On the eve of the fifth day, we finally arrived at Librari, the central hub of this region.

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The city’s infrastructure was made of reddish-brown bricks from the outer walls that protected the main streets.

This fact further emphasized the beauty of overlapping sunset.

“It’s been quite a while since I last came here. Originally, Welde-san was born into a bricklayer’s household.” (T/N: This guy became a feudal lord, built a small city, and gathered enough political clout to openly protect someone from one of his country’s most powerful politicians. It’s a good thing Kai came when he did, or we could be dealing with a Wraith-based religion.)

“The walls of Wraith’s mansion were also made of brick, could it be?”

“Yes. He aided in its repair.”

“Kai-kun, they don’t seem to be ordinary bricks. Maybe magic stones are kneaded into them. Normally bricks are easily chipped, yet these seem like they’ve been in use for some time.”

When Rue pointed it out, I realized I couldn’t find a crack or chip in any of the bricks.

In addition, there weren’t any weeds growing in the gaps. These facts left the intricate designs of the bricks intact and allowed the texture to reflect its age.

“Let’s stay at an inn for tonight and visit Welde-san’s place tomorrow.”

“What kind of face will Bo-kun make?”

“……That’s right. I have to accurately explain things to him.”

After all, Wraith had been in his care for quite some time, and there might be some guilt involved.

If I were him, the news would be an insta-kill.

……Should I cheek for any damage-reflecting abilities?

We headed to the Adventurer’s Guild and were introduced to an inn.

It seems that Wraith wasn’t familiar with the accommodations of this city, so we decided to ask an expert.

Contrary to Wing Rest, the people here looked more like scholars and magicians than adventures.

Finding these minor differences between cities was one of the perks of traveling.

When I showed the receptionist my card, we got a letter of introduction to our lounging place. We headed there immediately after the expected reaction.

While I was interested in the available requests, but that could wait for another day.

However, I was really starting to wonder what kind of message Oink sent out.

Rather than being respected, it was like people feared me.


After a bit of time waking the city’s dark streets, we eventually caught sight of a two-story wooden building with a red triangle roof.

This place would be our base in the city.

The guild said there was no set checkout date, so it didn’t matter how long we stayed here.

The payment would be deducted from my account. In addition, the guild would bear the living expenses to some extent.

Well, I also had to contribute to the local guild.

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“Excuse me, I have an introduction from the guildー.”


I heard a mysterious shriek when I called out to the reception desk.

Looking at the other side of the desk, I saw a short girl looking up at me.

……what is this girl?


Why was there another shriek when I walked up to the desk? She took out a flipbook while yelping.

〈What what…… ‘If the guild recommended you, please present your letter of introduction.’, right.〉

“Kai-kun, what is this cute thing?”

“No, even I don’t know. Here’s the letter of introduction.”

The girl had black eyes and long brown hair.

Her hair was tied up here and there, but the effect left a messy impression.

And above all…… there was a set of rounded triangular ears atop her head.

Animal ears…… Were there races in this world that weren’t present in the game?

“She a hamrat, right? Don’t you know?”

“……I won’t get into the name right now. What are hamrats?’

“They’re a race that secretly lives in buildings. If you prepare rice and a bed for them, they’ll help with household chores. It’s just that they are very rare, and are often caught as slaves.”

“Slave…… I really don’t like that word.”


The strange girl tilted her head to one side.

How cute!

She wore a yellow apron dress and looked like a doll.

〈Huh? “Since the procedure is over, please take rooms 202, 203, 204.” Thank you very much.〉

After receiving our keys, the girl returned the flipbook to the back shelf and hid behind the desk again.

I think she’s a hard worker, but is she still suitable as a receptionist if the girl can’t speak?


Now, the three private rooms were luxuriously decorated, but there was one problem.

Wraith suggested staying in the same room as Rue or me.

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I didn’t expect her to make such a suggestion, but it wouldn’t be a problem with Rue.

Since we were down one room, I had to return a key.

Was the hamrat girl, who could rent out the rooms, capable of serving customers?

“Sorry, there’s an extra room, so I’d like to return this.”


I handed the key to the girl and reminded myself to be careful when requesting things from the guild.

Umm, it’s a mystery.

The rooms had a bed, a large closet, a chest, and some other furnishings.

The street could be seen from the window, and I could hear the hustle and bustle from other inns and restaurants below.

When I removed my gear and laid on the bed, it was more elastic than I thought, as it moderately pushed back against me.

“I can finally calm down and get a restful sleep.”

Over the last few days, it’s been a struggle to suppress my earthly desires and impulses, and I can finally relax.

Should I buy a personal tent for myself?

As I thought about such things, there was a modest knock at my door.

“Kai-san, are you asleep? I need to speak with you about dinner.”

“I’m coming?”

Well, I hadn’t wholly entered sleep mode yet.


Wraith and Rue had changed from their traveling clothes to outfits befitting the recent spring-like temperatures.

Me? I was in my usual black outfit.

If you’re a man, you have to go with black.

“Let the first ‘What to eat for dinner?’ meeting begin.”

“First? Haven’t we always done this?”

“In the case of two people, that’s not a meeting. Alright, new member, Wraith, make your suggestion.”

I was so satisfied to get back to a more stable situation that the sudden change completely caught me off guard.

Rue was trying to act like a serious elder sister.


The awkward chuckle and the raised hand made it seem like Wraith was making a joke. But the over-exaggerated gesture caused a specific set of meat to bounce around quite a bit.

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What would happen if I coldly pointed out that she didn’t have to raise her hand?

On no, that person was already teary-eyed with embarrassment.

As expected, yelling “Meat!” was embarrassing, wasn’t it?

“Yes, I received the meat suggestion from Wraith and her fluffy meat. Next is Rue and her tender flesh.”

“Hmm…… what kind of food is good when it comes to meat…… it’s still a little chilly, and I’d like some stewed food.”

“Is that so. Then it’s stew tonight. Then why don’t you hang out in that direction.”

Casual sexual innuendos are a most.

I left the key with the hamrat girl at the front desk, and we left the inn.


She looked adorable as she waved goodbye.


We found a slightly expensive restaurant.

This place was decided on because of the “Today’s Special: Rapid Rabbit Stew” sign posted outside.

By the way, Rapid Rabbits were low-level cannon fodder enemies during the game era.

They usually dropped pelts or meat, which early-stage pocket money generators.

Surprisingly, they found great success in high-end restaurants.

“Whoa! I wonder if there’s an adventurer that could defeat Rapid Rabbits in this city!”

“This is rare. I’m looking forward to it, honeyー.”

What? Is that a joke?

We immediately ordered three servings of the stew.

Surprisingly, the price wasn’t written on the menu.

How many years had it been since I last saw a menu without princes……

However, I seem to be the only one surprised by that.

Rue probably didn’t understand what it meant, but Wraith was very exacted.

I wonder if she had experience with stores like this.

……By the way, Wraith’s shop didn’t have a price list either, so it was quite a luxury store.

“Would you like a drink with your meal?”

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“Well, I would like this wine, please.”

It’s regrettable.


“It’s been a while since I’ve had rabbit meat. It rarely comes to the warehouse.”

What was brought was something like a cream stew.

Although it was less thick, the taste was quite rich, and the meat itself was slightly sweet.

No, it was delicious, without a doubt, and the meat was beyond tender.

It had a similar texture to soft-boiled fish paste.

“……Hey, it’s a bit late, but are rapid rabbits valuable?”

“I wonder? Do you know Wraith?”

“That’s right, they seem to be active from spring to autumn in this country, but I hear it’s difficult to find and attack them.”

Indeed, the ribbits were somewhat fast.

But was that enough to make them valuable? After all, it seems the strength and distribution of monsters differ greatly depending on the country.

In the first place, I haven’t encountered any monsters since I entered this nation.

Was this a benefit from liberating one of the Seven Stars?”


“Thank you for the meal.”

After finishing our meal and paying the bill, Wraith became rather nervous.

“S-Sorry, I usually drink that brand of wine…… Um, was that okay?”

“Don’t worry. There’s no way a poor man could visit your shop, right?”

I took out my black card.

While I spent quite a bit of money, I still had plenty to go around.

Also, when I checked my account a while ago, I found that many rewards had flooded in from the monster swarm incident in Maine Valley.

As for the case in Lark, I received a reduced reward because I killed the criminal after capturing him alive.

……The request said I could kill him, and I took that fact to heart when I carried out the act.

“Darling, that person is amazing. It’s a black card.”

“Hahaha, it’s the same black card I have!”


What……who invited that couple into the picture……

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