「Chapter 039」

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Translator: Silver

She answered as soon as I knocked.

In stark contrast to the guest rooms, Wraith’s private bedroom was frugally decorated with a desk, dresser, and simple bed.

Wraith pointed out a chair for me while she sat on the bed.

“Well, what shall we talk about?”

“For starters, the reason you hide the fact that you’re a demon.”

“Actually, it’s not a big reason. I’m a person from the genesis.”

“I had a feeling it was like that. And, you’re hiding from someone.”

When I said that, she didn’t seem particularly surprised and just closed her eyes.

“That’s right. I’m certainly hiding from people who have known me in the past. A former lord is looking for me.”

“Is it related to the recent incidents in this city?”

“Yes. They were probably meant as a threat to me, who refused to listen. The instigators seem to be working with some influential people as well.

“It’s Takiyan-san. But you’re already aware of that, aren’t you.”


But you probably didn’t realize that you were being targeted from the outside.

If so, the guild leader wouldn’t have made me an escort.

“I realize that my existence is causing trouble for my daughters and, consequently, this city. But, even if I leave my children and runawayー.”

“They’re strong. Especially that elf woman, her name wasー.”

“It’s Spell. Indeed, that child is more than capable of handling things if something happens to me. But, even accounting for thatー.”

“You just can’t escape somewhere. If you run away, they’ll never be able to find you.

I bluntly spoke the words she couldn’t.

This time a look of pure astonishment crossed her face before a deep sadness sunk in.

“You can see through everything…… that’s right, I’m waiting for someone that knows me.”

“Can you tell me more about it?”

“……C-Certainly. I might have reached my limit. In a way, I finally reached a breaking point.”

Her self-deprecation was so ephemeral that it’s hard to believe that she was the same person that swore to protect her daughters. This was making me feel guilty.

I have memories from before the genesis. I don’t remember it clearly, but I was cherished by someone.”

“You don’t remember?”

“Somebody gave me clothes. Someone give me items that would benefit me someday. I remember being happy because the people around me complimented me for wearing it.”

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Ah……Ah…… is that so?

“Some gave me nice accessories. I can’t use it anymore, but I have something like a warehouse where I stored such things.”

It’s the shared storage.

The majority of my items were kept there.

I created “Wraith”, but I didn’t properly level her and just played her like a fashion doll.

Eventually, I spent less time playing as her, and as a result, her memories of the game era were diminished.

Probably because she had been my main alt-character. She retained most of her memories of the people she interacted with.

Contrarily, the extremely short playtime Wraith had meant she had fewer memories, and she spent some time not knowing who she was.

That’s why she sought after a connection.

“I can’t pull things out of that warehouse anymore. I found myself in this country before I realized it.’

“If I were the one you were waiting for, would you come with me?”

If you can still make it,

“Fufu, no matter who comes, I’ll still be here. Thank you, Kavion-san.”


The moment she said that a transient expression emerged, and she hid her heart again.

I couldn’t see her true self.

As a last result, I put on the glasses, but all that did was reveal Wraith’s current stats.

No, her appearance suddenly became the one I was familiar with as well.

Purple-black hair, red-wine colored eyes, and small batwing protruding from her head.

I still couldn’t sort the deceit from her true self.

There was no way to prove that I was the one she was waiting for.

I couldn’t “take” her like this.

I’m the 『Depriving Swordsman』. A thing which I couldn’t take shouldn’t exist.

Something is missing, somethingー.

“Well, business is about to start. Are you staying this evening? If you want, I can be your partner.”

The fleeting, almost crumbling figure had already vanished. Wraith’s near breakdown had been hidden.

Her usual business smile covered the pain.

Did I miss the opportunity?

“Wraith-san, I……”

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A familiar and nostalgic sound echoed in my mind.

It was a tone from a received message.

The message button was still grayed out when I checked it this morning.

It was a like cell phone looking for radio waves.

The number of messages exceeded a thousand.

Was it possible to receive it because the sender was beside me?

The name on all of them was Wraith.

“Is there something wrong?”

She gave me a strange look when I suddenly went silent.

What on earth was she feeling and thinking behind that expression.

I can finally know part of it.

I looked at the dates of the most recent messages.

One was sent the same day I came to this city.

I don’t know why I received the message when no recipient was listed.

It might just be because I was in the vicinity, and the message list had been updating all this time.

Although it was cheesy, I wanted to believe that “fate” played a hand in this.

The characters in the message seemed to be written from the menu screen. It seems they didn’t become handwritten notes until they were materialized.

『Today is the day that Brooke-san will visit again.』

『I think I wrote it before, but he made this city for me.』

『If you don’t find me soon, I might get taken away by that cute boy who’s been asking me to come for years.』

『So please, come find me as soon as possible.』

And, the newest one arrived just before I visited today.

『I used another man again.』

『And, unforgivably, for some reason, I became attached to that person.』

『Can you forgive me for that?』

『Today, I will confide a little about myself to that person.』

『But I will wait for you forever.』

『Please come find me after reading this letter.』

『That man is an attractive person. Please don’t sway my heart……』

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The heart has decided.

And I knew her heart.

I could do nothing but act.

“Wraith-san, you have a profession, right?”

I suddenly called out to her.

“What happened?”

“I have a profession called 『Depriving Swordsman』. My specialty is taking away.”

“Well…… for the time being, I have no choiceー.”

“It’s 『Arcane Archer』. I was preparing to acquire that job someday, but I couldn’t because the ability requirements were too high.”

Thanks to these glasses, I was able to remember.

Now I can vividly remember her, who’d been a vague fragment of my past.

This timing probably wasn’t a coincidence.


“『Spirit Blood Rain』 was the strongest bow I ever found. I thought I had to train to use it someday.”

Wraith has been waiting all this time.

There must’ve been plenty of chances for her to go out had expanded her horizons.

Yet, she waited all this time.

She waited for the day that the person with who she had a connection, the gift lord, would come to pick her up.

“It seems that the letters arrived very late. Please complain to the delivery man.”

“……It’s a lie. Is this some kind of joke? Such a thing…….”

I pulled up the chat window and immediately typed up a reply.

It was just one sentence, 『Sorry I kept you waiting.』.

The moment I sent the message, Wraith shivered. Perhaps she was surprised by the tone she heard for the first time in her life.

And the next moment, she fell to her knees.

It’s not too late now.

I came here after everyone else.

Can I still “take you” away from this city?

Can you forgive me? I left you alone all this time.

I didn’t raise you. I only gave you items and practically neglected you.

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“……Really? Are you really my Daddy Long Legs?” (T/N: Not the spider, there’s a movie were a millionaire supports a young woman and showers her with gifts from the shadows.)

“L-Long-legs……? I’m not old enough to be a daddy…… well, maybe, I’m not one yet.”

“I wasn’t forgotten………really?”

“I always thought it was you. That’s why I stayed in this city and looked into it.”

“……I see.”

I kneeled down and spoke with her at eye level.

She didn’t speak, but the droplets spilled from her were large enough that I could hear them hitting the floor.

Then she embraced me with all her might.

“I’ve been waiting for this day for so long. I waited all this time because I believed you to come and find me.”

There was information in her stat window I wasn’t aware of.

She had a last name and multiple titles.

【Name】 Wraith Resto

【Race】 Archdemon

【Main Class】 Arcane Archer 【Sub-class】 Reformer

【Level】 97

Maiden of the Promise
Grand matron

It was enough to infer how difficult the path she walked had been.

How many hardships must she have overcome to survive in this world up till now?

“I’ll ask again. While you want to travel with me? My partner is a little weird, but I think you’ll be able to get along.”

“It’s Rue-san, isn’t it. I want to go with you…… If it’s not a problem, please take care of me.”

“Tell me what you need to do to leave this city, and I’ll help you.”

“It’s all right. I’ll clean everything up.”

She nodded this time.

Wraith wasn’t leaving this city immediately.

Still, she said she could solve the problem on her own.

If so, I’ll believe her and wait.

Besides, I have one job left to complete.

I had to have a talk with my “a little bit weird” friend.

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