Just when ZiLi did not know how to divert Hong Xu's attention, suddenly several sounds of people’s voices and messy footsteps came from outside the palace hall. “An assassin! There is an assassin! Protect His Majesty!”

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Interlocking shadows and torches could be seen, and the clanging ‘thuds’ of metal were faintly heard.

Hong Xu, who had just been filled with explosives by ZiLi, was clearly on the verge of exploding. Still, he had not yet reduced people to bones and ashes, largely because ZiLi was too rational and cautious to mess with his fuse, but now… Unfortunately, not only did someone unluckily lit the fire, but they were also foolish enough to fan it!

Hong Xu, who was restraining his anger, was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, no rather, a dragon whose reverse scale 1 had been stroked. He immediately threw ZiLi away with a dark expression, got out of the bed and kicked open the door. The situation outside was really as chaotic as he had thought. He saw a bunch of armed Imperial Bodyguards wielding broadswords and surrounding an assassin, who was wearing clothes suitable for the darkness 2 and covering his face, but from the body shape one could tell that it had to be a man.

He saw to his surprise that the assassin was really skilled and fast. The assassin used two half-arc scimitars 3 with sharp blades shaped like a crescent moon. The fierce sword aura that was emitted during his swift movements as he danced around made the surrounding Imperial Bodyguards unable to get within a meter of him.


The always well-trained guards 4 were thrown into disorder by him, and they fell back breaking their formation.

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The assassin was able to deal with the dozens of Imperial Bodyguards around him with ease 5 , as he fought and moved towards Hong Xu's bedroom. But as more and more guards joined the battle, the assassin gradually was overwhelmed. He frowned, knowing that he would not last long in such a battle; he had to do it quickly. So when he saw the door to the Emperor's chambers had opened and the Emperor of Chu Jing, Hong Xu had appeared at the door, he immediately swiftly eliminated a few of the guards who were in his way, stepped on their shoulders and made a powerful leap forward. He raised his scimitar and stabbed at Hong Xu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines with a calm and collected face.

The others were stunned when they noticed his action, then they turned pale with fright. Hong Xu, however, just stared coldly at the blade that was getting closer and closer to him and did not see exactly how the assassin was moving. When the Imperial Bodyguards came back to their senses, they saw the assassin fly backward, helpless like a bird with a broken wing, and hit the ground with a heavy blow.

The assassin clutched his chest and lifted his head with difficulty, his eyes full of surprise and disbelief, looking at Hong Xu who towered above him. His movement became sluggish and his face mask seemed to have become wet, sticking to his lower jaw. He was actually vomiting blood!

What a terrifying skill! My martial arts is already one of the very best among the experts on this continent. How could he dodge my fatal blow so effortlessly, and also push me back without directly touching me? Could he merely have used internal force to inflict the serious damage on me until now?

The four limbs of the assassin became weak as he frightened looked at Hong Xu slowly walking to him. He walked expressionlessly to the assassin's side, the fierce and cold rays of light in his eyes made the assassin who met his eyes do nothing but shudder.

“You—Just kill me!”

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Hong Xu looked disdainfully at the man on the ground who was like an ant 6 to him and said, “Kill you? Do you want to die so badly?”

“Argh,” the man groaned in pain and lifted his weak hand in an attempt to push away the foot that had stepped on his broken ribs, ruthlessly crushing them.

“That is the sorrow of being a nobody. You can't live well and you can't die well.”

ZiLi leaned against the door and secretly watched the situation outside. Every time that foot turned, ZiLi's heart immediately trembled with fear.

This man, is not only violent and ruthless, but also a sadist. Even if the other person wanted to assassinate you, you've already beaten him half to death! You are even more cruel, by stepping on people's wounds as pay back, just thinking about it ―― *trembles*.

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ZiLi took advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was focused on the assassin, so with his back against the wall, he slowly moved towards the gate of the palace hall to escape.

“Phew――” ZiLi, who finally escaped safely from the tiger's den, could not help but heave a long sigh of relief.

Before he had time to rejoice, suddenly a hand reached out from behind him, covering his mouth and pulling him backwards.


Translator Notes
Another chapter ヾ(⌒▽⌒)ノ, although it's a cliffhanger now ^_^"

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Translation Notes 

 逆鳞 - Nì Lín - It’s said that the dragon will kill anyone who touches its reverse scale. Now it is used to refer to someone’s weakness, sore spot, or most cherished and important thing.   Something like this, I think:
 Something like this, I think:
 护军 - HùJūn - Guard Corps, which was assigned to protect the Imperial Palace.   游刃有余 - Yóu rèn yǒu yú. - Handling a butcher's cleaver with ease.   蝼蚁 - LóuYǐ - Mole cricket and ants - Although I don’t think that mole crickets are as well know, look them up at your own risk. 


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