“Ah――” ZiLi pulled the hand away from his mouth. “Ming Yue, Chun Lan, you girls scared the hell out of me! Hey, why are you two here? And why am I here?”

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“Shh――, Your Highness, don't make a sound. We have to get out of here first!”

So, the three of them took advantage of the chaotic situation and quickly slipped back into the Palace of the Hostage Prince. After hearing the whole story from Ming Yue and Chun Lan about how everything had happened, ZiLi could not help but to break out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he had not been carried by the two girls all the way to the Cold Palace. Just thinking about it made his teeth chatter. If he had woken up in the middle of the night and found himself lying in a sinister and frightening place, he would have been scared half to death. Heaven knows his greatest fears are especially ghosts and sinister places!

“But, now we must have succeeded by a stroke of luck! Otherwise, His Highness would not have recovered so quickly!” Ming Yue smiled happily and said.

ZiLi did not comment on that and just shook his head and said, “Not only did I lose tens of millions of brain cells because I was scared to death, but I also had the side effect of offending him again. This kind of method of treating me would have been better avoided!"


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Ming Yue and Chun Lan fleetingly looked at each other.

ZiLi crawled into bed with a heavy heart, the events of the night had left him physically and mentally drained. After learning what kind of place he had ended up in, his original plan had been to spend as little time as possible in the Emperor's presence, waiting for others to ignore and forget his existence. Then he would find a chance to escape from the Imperial Palace, leave behind the original identity of this body, and live his life like the common people. But the things that had happened now were repeatedly not the way he wanted. He not only made the Emperor, who was apparently a gōng 1 , aware of his existence, but also exposed a completely different personality from the original owner of this body. In this way, it was hard not to be noticed!

“His Highness must be tired, then Ming Yue and Chun Lan shall excuse ourselves at once. If Your Highness has any requests, just call us right away.”


As he watched Ming Yue and Chun Lan leave, ZiLi closed his eyes. Although he felt very tired, he tossed and turned, but he could not fall asleep! He let his imagination run wild about how that person would deal with him tomorrow and whether he would really kill him! Thinking of all kinds of death made ZiLi tremble with fear.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 13 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

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He sat up, got out of bed and poured himself a glass of water.


He could not help but sigh.

After sighing, he could not help but feel laughable. When did he became so sad and troubled? How did Su ZiLi, who used to find it difficult to worry about difficulties and thought that any trouble was a piece of cake, become a person who constantly sighs? Was it because he changed bodies?

While ZiLi was thinking, he walked over to the bronze mirror and carefully examined his face reflected in it. To be honest, he was not very satisfied. This skin was too delicate and dainty. Moreover, this body was also thin and weak; it could not carry or lift and walking a few steps would cause him to gasp. Compared with the body he had trained for several years by playing basketball, he would now simply fall over with a push. In conclusion, this body was too feminine!

ZiLi complained to himself for a while, then crawled back into bed and continued to force himself to meet the Duke of Zhou 2 !

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 13 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Early the next morning, ZiLi, who was still drowsy and could not get out of bed, was shaken by a summon, so he got up. He was surrounded by anxious and frightened maids to get properly dressed and was then led by the eunuch, walking through the palace corridor with eighteen turns, to the Emperor's Imperial study. There he had to wait outside until he would be called in.

He had to wait for two hours, while several persons who seemed like important governmental officials came out and several tall and sturdy generals went in. Then again several important governmental officials and several generals came out, while several people of whom he did not know who they were went in and out again.

In and out, out and in, but no one told ZiLi when it was his turn. ZiLi felt like a weathervane, just standing there stupidly. His body was blown left and right by the wind of the others passing by; ignored when they went in and ignored when they came out.

Finally, a sharp voice echoed and said, “Requesting His Highness the Third Prince of Bei Ling for an audience with the Emperor!”

ZiLi, who was angry, could not help but curse under his breath, “Damn, the Emperor likes to play dirty. Not letting me know if something good or something bad is waiting for me. Making me look foolish by thinking about it outside, just to test my mental endurance! This laozi 3 will not be fooled! Let’s see what you are trying to pull!”

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Translation Notes 

 Don’t know if this needs an explanation, but it means the top or seme in a relation.   周公 – Zhōugōng – God of Dreams: In Chinese legends, if an important thing is going to happen to someone, the Duke of Zhou will let the person know through his dreams.   老子 - LǎoZi – ‘I’ used in an arrogant way. 


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