Hearing the shouts of their comrades, the other Imperial bodyguards quickly rose from their beds and with a ‘swish’ drew their swords and ran out.

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The several men in black standing outside on the deck had already jumped onto the cabin where Hong Xu was.

“Thirteen, Fourteen, go immediately to the main cabin to protect the Lord!” The head of the Imperial bodyguards, who was in a fight with a man in black and therefore unable to do it himself, quickly ordered, raising his sword and fiercely attacking the enemy’s lower body.

There were fifteen of them, and their martial arts skills were on a par with theirs. Had it been a one-on-one fight, the enemy would never have been able to take advantage of the situation, but now there were more than twice as many of them. So, in the chaotic fight, the Imperial bodyguards, who had to fight one against two, were gradually put at a disadvantage.

Hong Xu pulled open the cabin door and was immediately greeted by a cold, shiny blade. Having to constantly transfer his internal force over the past few days, Hong Xu’s strength had been reduced by half, and when he faced the assassin’s full blow, he could no longer use his internal force to ward it off as usual. He could only retreat and turn his body to one side to dodge the opponent’s fatal blow, then he took advantage of the moment when the man dressed in black was slightly dazed, to beat him back hastily with his palm.

Before he could withdraw his palm, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a man in black jumping to the bed and raising his sword, ready to kill.

“Nooooo――” Hong Xu roared, immediately turning around and aiming straight for his opponent’s throat. The man in black had no choice but to parry with his sword to resist such a fierce move.

Hong Xu’s eyes were red, and even the bloodthirsty killer could not help but feel chills run down his spine at the sight of the raging violence in the other’s eyes.

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 81 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

With intent to kill, Hong Xu finally grabbed the man in black by the throat and pinned him against the wall, then, under the shocked and panicked gaze of the other, he pierced the other’s chest with his bare hands and grabbed the pounding heart, squeezing it firmly.

Just as Hong Xu was immersed in his bloody slaughter, he suddenly felt a pain in his back.

“Lord!” Thirteen, who had finally escaped his fight and jumped in, cried out in alarm and rushed forward to fend off the blade that a sneak attacker was about to lower.

“Lord――” Thirteen looked alarmed as he held Hong Xu, who was a little unsteady.

“――I am fine!” Hong Xu pushed his hand away, “Bring me my BiZhi Sword 1 !”

“Yes.” Thirteen exchanged a few more blows, and after receiving several stabs in the body, he finally got hold of the BiZhi Sword pinned to a pillar.

Suddenly, someone broke through the window and entered. It turned out to be the head of the Imperial bodyguards, who was covered in blood. After he and Thirteen killed the man in black, they urged, “Lord, they still have reinforcements, this is not a good place to stay, take the Young Lord and jump into the river and escape!”

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*Clang* Fourteen made a fighting retreat and let the enemy approach the cabin, “My Lord, there are too many of them, we can’t hold them off!”

“Fourteen, your injuries are relatively minor, so hurry up and escort the Lord away to escape!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 81 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“As you command.”

Hong Xu and Fourteen silently dove into the river under the cover of night. With the young man in their arms, the three floated downstream with the current, before going ashore a few li further down the river.

On the shore was a dense forest with a canopy of trees supporting the sky and preventing the moonlight from seeping in. The lush vegetation of intertwined vines growing on the ground formed a high ‘prohibited from entering’ wall.

“Go along the riverbank!” Hong Xu ordered calmly.

Fortunately, they left the forest after dawn and reached the grasslands. The lower reaches of the Lu River were inhabited by nomadic herdsmen, whose unique geographical situation provided them with abundant water and grass to live on.

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The three of them emerged in a disheveled state, immediately attracting very surprised looks from the herdsmen.

“Sain baina uu (Greeting in the language of the nomads)!” The Clan Elder walked up to Hong Xu with a group of young men, sized them up, and then asked in the standardized language of the Central Plains 2 with a strong local accent, “What help do ye need?”

“Clean clothes, medicine for wounds, and horses.” Hong Xu spoke succinctly.

The Clan Elder nodded and ordered the men to prepare it.

“Come with me, brave travelers.” Two attendants led them to a tent and brought them clean clothes, saying, “There is no clothing from the Central Plains. So, brave travelers, you have to make do with it! Here are medicines for your wounds!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 81 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Hong Xu first helped the young man to change into dry clothes, then took off his own soaked robe, let the attendants briefly treat his wounds and changed into their nomadic clothes before turning around to find Fourteen still standing with a long face in his wet clothes.

Hong Xu could not help but frown.

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“This subordinate must wait for the Lord to change first!” Fourteen said, hastily cupping his fist and bowing his head.

“Brave traveler, our Clan Elder has asked for you!” Another attendant came in and said to Hong Xu.

Hong Xu nodded and followed the attendant out of the tent to their Clan Elder’s tent.

“Where did you brave traveler come from? And where do you plan to go?”

“We are from the Capital and want to go to Da Ge City to find someone!” Hong Xu replied indifferently.

“Oh? Da Ge City? This place is still a hundred li away from Da Ge City. Brave traveler, you seem to be injured, so it would not be wise for you to travel. Why don’t you stay here for a while to recover and wait for your wounds to heal before you leave!”

“The Clan Elder is kind! But we cannot afford to delay!” Thinking about this matter, Hong Xu’s heart could not help but feel worried, “My wife has been seriously poisoned, we must find the ‘Holder of Panacea’ as soon as possible!”

The Clan Elder was a bit stunned for a moment, then clapped his hands and laughed, saying, “Brave traveler, you do not have to go to Da Ge City, the ‘Holder of Panacea’ is right here!”

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