living organism inside, and there wasn’t a secret exit.

In addition, my strengthened senses and telepathy allowed me to hear what was going on beyond the door.

“Why……I have the royal family……Why was there an investigation…….”

“Why don’t you give up and come out? You can still have a quick death.”

W-Who’s that! Are you an investigator?!

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“Well, I’m an investigator in the sense that I caught your killer and arrived here.”

“Can’t you let me out of here?! I’ll give you as much money as you want!”

“Which is better, opening the door and being executed or dying somewhere in the wilderness?”

Death was inivitable now that I’ve arrived.

In fact, he’d eventually starve to death if he stayed in there. Coming out would at least offer him a quicker and less painful death.

Indeed, starvation was the only other option at this point.

“T-There’s a mountain of food in here! The royal family wouldn’t allow this! So long as I stay here, help will arrive and you’ll be finished!”

“I see. Then you can do that.”

I activated my black magic!

A heat-less black flame slipped into the door’s gaps.

It was thin, so thin that it was almost undetectable.

“Let’s see if we can break this door.”

“It’s useless! That door is made of an adamantium alloy! Even a national-class treasure sword can’t scratch it!”

Seriously? Looks like a raise in rank was on its way!

Honestly, rocks didn’t increase my sword’s quality, and I wondered if inorganic materials had their own ranks.

Today was my lucky day.

I immediately rearranged my abilities.


『 Sonar 』

『Five Senses Enhancement』


『Rights of The Usurper (Fighter)』

『MP Conversion』

『Rigidity Reduction』

『Enhance Maximum Vitality』

Now, how long could it hold up?

I started using【Overlord Slash】 on the door like a jackhammer.

Gradually the door’s surface became riddled with deep gashes.

The door was undoubtedly sturdy. It was comparable to a half-assed version of the glacier that dragon god was sealed in.

I wasn’t using an ability to increase my attack power, but there was a noticeable difference in my weapon’s performance.

Even with the decreased power, the sturdiness of the blade was rather impressive.

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『Hahahahahahaha! It’s useless, useless!』

However, that guy couldn’t see the progress I was making and was laughing his ass off.

It’s okay, go ahead and waste your oxygen.

“Hahaha……hau-hau! Ah! H-Hard……to…… breathe…….”

“What’s wrong? You seem to be suffering.”

“W-W-hat……did…you do.”

“What indeed?”

Gradually my attacks began to reshape the door.

“He-Help…… you……please.”

“Ah, my attacks seemed to have deformed the door. It won’t open anymore.”


Gaussian Gautsun. (sound of Kaivon hitting the door)

Which would come first, me putting a hole in the door or him suffocating to death?

Well, it’d be a problem if he died here.

I think we should stop now.

“Hey, get away from the door and hope someone is listening to your prayers.”


If you get caught in the blast, don’t blame me.

For the final time, I switched out my abilities.

『Rights of The Usurper (Sword)』

『+30% Damage』

『+10% Damage』

『+35% Critical Rate』

『+25% Critical Rate』

『+15% Attack Power』

『+30% Attack Power』

『+5% All Stats』


『x2 All Ability Effects』

All 10 ability slots had been filled in.

It was a total muscle brain setup.

By the way, 『Charge』 increased the power of my sword techniques by 1.5 times at the cost of raising the activation time.

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I was hesitant to remove 『Assimilation』, but I wanted to try my best to break this thing down in one strike.

“Overlord Slash!”

After enough preparations, I unleashed an attack with all my might behind it.

Instead of a crash, there was a clear ringing sound.

The sword fully penetrated the vault door.

After a moment the entire door collapsed in on itself.

The momentum of the collapse was so great that it created a temporary vacuum that sucked the debris into the storeroom.

……Was this caused by the residual power that my attack left behind? What kind of physicals phenomenon was this?

“Hahhahahaha……alive…I’m alive…….”

“Well, you managed to live.”

After letting him get a couple gasp of fresh air, I handed Capul over to Hawke before heading toward the inn.

Someone shouted for me from behind, but I had ignored it because I had to explain everything to Rue, so I ignored them.

That was how my first human subjugation request came to an end. It was rather anti-climactic, considering that all I did was a bit of property damage at the end.


“Please don’t be mad. By the time I realized what was going on, the battle had already begun.”

“I know that. However, I’m worried about it now. Or I’m glad that I was safe.”

“That’s true. It might be cowardly to say, but I was able to wait calmly because I had absolute trust in you, right?”

“That’s really cowardly……hmm, I’m sure I was fighting that guy while you were investigating, so I’ll forgive you.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll listen to anything you say next time, so forgive me.”

“Huh? All right.”

After doing my best to appease Rue, I was prepared to head to the guild when Hawke showed up at our inn.
He seemed somewhat nervous. Did a problem occur?

“I found you! Your presence is essential for the post-incident reports! At this right, all of my knights will be arrested!”

“Ah, is that so? That’s disgraceful.”

“This is not a disgrace! Please come to the station as soon as possible!”

“Kai-kun, did you cause those people a lot of trouble?”

“No, I’m really sorry. Let’s go right away.”

I guess I was too irresponsible this time.

Perhaps I needed to explain things to the Prime Minister, who held power to conduct investigations, or the royal family member who employed Capul.

Well, if there wasn’t enough evidence and I was found guilty, there was something I could do about that.

Was it a good idea to give such power to someone like me?

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“Hawke-san, did you find any concrete evidence at the company?”

“Ah, fortunately, the clothes of the victims had been stored there.”


What on earth was he using them for?

Well, did that mean I wasn’t going to be charged with a crime?

However, to say that I solved the case with a sloppy prediction was a story full of holes.

The security was tight, but internal investigations and audits of merchants were rather lax, weren’t they?

As a result, a such a terrible crime developed into a serial killer case over time.

I mean, shouldn’t the personality and habits of a merchant be looked into before they’re appointed as a royal purveyor?

“……Oink did say she could win a war if it came down to it.”

That’s right.


I expected to be sent to an interrogation room when I arrived at the station. Instead, I was led to a nice-looking parlor.

There was a slightly grumpy old man with a Kaiser mustache waiting in the room.

His sword-like gaze was trained on me.

“What’s with that look. Are you my enemy?”

I unleashed Maou Mode.

It’s always good to leave people like him off-balanced.

Hawke suddenly leaped away from me, and the old man’s eyes nearly popped out.

“Don’t you understand that your inadequacy has bothered my family? I’ll ask again, what’s with that attitude?”

This was really fun.

“Do you know that I came here and completed a request out of friendship?”

“Kaivon……dono…… please calm down…….”

The old man finally opened his mouth.

Alright, the preemptive strike did the trick.

I immediately exited Maou mode. It’d be an inconvenience if I had to change my clothes later.

“Yes, I’ve calmed down. So, what do you want to hear?”

As if the previous exchange never happened, I sat on the sofa and opened up communications.

Of course, I wore a bright smile.


The old man was confused!

(T\N: To summarize, Kai abused his connections to hijacked a criminal investigation, nearly suffocated someone to death because they pissed him off, had to be browbeaten into taking responsibility, and threatened the law enforcement when they brought him in for questioning. He did all that on his second day in the city. Thank god Rue is there otherwise the capital would be reduced to rubble within a week.)

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