「Chapter 029」

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Translator: Silver

While the old man was still confused, I explained everything that he needed to know.

“In other words, you have a unique opportunity on your hands. I’m sorry that I said I got permission from the royal family at my own discretion. However, I believe that a Duke is allowed to do such things.”

I pressed that point.

“Let’s say that I made a request to the guild. The victims were guild members, after all. In the worst case, the responsibility can be pushed onto the guild, right? Rather, in Oink’s absence, I punished a criminal for everyone’s benefit.”

Sorry, Pig-chan, I’ll add some extra acorns later, so forgive me.

Eventually, the old man finally rebooted and digested what I said.

Not even a shadow of that grumpy yet dignified expression could be seen. He looked tired and weary as if the weight of a long, difficult life came down on him all at once.

“That’s right…… Kaivon-sama is Oink-dono’s right hand. I suppose we could consider this matter as a punishment from Oink-dono herself…….”

“That’s right. Well, personally, it’s truly “regrettable” that my “important companion” was harmed by a person with the royal family’s backing.”

Activating the high-level Japanese skill “shame”!

It was a convenient word that didn’t require explanation. I’m sure Ren-kun could use it, too!

……You know this much, don’t you?

“That’s……I’m very sorry. That’s right, certainly……I can’t even begin to determine an appropriate apologize…… I’ll report this to the King at once.”

“Ah, you don’t mind, do you? I was just going to explain everything to Oink and go from there.”

“N-No! Please just give me some time!”

No, I hadn’t thought about what to do next; I just got carried away.

I’m a “young man” full of respect for the elderly spirit, don’t lower yourself on my behalf.

However, the old man fled from the room before I could do anything.

“Hawke-san, how long have you been sitting there?”

“Ha! I’m sorry, Demon King!”


You don’t have to call me Demon King! Was the Demon King an actual status in this world?

“By the way, who was that guy?”

“That was Helior-sama, the prime minister. According to the military organization, he is the highest-ranking officer of the Metropolitan Garrison. Only the King is above him.”

“Then, is the army outside of the capital under someone else’s command?”

“Yes. General Leticia controls most of the standing army. Currently, they’re heading an expedition to our country’s coast.”

I began imagining what that person looked like given their name and title.

……They must’ve had a weak backside. Specifically, “Kukkoro”-san. (T/N: This is a reference that flew above my head.)

Oh, but when that happens. Rue…… no.


When I returned to the inn, Rue was drinking in the dining area on the first floor.

There was a bottle of sake beside her. It seems she took a liking to it.

“Hey, welcome back. This sake is delicious!”

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“It’s a shame that it had a terrible name like ‘Waste of a mountain’…….” (T/N: This is a case of multiple kanji having similar meanings.)

Although it referenced the original process for sake making.

I remember an embarrassing incident where I misread “Senpai” as “Yamaha”.

“So, how did things go?”

“Ah, it seems that the royal family will issue an apology on a later date. They’re sorry for the trouble they caused you.”

“It’s for me? Well, I was the one attacked. If I can get something out of it…….”


“A good wife is greedy.”

Since when were you, my wife?

Were nighttime pleasures included in a wife’s duties?



I wanted to touch them just this once.

It was fluffy, and when I applied a little more force, I felt something stiff.

Overall, it was cool and pleasant.

“Do elven ears have cartilage or not? That question is now solved.”

“Stop……people are watching at the moment…….”

“Excuse me. You said you’re my wife, so I acted on it.”

“No…… that doesn’t mean to do it in public.”

Then let’s enjoy it later.


The next morning,

Though it was a bit late, I finally looked over the ability I acquired from the murder.

『Mark of the Weak』

【You can lower yourself to your opponent’s level】

I see. This ability allowed you to pretend to be weak.

That guy was a really evil bastard.


“Can’t I have a close fight with this?!”

Finally! I finally got a cancer ability!

With this, I can say goodbye to the overkill, instakill, and unfulfilling battles!

Can I go on a trip with this guy?! No, I need to experiment right now!

“Kai-kun, are you awake? Someone’s looking for you.”

“Huh? Okay, I’ll be right there.”

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Was it news from the prime minister?

Honestly, I really wanted to try out my new ability.

“Good morning, Kaivon-dono. Helior-sama asked me to inform you that you are welcome to visit the palace at noon today.”

“Hawke-san, you’re acting a bit strange. I can kill time until then, but what about my clothes? Rue, too.”

“Clothes, is it? I think there’s no problem with your appearance yesterday. As for Rue-dono, whatever she enjoys wearing is fine.”

“That’s right, Rue-dono just has to dress up a little.”

“Still, this is rather sudden…… dress armor, maybe?”

“Oh, that old thing? Do you still have it?”

“Ah, it’s sealed away. I have a spare one, though.”

It’s sealed?

Were you capable of doing that?

That set was a masterpiece that had been strengthened to its limits.

Anyway, should I head there in my demon form?


When Rue stepped out of the inn, she wasn’t in her usual robes.

Although it wasn’t the first-class piece of equipment made through blood, sweat, and tears, the dress armor she was wearing looked amazing.

The white dress left her shoulders exposed, with only golden threads delicately resting on them.

A masterfully engraved breastplate covered her chest.

The long skirt didn’t have any armor attached to it.

Well, that weight would’ve messed up the fabric anyway.

Both of her arms were equipped with elbow-length gloves and silver gauntlets.

Underneath the skirt, you could see silver grieves.


“Your equipment is rather flashy, but in terms of performance, it seems similar to the leather gear I usually wear.”

“Hee, that’s right.”

“So, what kind of gear is it, Rue?”

“This isn’t as good as my old one, but it’s something elves from the Genesis left behind. Since I was bond to that site, they left this to me just in case I ran into a problem.”

Oh, my hatred spiked again.

If it was like my gachi equipment, which focused on appearances, it was perfect for this situation.

Can I see it in action later?

“Ah…… Rue-dono, you’re like the legendary dragon-slaying goddess!”

“What goddess?”

“It’s a legend that’s been passed down in the country for centuries. Somewhere in these lands, the pure elven goddess sealed away the corrupted dragon god.”

“Huh, is that right?”

Hey, that was you.

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“Hehe, there’s such a legend. It’s kind of embarrassing.”

“Hahaha, I started calling women goddesses!”

No, she’s not embarrassed about being compared to a goddess. She’s embarrassed about being told she was a goddess.

You did it, Rue. You’re a goddess instead of a demon king.


In front of the castle,

Unlike the moat surrounding the city, the water in this one was clear enough to see the sparkling gravel at the bottom.

We crossed a beautiful stone bridge and passed beyond the gatekeepers into the castle.

“Why is everyone so nervous?”

“That…… it’s inevitable considering Kaivon-dono’s appearance.”

“Hahaha, Kai-kun is scary.”


It can’t be helped. I would be the nervous one if I had to face the King without Maou-mode turned on.

There wasn’t anyone walking around in the castle, probably because they fled in advance.

A heavy stone door, protected by a minimum knight detail, appeared at the end of the corridor we’d been lead down.

“It’s like a temple. It’s beautiful.”

“As for me, I would add some blue to the design instead of keeping it pure white.”

You’re no shaken in the slightest?

“We present SS-rank adventurer Kaivon and S-rank adventurer Rue!”

“Well done, please enter.”

The stone door suddenly opened.

A red carpet was rolled out straight ahead, with guardsmen lined up on both sides.

Helior, the old prime minister from yesterday, stood at the other end of the carpet. Behind stood an elevated stage, and a throne sat in the center of it.

The man sitting on the throne was younger than Helior. He sat there and quietly stared at me.

As expected, he didn’t seem upset upon seeing me.

“Yes, a high-ranking demon…….”

“This is…… that’s the duke.”

The King’s expression changed for the first time when he heard the gossip of the aristocrats present.

“Quiet. ……We appreciate you coming here on such short notice. This one is Endresia the 22nd, the King of this country.”

“This is our first meeting. I am the right-hand of guild president Oink and a lone adventurer. Kaivon.”

“Hi, my name is Rue. I have a family name, but it was something given to me, so you don’t have to know it.”

Why are you so frank?!

My plan to get through this meeting with everyone’s dignity intact was now ruined!

“Well then, will lord Kaivon and lady Rue suffice?”

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“I don’t mind, King.”

“I’m fine with it, Endresia-kun.”

Oi, oi?!

Weren’t you about to use polite speech when we were on that escort mission?!

Why are you approaching this from such an obtuse angles?

The King clucked at Rue’s behavior.

“Fu-Fuhahaha……Endresia-kun. We have never been called that before.”

“I’m sorry. Rue seems nervous and blurted out something strange. Please don’t take offense.”

“No, We don’t mind. So, let’s get to the main issue.”

The nobles around us were still flustered.

For a while now, the guards seemed primed to draw their swords.

Rue was in the wrong this time! Please focus on me.

“It a matter relating to the serial killer case. We heard that the culprit has already been punished. We also heard that the mastermind behind this incident is the leader of the merchant company We patronize. That individual employed such a vile criminal and conceded their crimes. We recognize that this isn’t an issue that’s easy to deal with and that it greatly harmed the guild and lead to the death of many.”

“Regarding that matter, I’ll advise Oink to be moderate in her actions.”

“Thank you. We also want to avoid dividing this country.”

Apparently, the King himself recognized that the guild held power comparable to his.

He seems to be an intelligent person with a flexible mind.

After all, he was the one that reached out to me.

“In addition, We have no idea how we should apologize to lady Rue for being involved in this affair. Huh, what’s the matter?”

“Ah, I don’t really care anymore. But if I could get something, I’d be fine.”

Please, shut up now.

“King, don’t mind Rue’s words. Well, I would like a certain right.”

“A right? You possess the rank of Duke. What more could you possibly want?

Well, the right to prevent troublesome events from happening in the future.

Also, I wanted to sate my own self-satisfaction.

“I want the right to punish criminals on the spot.”

“……Those that include murder?”

Suddenly the King’s gaze turned sharp, and I felt a stinging pressure weighing on me.

Well, he couldn’t just give out permission to kill his own people.

“I’m not a butcher. I simply want to right to convict those whose crimes are obvious to everyone and allow you to handle them as you see fit.”

“……We doubt Oink-dono would empower a wicked person. If you swear that you won’t abuse your power, threaten innocent lives, or wield your power against the weal――”

The King was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

The stone door was vigorously thrown open, and an intruder appeared.

“Don’t be deceived, your highness! He is the Demon King, the master of all devils!”

Thank you, Ren-kun. It’s been a while.

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