“Kai-kun, are you back already? It’s quite early.”

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I parted with Wraith and returned to the inn just before Rue set off for her bodyguard request.

I didn’t accept the request, but I went with her and explained things along the way.

Of course, I only spoke of the parts directly involving Wraith.

Mainly the fact that she was from the genesis and her faint memories of the gods’ era.

……It’s said that the majority people from the genesis still remained in Fastenal.

However, according to Oink, almost none of them remember that the “divine slavery-era” was a game.

As expected, a slightly altered version of this world’s history has been passed down as tradition.

I don’t know where that information came from.

But, it must’ve originated from those with close connections to players.

That is, an existence similar to Rue and Wraith.

Including me, there were currently four people identified as being players.

“Oink, Daria, and Syun”

In other words, it’s only people who belong to the same team as me.

If that’s the case, “El” and “GuーNya” may be walking around somewhere.

“So she was like that after all…… but that’s not it, is it?”

“Do you understand?”

“I can’t explain this nostalgic feeling…… but she is a demon, right?”

“Yeah. Rue, you said one of your friends befriended a demon you never met. That’s her.”

“So, that’s it…… does Oink know about her?”

“Perhaps she doesn’t know. Due to reasons, Wraith mostly avoided contact with the outside world.”

The feeling of wanting to be found went against the need to remain hidden.

Wanting a connection was out-weighted by the risk of being discovered.

Wraith lived such a contradiction.

The compromise was to devote herself to an out-of-the-way city and become the red-light district’s representative.

However, that pig probably didn’t recognize Wraith after she changed her appearance.

It’s a pig, so it couldn’t be helped.

“I think the three of us should discuss this in further detail next time.”

“Three of us?”

“Ah, yes, Wraith-san is going to be traveling with us from now on.”

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Hopefully, by bringing the matter up during small talk and in a public space, it would make the proposal easier for Rue to swallow.

What? As expected, things weren’t so simple.

“Huh? Isn’t it a big deal if she suddenly disappeared from this town?”

Surprisingly, the city was the first thing Rue was worried about.

Indeed, if the city’s grey-area representative left, things would get busy in numerous ways.

Even if she raised a successor, it wasn’t likely that said person would be accepted immediately.
Worst case scenario, others would resort to brute force to eliminate the successor.

But, the decision had already been made. The person in question wished to do so.

If Wraith did her best for the rest and they still blocked her way, then I could only think of this city as my enemy.

Hmm, what was the best way to handle spoiled children?

“Why are you making that scary face?”

“Well, I just thought that people are troublesome. Sure, some people will kick up a fuss once Wraith tries to leave, but I’ll slowly persuade them to come around.”

“That’s good. Kai-kun, she’s been waiting for you.”

“By the way, aren’t you opposed to her accompanying us on our journey, Rue?”

If I wasn’t mistaken, Rue had something like a monopolistic desire for me.

I expected her to be a little upset or angry, like a newborn younger sister, when I brought the topic up.

“I can’t think of a reason to disagree……wait, will it cost a lot of money? Kai-kun, you already spent a lot of money in this city alone, didn’t you? When we go to the next town, you have to earn enough money for three people.”

“……Haha, so I have to support three people? Alright then, I’ll work hard from here on out.”

My daughter is more mature than I thought.

It may have been because of the connection between her and Wraith. Still, it’s better if the relationship between my two “daughters” was a harmonious one.

Though it was strange to say that about characters who gained their own will, it would be sad if they disliked one another.

“By the way, she’s a demon. Is that a problem?”

“It’s okay. I was compared to a demon a long time ago…… Wait, that was her!!!”

Is that so?

Indeed, during the game era, I would often receive comments like 『The difference between your second and third body is amazing!』 or 『You should share a bit of Wraith’s chest』 from those that knew me.

Perhaps those things influenced Rue’s view of demons.

Apart from that, there was a theory that demons once fought with various races in the past.

“I see…… that chest…….”

It’s okay. I think your chest is also cute.


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The next day, the guild got in touch with me.

They essentially wanted to appoint Rue and me as Wraith’s escorts for a special meeting.

The date of the meeting was tomorrow. Although it was rather sudden, because Wraith was the one that called for the meeting, it was put together without issue.

The guild was also confused by Wraith’s summons, considering that she never went out of her way to gather people.


On the following day,

Since the meeting was held at noon, both Rue and I went to the 『Promised Maiden』 to pick Wraith up.

However, Rue immediately hid behind me when she spotted the elf named “Spell” following after Wraith.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. Then coー Rue-san, what happened?”

“No-No-Nothing? S-She can go back into the mansion.”

“Sorry nee-chan, I’m coming along with you today.”

Perhaps Wraith will announce this elf as her successor at the meeting.

And Rue-san, don’t pull on my clothes. They will stretch.

“It’s okay, Rue. This person was just exacted to meet someone of the same gender and race as them. It seems that they overdid it last time.


“Yes, that’s right!”

Why is it so compelling to watch this elf slip by me and appear in front of Rue?

“Spell, what did you do to Rue-san?”

“Oh, I just ‘hugged’ her a littleー.”

I needed to learn more about that “hug”. (T/N: I demand graphic details about what happened on the first night.)

“Then, are you really gonna relinquish your position today?”

“Yes. However, if some disagree with Spell taking over, we must also discuss that. For me, it doesn’t matter who sits at the top, so long as my daughters can safely get their food.”

“Is it a fit for me? I’ve only been to a few of those meetings…….”

Spell also attended several meetings before and said she was a known figure.

She, the earliest member of Wraith’s store, was also said to be a sought-after figure.

In the first place, there was an elderly woman among the representatives of that meeting, and she was apparently a former colleague.

“Once everything is done, we will go on a journey together. A pleasure to meet you again, Wraith-san.”

“You don’t have to use honorifics, do you? Kaivon-san, this extends to you as well.”

“Then Wraith, nice to meet you. Kai-kun is just Kai-kun.”

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“Then, it’s Kai-san. A pleasure to meet you, Rue-san, Kai-san.”

“Don’t use them yourself. Thank you again, Wraith.”

I wonder why, unlike with Rue, it was so embarrassing to address Wraith without honorifics.

Was it the difference in female power? The newcomers were quite the “bust”.

It’s not a threat but a bust. More accurately, the newcomer is “the bust”. (T/N: Yeah, this is a play on words in Japanese that doesn’t translate to English.)

……No, I’m becoming more and more like “A certain liberator who searches caves for non-existent dragons and endlessly pursues the Seven Stars.”.

Who it was, I won’t say.

Today, another adventurer was acting as the gatekeeper and, after being startled by our group, he let us into the manner.

Of course, I was in my demon king form today.

“So, let’s go.”


In front of the conference room, Wraith slowly opened the door.

Mostly the same people from the other day were here, and one unfamiliar person joined them.

An adventurer-like man stood behind Takiya.

“I truly appreciate all of you for responding to my sudden summons.”

Wraith sat down at her usual position while I stood behind her to block the window.

As she took her seat, she first expressed her gratitude.

“Please raise your head, matron. Is this urgent call an emergency?’

“Hmm, that one? Takiya, did those idiots do something?’

Takiya raised his shoulders when someone called out to him.

Oh, did he read the letter?

“It is urgent. It’s a private affair, but will you please listen?”

“……Even that elf Spell is accompanying her……how bad have things gotten?”

“That’s right, it must be pretty bad.”

Why are you looking at me, Wraith?

Isn’t this a little too much?

I have a bad feeling.

Are you going to throw out a bomb like Rue?!

“I have decided to leave the city. The reason I gathered all of you here is to announce that I will be passing on my role to Spell.”

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However, my worries provide to be unfounded.

Indeed, Wraith was a more thoughtful adult woman.

On the other hand, Rue was standing on Wraith’s right and desperately trying to prevent Spell, who was beside her, from approaching her blind spot.

……They were like elementary school students during a long morning assembly.

“What! Why so suddenly?! What the hell happened?!”

“Matron! You’re the person this city depends on the most! Where are you going?!”

Sure enough, numerous voices sprung up in opposition or demanded an explanation.

That’s so. On a different scale, if a country’s president suddenly resigned, the nation would be in turmoil.

Wraith was doing something close to that.

Of course, I was responsible for that.

“Why do I have to tell you where I’m going and what I’ll be doing?”

“This is…… you’re, the absolute rulerー.”

“I’m no ruler. Or are you saying you weren’t cooperating in good faith?”


“That’s because it’s a position you deserve! Even if you don’t directly rule, all of us came together under yourー.”

They began raising arguments one after another.

Even when Wraith shot down one argument, another one would rise up and try to bind her to this city.

No, that was wrong to say.

The entirety of this city could be said to be Wraith’s child.

And it’s pretty natural for a child to protest their parent’s departure.

……Yes, it was natural for a child.

But isn’t it different?

Everyone in this meeting was an adult.

These people remained overly dependent on their reliable mother long after they grew up.

Because they had such a person, I guess they became spoiled.

“……I, too, have to let go of my child. You’ve all become great fathers, mothers, uncles. and aunts, right?”

Wraith spoke the words that had been circulating in my mind.

The moment they heard that, everyone seemed startled.

“Finally……the moment my mother was waiting for has come. Please, everyone.”

The last word was rather blunt.

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