“Oh! Welcome, Grand Matron! Lord Kaivon and Lady Rue as well!”

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“It’s been a while. There is something I’d like to tell you, so I came here today.”

The next day, we arrived at Welde’s lordly manor.

Although Welde had been working at his main office in the city, he practically flew over when he learned of Wraith’s visit.

“M-Matron came to my city…… Thank you, Kaivon-dono and Rue-dono, for escorting her along the way!”

“Oh, yes.”

“Ah, Bo-kun, it’s differentー.”

“Yes, let’s keep our mouths shut right now.”

I placed my hand over Rue’s mouth and dragged her back before she said too much.

Let’s leave this to Wraith!

“Lord Welde…… no, Brooke. I appreciate all that you’ve done for me. You built a city, protected the people of this land, and even cared for my mansion.”

“Matro…… No, Wraith-dono……”

To Wraith, who was acting different from usual, Welde also changed his demeanor, as if he realized something.

Well, the two shared a long relationship.

She knew him when he was young enough to still be addressed as Brooke.

“When I think about it, all the customers who visited me came on your recommendation. Thank you for everything up till now.”

“That was only at the beginning. The strength of your character led to those I introduced becoming regulars and the constant influx of new customers. That was a necessity for the city’s initial development. I am so grateful for that, I――.”

“Even so, I was still saved. Because of you, I was able to stay in one place. And――.”

Wraith cut him off with a small flap of her wings.

“……Is that so? When I saw you like this, I realized it…… It’s finally time to return to the sky, isn’t it?”

“Yes. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for letting my feathers rest for so long.”

The two of them were just like a married couple that had been together for many years, and it was making me a little jealous.

However, this moment was something he should have, not me.

Welde kept smiling as he acknowledged Wraith’s departure.

Well done, Welde.

“So, where is that person? I will send you off properly.”

“No, it’s not like that, any――.”

“I’m supposed to leave the matron them, so I have to give it a shot! I’m sorry, but I can’t give up on this without taking a shot! Oh, let’s get a magic carriage arranged immediately. Although I work in an office, I’m also a man, and I still have the muscles I trained in my younger days!”

I’m impressed by your position, but I can see you!

Moreover, I’d hazard a guess that he’d forgotten we were here.

But your spirit is admirable!

Let’s do our best against each other.

『Dragon God’s Protection』

『Maxim Vitality Enhancement』

『30% Damage Reduction』

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『30% Defense Increase』

『30% Physical Defense Increase』

『15% Damage Reduction』

『15% Defense Increase』

『15% Physical Defense Increase』

『+5% to All Abilities』

『×2 Ability Effect』

Alright, come!
Oh? Was this childish?

I didn’t want it to hurt.

Now, let’s switch to the demon king set.

“Ka-Kaivon-dono?! Why do you suddenly look like that?!”

“Oh, I wonder if this is a courtesy.”

“A-A courtesy……?”

“Well, I thought it would be rude of me to be beaten while not taking your challenge seriously.”

This was the first time he saw me in this form, but I wasn’t surprised that he already knew about it.

Did Lant inform him about it in that port town?

“Being beaten……N-No way!”

“Sorry, Wraith has decided to travel with us. So please take your shot.”

While smiling in my mind, I spread my arms and slowly walked forward.

One step, then another.

I also adorned myself in black flames.

If this scene was turned into a manga panel, the onomatopoeia 「ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ」would be written in the background of a double-paged spread.

Come on, hit me! If you want to hit me, try doing it!

“Hihihi! ………Wh-Why not here! I won’t hold back, I won’t hold baaaaccck!!”

While screaming, Welde ran at me as if resolved to face death.

Then he took a big swing――.

Looking at his face, I had no choice but to cancel out my abilities.

The next moment, a man’s fist struck my cheek.

The blow caused a slight twitch in my neck.

The man in the prime of his life looked me up and down through ragged breaths.

――That’s right……even without my abilities, the damage didn’t get through.

Perhaps I wouldn’t even have a bruise or cut lip afterward.

In fact, the one who threw the punch was the one that got hurt.

As for me, it wasn’t painful. It wasn’t painful at all.

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However, it was frustrating for some reason.

At times like these, I really hate this body.

“T-That was for the crime of making her wait so long! N-Now, it’s Kaivon-dono’s turn!”

“No, I already have a big debt.”

There was something I had to say here and now.

“Thank you for protecting Wraith up till now. I appreciate you taking care of her.”


I offered a deep bow before leaving the office.

Welde needed some alone time right now.

We departed while listening to half-started sentences from the other side of the door.


At the end of the hallway, an old gentlemanly steward was waiting for us.

“Please excuse my lord’s rudeness. Please forgive me.”

“No, I’m the one to blame for this.”

“Thank you for your consideration. Please, stay until my lord has calmed down.”

Following the old man, we were quietly led to a dimly lit corridor. Then a small voice caught my ear.

“Kai-kun, are you okay?”

“Huh? Nothing’s wrong. Why?”

“Is that so? It’s just that you’re making a very pained expression.”

“I see. What do I look like?”

I thought that went well.

Overall, everything was clean and straightforward.

………A mental attack is fundamental.


There was a visitor in the reception room.

Although the girl still seemed young, she was calm and stood up when she noticed us.

“Thank you for coming. My name is Aida, the eldest daughter of the Welde family.”

……Welde, did you have a wife and children?

Can I go back and hit him?

The girl was a cute blondie. Based on her, the wife must’ve been considerably beautiful.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Kaivon. I’m an adventurer. I have a good relationship with your father.”

“You’re Bo-kun’s daughter? My name is Rue. I rode in a carriage with him, and he did good things.”

Rue, that’s quite the convenient foot you have there.

No matter what, he’s still a feudal lord.

“You’re Ada-san…… I’m Wraith Rest.”

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“In any case, you…… what business do you have with us?”

Although Rue and I introduced ourselves in turn, the girl didn’t react conspicuously. She seemed to have spoken up out of courtesy.

However, the corner of her eyes rose up when she heard Wraith’s name.

It wasn’t dangerous, but the atmosphere became a little tense.

“There’s something I needed to report, so I stopped by.”

“Is that so. ……To begin with, I hate you.”

I was shocked by the sudden declaration, but the target of the comment quietly acknowledged it.

“……As expected…… I didn’t choose him till the very end…….”

However, the girl revealed her anger after her previous malice was so readily accepted.

“You whore! You have no idea what you did to my father or the expectations my mother was forced to live by.”

Yes, it was out.

However, the same applied to the woman. Did she have any idea how Wraith lived?

“Even as Welde’s daughter, that’s crossing the line. Can you shut up for a moment?”

“I didn’t want to say because you’re under my father’s care…… but, back off.”

She finished off with a stoic command as if nothing had happened.

The girl seemed quite accustomed to giving commands, but what makes a lord’s, who isn’t even an aristocrat nor anything, daughter so great?

“This is funny. I heard there weren’t any aristocrats in this country. I thought the lord’s children didn’t have any authority or voice.”

“……If you think calmly, you should know that disturbing me here will obstruct your future activities.”

Did this lord’s daughter really not know who I was?

It seems that this family’s circumstances were complicated, but I couldn’t overlook those previous remarks.

……But I’ll let it go just this once.

“Rue, Wraith, we should leave.”

“That, Kai-san…… is this for my sake?.”

“No, I want to leave, so I’m leaving.”

I grabbed their hands and left the room.

“I’m sorry, A-chan, see you next time.”

Rue seemed a little apologetic about the whole affair.

“Wait a moment! Somebody, stop them!”

The steward was no longer outside the room, and there were no other servants present.

We left the mansion before anyone could respond to Ada’s command.


“Umm, Kai-san. I should hear that child’s story, so I’ll go――.”

No. Despite having a wife and children, he still chose to offer his aid and assistance. It’s Welde’s responsibility to handle such things.”


To be honest, I didn’t know the circumstances of other people’s homes.

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And they didn’t know anything about us either.

It was frustrating to be told off by someone who didn’t know Wraith’s history and way of life.

Since I didn’t know their problems, there was no point arguing with them anymore.

Then, we could only go home, right?

If I stayed there any longer, I don’t know what would happen.

I had a distorted personality.

I could only categorize people in regards to “allies” or “enemy”.

That woman was the “daughter of an ally”, but if I stayed, it seemed she would’ve turned into an “enemy with an ally father”.

“Wraith, that girl was probably eight years old at most. I don’t know the details, but that child is very young. It’s a parent’s job to rill in the child’s tantrum. Now isn’t the time for you to do anything.”

“……So, what is it?”

“Wraith, you’re not a mother anymore. You have to change your mindset little by little.”

However, I needed to pay Welde a private visit later.

I only said I was going home.

After that, Wraith managed to regain her composure and offered to go to the guild.

Yes, she needed to register with the guild if we were to be traveling together.

At least, thought so――

“No way, I used to by an adventurer.”

“That was quite some time ago. Fufu, can you still fight a little?”

“Mmm, I’ll do it, Wraith. You’re at A-rank, right?”

Unlike Rue, Wraith came to this world at a low level, but she managed to advance independently.

Well, I didn’t know the average level of adventurers in this world. Just to chick, I put on the glasses and examined the people around me.

“……you’re kidding.”

The results were far beyond my imagination.

The weaker ones were around lv 17, while the strongest one was lv 47.

Indeed, this country was safe, but isn’t that still too low?

“I looked at the request board, but there’s no subjugation or collection system. What should I do?”

“It’s all escorting and urban development. What do we do?”

“Then, how about we go out for a bit of training?”

Personalized training was the only option.

Without any monsters, there were only a few viable ways to increase Wraith’s strength.

Oh, let’s take this opportunity to pick out some accessories for Wraith.

Suddenly, the entire guild was buzzing with activity.

Looking around――.

“I’m sorry, but is there a guy named Kaivon here? It would be great if you could come out quietly.”

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