The sultry moonlight poured in through the slightly opened window to the spacious bed covered with black fox felt. The moonlight was like slowly flowing spring water, seeping through the black hair that was spread out on the bed, flowing over the soft lines of the side of the face, moistening the delicate neck. Then flowing along the delicate slender waist to the long, slender legs that wore form-fitting clothing, finally reaching the smooth and round small toes.

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This scene of vibrant colors gave birth to an image of a fragrant youthful sleeping beauty. The visual impact that was produced gave the people exactly the same feeling that could be described as ‘it makes your heart beat faster’.

But for Hong Xu, who was used to seeing such scenes, his desire was only slightly incited. He walked slowly to the bedside and looked down at the sleeping beauty, who had buried most of his face in the quilt.

This one has a lot of guts, having the courage to dare to fall asleep while serving Us.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 11 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Hong Xu merely raised his eyebrows; he did not at all reject the occasional unexpected situations that could increase interest, so he tolerated that the clothes of the young man had not yet been removed and tolerated his disobedient action of falling asleep.

At that moment a group of clouds covered the peeping moon in the sky. The gradually receding moonlight resembled a humble gentleman, who did not look at inappropriate things, but who knew his place and averted his eyes.

Hong Xu pulled the body of young man towards him, covered him with his whole body, and casually kissed his slightly opened crimson lips.

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ZiLi, who was sleeping, opened his mouth because it had become difficult to breathe. His head had become dizzy and his body seemed to be crushed by a huge rock, preventing him from moving. With great effort, he moved his neck and tried to free himself from the unbearable suffocation. Suddenly, he felt a pain on his body that made him exclaim, “Ah”. The feeling of pain cleared his mind. He felt something cold on his chest. A soft, wet and warm object caressed his collarbone and his nipples from time to time.

ZiLi shot his eyes open, shocked to see a man on top of him with his head down and being really busy with his body.

"Ah!" His right nipple was suddenly nibbled.

ZiLi stared blankly ahead for seven seconds, finally figuring out what was happening right now.

"Ah――, pervert! Get away――!" ZiLi immediately screamed and raised his hand to push the man on top of him away.

Hong Xu, who had just started ‘his meal’, was disturbed by the scream and became distracted. Just at that moment, when Hong Xu’s guard was lowered, ZiLi successfully pushed him aside.

ZiLi pulled his collar tight and sat up quickly intending to escape. Hong Xu, who had already regained his senses, immediately realized what his plan was. In his heart, he could not help but be furious. A little disobedience is interesting, but the current situation was a different story.

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As a result, ZiLi, whose feet had barely touched the ground, was pulled back with a spin by a large hand before he could get out of bed, leaving the other person holding him firmly in his hands. Hong Xu narrowed his eyes and stared grimly at the incessantly struggling young man beneath him and said, “It seems that you are really tired of living.”

The palms holding ZiLi’s arms were hard like iron shackles and the force made ZiLi’s bones extremely painful. He yelled furiously, “Let go of me, you perverted, disgusting thing!”

Although Hong Xu did not know the meaning of ‘perverted’ that ZiLi had shouted, the meaning of ‘disgusting thing’ was very clear. Did this lowly male pet 1 really dare to call him a ‘disgusting thing’?

After ZiLi finished his scolding, he felt that the person above him was emitting an even more chilling and terrifying aura around his body. When ZiLi met his eyes in the darkness, he could not help but stiffen all over his body.

Trembling with fear, he watched as the other person bent to his ears and whispered, “What should We 2 do with you? Should We drag you out immediately to have you dismembered by five horses and then throw your internal organs to the dogs? Or should We make you jump naked into a pool of snakes so that they can practice drilling holes in your body? Or should We cut off your hands and feet and put you in a latrine like a human swine 3 ?”


ZiLi became very sorrowful to know that he had offended that terrifying man once again. But why was he in his bed?

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“Yo――You can’t kill me, I am the Third Prince of Bei Ling,” ZiLi said when he had calmed down.


“The Third Prince of Bei Ling?” Hong Xu paused and snorted disdainfully. “What can the Third Prince of Bei Ling do? You are only a lowly prisoner of Ours. We have nothing to worry about if We want to kill you. Do you think Bei Ling has the ability to avenge you?”

Wha― what, he didn’t buy it?!


ZiLi became anxious!


"Yo― you still can't kill me."

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“Hmph, why can We not kill you?” Hong Xu's fingernails stroked over ZiLi’s tender cheeks and stopped on his throbbing vein on his neck.

“Because― because you are the Emperor! People say, ‘the Prime Minister can hold a boat in his belly’ 4 . Then the Emperor's belly must be even bigger. Now I just said something trivial. Is that enough to kill a fresh life just like that?” ZiLi spoke very carefully with reason and compassion.

Hong Xu’s eyes lit up and he said, “Hehe, why did We not know that the Third Prince of Bei Ling, who has always been ignorant, incompetent and indulgent in lust, is smarter, more eloquent and more intelligent than most!”

When ZiLi heard this, he became so nervous that he broke out in a cold sweat.


I've revealed myself! I will definitely die this time!Translation Notes 

 男宠 - NánChǒng - Male lover of an emperor, empress or high official.   朕 - Zhèn - We, that is used by the Emperor.   人彘 - RénZhì - The way Lü Zhi had Concubine Qi killed - More information can be found here .   宰相肚里能撑船 - ZǎiXiàng dù lǐ néng ChēngChuán. - People who have a big responsibility know how to be patient and broad-minded 

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