The sky was so blue that no clouds could be seen!

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The grasslands stretched as far as the eye could see and were full of green meadows so inviting you wanted to sleep on them, flowers that bloomed like a piece of brocade, cattle and sheep roaming the land, unhurried shepherds’ songs and lights of tents around which the smoke of cooking swirled. Scattered across the grasslands were crystalline lakes with turquoise blue water, and small rivers connecting the small and large lakes like winding vines!

“Mister, mister!” Xiao Uzhina shouted tearfully as she hurried down the grassy slope.

“Huh?” The man sitting by the lake, sharpening a bamboo flute and wearing a black veil hat, turned around, “It’s Xiao Uzhina! What’s the matter, why are you running so fast?”

“Mis― mister, booohooo―― please save Toya, she’s dying!” Xiao Uzhina said as she looked up at the man with her small, crying, red-nosed face.

“Look at you crying so much, you look like a crying kitten!” The man’s voice was like a broken spring, “What happened to Toya? Wasn’t she fine yesterday?”

“Booohooo―― Mister come quickly!” Xiao Uzhina cried as she pulled the man along.

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 82 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Xiao Uzhina led him to a grassy slope where a flock of sheep was leisurely grazing, and pointed to Toya, who lay motionless on the ground, saying, “Look, mister, Toya her― her eyes are closed, her mouth is purple, her body is limp, and she’s not breathing!”

The man knelt down and inspected the lamb that was born only yesterday, “Don’t worry, your Toya is just playing a game of feigning death with you! If you don’t believe me, touch her, her heart is still beating!”

Sobbing, Xiao Uzhina doubtfully placed her hand on the lamb’s chest, and then said with complete reassurance, “It’s―― It’s true! Toya is still alive!”

“Heh heh, now you don’t have to cry like a kitten anymore, all right?” After comforting the little girl, the man started treating the lamb.

In fact, the lamb was indeed ‘feigning its death’, but it was not something that was good!

Because there were some difficulties during the birth of the lamb, it was inside the mother sheep for too long. The lamb started breathing too early, so it inhaled amniotic fluid causing it to get sick, which was why it showed signs of ‘feigning death’.

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With one hand, the man held the lamb by both hind limbs and lifted it upside down, while he patted the lamb’s chest and back with the other hand to speed up the drainage of mucus from the lamb’s mouth and nose. After doing this again and again, all the obstruction was removed, and the lamb opened his eyes and stood up trembling!

“Ah! Toya!” Xiao Uzhina hugged the weakly bleating lamb happily.

“Bayrl-laa (Thank you)! Mister!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 82 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

The man whose expression could not be seen patted the little girl’s head.

“ ‘Holder of Panacea’ sir?” Suddenly, the Clan Elder’s cheerful voice came from behind him.

When he looked back, he saw the burly Clan Elder with thick eyebrows and beard leading a group of men in his direction. He stood up and his gaze suddenly fell on the imposing man with cold aura and profound eyes next to the Clan Elder.

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“I wonder what advice the Clan Elder has to give?” Displeased, he withdrew his eyes that had met those of the man in mid-air, and instead turned to the Clan Elder and asked.

“Haha, I do not dare to give you advice!” The Clan Elder laughed and made way for Hong Xu, saying, “This brave traveler has come from the Capital and wishes to ask you, sir, to cure his wife that has been poisoned!”

“You are the ‘Holder of Panacea’?” Hong Xu looked with an unfathomable expression at the man in black with a black veil hat in front of him. His sharp gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the black veil and go straight to the bottom of one’s heart!

“That’s just a name that others have given to me! I am not worthy of the word ‘Saint’ 1 !” he said indifferently.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 82 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Sir, you are too modest!” the Clan Elder could not help but interject, “If it weren’t for your excellent medical skills, I’m afraid my poor mother would have died of a heart disease!”

“Since that is the case! ‘Holder of Panacea’ can you please save my wife who has been poisoned?” Hong Xu restrained himself from being too overbearing and said in a rare meek manner.

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But just as the group was about to lead the way, they suddenly heard him snort lightly and say, “I said I am not worthy of the word ‘Saint’, so how could someone like me be able to cure your wife of poison?”

“Clan Elder, I will take my leave!”

“Wait!” Hong Xu suppressed the anger in his eyes and said slowly, “Sir, you are willing to put yourself in a position to treat a lamb, so it is clear to see that you, sir, are kindhearted. So, how can you, sir, be one who has the heart to turn a deaf ear to someone in dire need of help?”

“Heh, trying to flatter me is pointless! Treating a sheep means I am kindhearted? Then you are dead wrong! I once turned a blind eye to an injured old farmer on the side of the road, is that kindhearted? I once left a merchant to die who was in danger, is that kindhearted? I was once indifferent to a group of war wounded, and you still call me kind?” The voice coming from behind the black veil sounded very sarcastic.

“That――” The Clan Elder looked at the two in bewilderment.

So, let me tell you, who I want to treat does not depend on my heart, but on my mood! Unfortunately, I am in a very bad mood right now, so I don’t want to see your wife!” he said with a sneer, then turned around and walked away!

Hong Xu remained silent and stood motionless in place with a gloomy expression on his face.

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