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「Chapter 041」

Translator: Silver

In the gloomy meeting room, everyone was silently looking down.

In this silence, occasional weeping could be heard.

All of the people gathered here were leaders of their respective industries.

Nevertheless, they all throw away their reputations and shed tears.

Wraith had been supporting this city to that extent.

And I suddenly appeared to take her away.

“Matron, at least give me a clear reason. If you truly wish to travel, if you really want me to become independent in the true sense, I won’t stop you…… but it’s so sudden, can’t you explain it?”

With tears in his eyes, the person who spoke was a rough pirate captain-looking man more suited on a ship than in a boardroom.

……I remember you saying your men were rude to Rue, right?

“That’s right, let’s talk. I’ve been waiting for a person for a long timeー.”

Everyone stopped and listened to Wraith speaking without interruption.

Takiya, each escort, and even Rue.

She spoke about everything from her origins to the present.

It was a sinful history of gaining the patronage of those in power, only to disappear once her goals had been achieved.

Then a bit of kindness finally arrived. She met a kind-hearted young man who built a city for her.


“The one I’d been waiting for finally appeared. I’ve lived like everyone’s mother, but I’m sorry…… I’m only one woman. The partner who I should follow has arrived.”

Mother…… ah, I’m glad…… the person who can touch mother’s heart came at last…….”

Spell’s former colleague, a woman that retired from Wraith’s shop, spoke those words with tears in her eyes.

With that, the men also accepted their mother’s imminent leaving.

In that case, there couldn’t be any more trouble.

I thought so.


It appears my luck wasn’t that good.

Because I hadn’t had the chance to rearrange my abilities, 『5 Senses Enhancement』『×2 Ability Effect』were still activated.

The moment I felt hostility, I created a black ice wall in front of Wraith.

Immediately following that, a high-pitched sound echoed throughout the room.

“Takiya, what are you doing?!”

“I-It’s not me! What are you doing?!”

The culprit was the adventurer-like man standing behind Takiya.

There was a throwing dagger in his hand, and he was frozen solid.

“Did you prevent it? I didn’t think we’d bear witness to such a farce. Hey, lady Arkham, are you numb? If so, you can come to meー.”

The next moment, the ice eroded from the man’s head.

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This was one of Rue’s handy work. After a slight pause, I added my dark magic to the ice to act as an inhalator.

“I don’t want him too cold to speak. I take it that he’s one of lord Arkham’s direct subordinates?”

I was in a bad mood.

It was frustrating to deal with this when things were going so well.

And I was irritated that my actions were being obstructed by something other than myself.

And it was aggravating that my “friend” was harmed by someone I didn’t know.

I’ve been quiet these past few days.

In such a situation, they shouldn’t have come out at the last minute.

It was impossible to endure.

The assailant who’d been restrained still didn’t change his irreverent expression.

He was probably okay because I suppressed the ice’s temperature.

“Y-You……I thought I’d be safe under his excellency.”

“Well, I have something important to say. Ah, sorry, this is a meeting place, but does anyone bring a secretary? Just in case, I’d like someone to write this down.”

Everyone was confused by the sudden use of magic.

Eventually, the escorts woke up and quickly hid their employers behind themselves.

I approached the frozen and mustered all my strength so my words would sink into their bodies.

Everything, I put all the power I had into coercing them.

“I’m taking Wraith. Any further attacks on this city are pointless. I’ll never let her go anymore. Intimidation is futile.”

To prevent any more damage to this city, I officially declared that I was taking Wraith.

This incident was likely to spread even if those present tried to hide it, so let’s make the most of it.

“If you’re hostel to me, be prepared to lose everything. This is your warning, oppose me, and I’ll show you how cruel I can be.”

I didn’t like it.

Even if I killed the assassin that came today, it wouldn’t solve the heart of the issue.

Well, I may have to show my hand a bit. At the very least, it should give pause to “His Excellency” and others trying to make trouble.

“Okay, listen well. Challenge yourselves as much as you want, and be prepared to lose everything at that time. Everything, everything, everything. Your family, good friends, children, or others you wish to protect, all of them!”

I will be a magnificent villain.

By saying so much, the hatred will be directed at me.

At least, I won’t be able to work in this city anymore.

Fortunately, I can move freely. I could shake off any number of such attacks.

Well, if someone really did their best to engage in hostilities, I wouldn’t mind fighting against them with my all.

Few things have been able to bind me since I came here, and some of my more ridiculous thoughts were starting to run wild.

I realized that the limiters engrained in modern society were more fragile than I imagined.

“Now, let’s release it. Don’t forget to inform your employer.”

The true Demon King, this was the end.

The jet-black ice instantly turned into black flames and disappeared.

Under the effect of my oppressive aura, the overwhelmed man ran out of the room with teary eyes and a runny nose.

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After a moment, a few of the escorts followed after the man to ensure he left the city under minimal surveillance.

As for Takiya, who brought him……

“N-N-No…… please don’t kill me……I-l was ordered to do that…….”

“Did you read the letter?”

“Hiya! Ah, everything……Asked by you…….”

“That sniper you brought last time will appear at the guild, right? In that case, I won’t talk about it here.”

The message said 『I heard everything. Quietly obey or cut it off.』.

In addition, I added a “certain ingredient” from my item box.

He’d remain in pain if this city lacked a specific item.

No, on the contrary, there’s a possibility he’d focus on his work and become less likely to fall into temptation as a sage.

“Takiya-san, what did the former lord promise you?”

Despite the attack, Wraith spoke to Takiya in her usual gentle manner.

……Speaking of which, her level was over 90.

Maybe she could’ve handled it by herself?

“M-M-Mother…… If I was able to deliver you to lord Arkham, he promised that I could rule the city and be together with mother…….”

“……You really are a problem child.”

Oh, you poor mother-con.

Did you really rebel against the mother for such a reason?

However, there was a part of me that understood that feeling.

This man was the youngest one here.

Perhaps he’d faced numerous hardships because of his relative youth.

Therefore, he was taken in.

I wasn’t in the mood to forgive anyone, but if he said he wasn’t entirely to blame, I could give him a pass.

Sadly there was no next time. Let’s slice this pork and bake it.


“H-Hey! Is it true that you’re the one taking mother?!”

“Huh? Oh, that’s right.”

“W-Well……Okay! If you make our mother cry, we’ll kill you!”

“That’s right! If you make our mother sad, I’ll collect all of my young ones and make you regret it!”

“Please stop, both of you! Kaivon-sama, we guilds have nothing to do with any of this!”

Three men stood up and opposed the previous statement.

Also, guild chief, could you show a little more backbone?

What kind of notice did Oink give you?

Once the commotion finally settled down, Rue, who’d been quiet until now, came up to me.

“Kai-kun, could you try combining dark magic with my spells again later?’

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“Hmm. that’s sudden.”

“It was easily taken over by the dark magic. Because it’s frustrating, I want to do it again.”

No matter what, you always do things your own way.

I understand that Wraith is having an effect on your confidence.


Thus, Wraith became our companion in name and reality.

From now on, Spell would support the city with help from the other representatives until she was fully ready to step into Wraith’s shoes.

Of course, all of this wasn’t enough for those who couldn’t accept Wraith’s imminent departure and would challenge me every now and again.

From the day it was announced to a week before our departure, I received numerous hostile glances.

Of course, if they couldn’t be persuaded with words, the only option was to speak with our fists.

In addition, I realized the horrors of adjusting my sword abilities for every opponent when they numbered well over 100 people.

It’s said that the outsiders under Takiya’s umbrella fled the city on the same day as the previous meeting, and their destination was roughly marked out.

The guild chief was sent a team to keep track of them on my behalf.

Also, regarding that person named “Arkham”, who sent the assailant and offered Takiya the deal, I knew he was a former feudal lord, but his current position was troublesome.

This country seems to be employing a semi-democratic system that allowed lords, merchants, and even adventurers to be elected to the main governing body.

And Arkham happened to be the leader of one of the major factions.

……Well, I wasn’t planning to do anything if he didn’t try something else.


The day of departure quickly arrived.

“Thank you for waiting. First of all, we’re heading to ‘Libarai’ where lord Welde lives.”

“This is more of a laid-back journey, so we can go anywhere honestly, but it’d be a shame not to say anything to that person.”

Wraith emerged from the mansion wearing a long beige skirt with a deep slit for ease of movement and an antique lace blouse and shawl. She looked like a high-class lady going on safari.

On her back was a short bow made of glossy black wood with a red string.

Why was there no sense of incongruity with those colors?

“I suppose you’re able to use that now.”

“Yes. It took me more than 20 years.”

It was the strongest bow I knew.

Wraith only had cloth armor, but this country was relatively safe, so we can make do with it for now and get her more protective accessories later.

She was well prepared for her journey. Well, there was a menu screen and item storage between the three of us, so we didn’t look like travelers.

And as for the last person, Rue wasー.

“Wraith Wraith! I’m thankful for the outfit, but it’s too big for me.”

She ran out of the mansion wearing light blue and white clothes.

Ever since that day, Rue had been a frequent resident of Wraith’s room.

It’s funny, I thought of Rue as my little sister, but I could only see her as a younger sister attached to her elder sister right now.

“I’ll readjust it during the journey. I’m good at reworking things.”

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“By the way, you’re a 【Reformer】, right, Wraith? How motherly.”

【Reformer】 was a production job, but it had its uses in battle.

Mainly, the job allowed one to use monster parts and raw materials to repair broken equipment to a slightly inferior state to the item’s original condition.

However, a tricky tactic allowed the job to gather energy generated from other’s attacks and use it to buff their own.

……and the strongest 【Reformer】 I know was Dahlia.

“Fufu, you know this mansion was abandoned initially, right? The city was built around it after I finished repairing it.

“Heh, is that so?”

Wraith had stopped pretending to be human, and her small feathery wings were peeping from her back.

The name of this city was “Wing Rest” and it just so happened to be that her surname was “Rest”.

The meaning of the name was “to rest one’s feathers”.

As she said, this place was made for her.

In other words, that was its purpose.

“Now, let’s leave quickly before the exaggerated send-off.”

“Is that okay? Just leaving silently?”

“I already told everyone that I’d be leaving today. Everyone also has their own work to do.”

“I wonder if that’s the case…… well then, let’s go, Kai-kun!”

In front of the mansion, there was only us and her daughters waving at us.

However, this wasn’t meant to hold Wraith back but to push her forward.

We left the mansion and proceeded through the red-light district.

And all the workers were lined up and down the main street.

Not only that, it seems that a large number of people, from the respective guilds to satellite villages, were gathered here as well.

Men and women of all ages, even children, lined up and called out to Wraith.

“Thank you.” “Have a good time.” “I love you.” “Come back and play anytime.” “Take care of yourself.”

There was no end to the support and love given to her.

In the truest sense, the children had become independent.

“In the end, I still went through this send-off.”

“It’s amazing. Wraith is very popular!”

“……Yes, indeed……”

Now, it’s time to resume our journey.

Raise your head up high, Wraith. If you don’t look forward, won’t you stumble?


“Somehow, the seal is often disturbed these days.”

“……I see. Was there any movement from the other seven stars?”

“I don’t know. But, it’s within the margin of error, so it’s okay.”

“Don’t let your guard down. Another of these guys can never be released.”

It’ll be a while before the party can meet them.

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