According to the Shadow Guards’ report, the ‘Holder of Panacea’ was currently staying in Da Ge City, which was on the border of Chu Jing. To reach this city, which was a thousand li 1 from the Capital, you had to make a long journey full of endless yellow sand, which would take more than ten days if you travelled alone on horseback, let alone by carriage!

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After last night, it had become very clear to Hong Xu ―― they could not delay any longer! The poison was about to enter the heart meridian, and any delay would add to the danger! The vivid red scene full of blood from last night that lingered in his mind and the turmoil in the other that he could not calm down, no matter how hard he tried to restrain it, along with the frustration of not being able to do anything about it, were like sharp hooks relentlessly piercing and twisting in his heart. But all he could do was watch helplessly as what little life his beloved had left continuously drained away, until there was nothing left――

With red eyes, Hong Xu pressed the young man to his chest. He could not accept his inability to save the other. He could not bear the thought of that once vibrant life turning into a stiff corpse!

“Stop the carriage!” The voice with the impatient, angry tone had lost its usual calm and composure. Fourteen hastily reined in.

“Whoa――” The Imperial bodyguards on the side also halted their horses, jumped off not sure what was going on and asked with cupped fist in their hands, “What are your orders, my Lord?”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 80 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Hong Xu stepped out of the carriage and swept a glance at them, “Abandon the horses and switch to the waterway instead!”

The Imperial bodyguards were shocked when they heard this.

As everyone knew, the only river that ran through Da Ge City was the ‘nine twists and ten thousand treacherous shoals’ Lu River. Although the Lu River had a waterway, but because the riverbed tended to slope and the current was fast, most people did not even dare to take the risk and choose the Lu River waterway.

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“Lord, please reconsider! The waterway of the Lu River is dangerous. Lord, your body is as valuable as gold, so you must not take the risk!” the Imperial bodyguards hurriedly pleaded.

Hong Xu’s face showed a cold expression. How could he not know the difficulties and dangers of the Lu River? But taking the waterway could save more than half the time than if they travelled by land, and in the face of hope a thousand li in the distance and an imminent situation, what did risking his life matter? Did he otherwise have to watch helplessly as the person in his arms would die of poison?

“My Lord, this place is still more than seven hundred li 2 away from Da Ge City, and if we go at our current speed, I am afraid we will not be able to get there in ten or fifteen days. But the Young Lord’s situation can’t be delayed any longer, so this subordinate also agrees to take the waterway!”

“Fourteen!” the other Imperial bodyguards shouted in shock. They never imagined that Fourteen, who had always been simple and honest and seldom said anything, would at this moment actually say something that should not be said!

The fact that there was support assured the inevitability of Hong Xu's decision.

“All right, you need not say any more, Our decision is made!” Hong Xu said with a cold look on his face, “Proceed to the waterway immediately!”

The danger of the Lu River lay in its winding course. The meanders in a zigzagging structure made bends in the river highly susceptible to sedimentation, creating sandbanks and shoals that impeded navigation. Moreover, its gradually low riverbeds made the current too fast for a sailing vessel to quickly turn the rudder.

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To have a smooth voyage, it was essential to find a boatman who knew the route well and a few young and strong helpers! However, the dock on the riverbank offered exactly these navigation guides in addition to boats!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 80 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

The group arrived at the dock, and after renting a boat and hiring an experienced boatman, as well as four courageous and strong men, Hong Xu immediately gave the order to set sail.

The boatman watched the course of the river intently and from time to time gave orders to turn left or right, while four bare-necked men turned the rudder vigorously.

In the cabin, Hong Xu held the young man in his arms and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Outside the cabin, the six Imperial bodyguards were scattered in all directions, keeping an eye on the surrounding area.

In mid air, a falcon was hovering with spread wings around the boat――


As the night wore on, the moonless sky was densely covered with stars with a cold metallic sheen like nails. The nearby forest canopy was enveloped in an indescribable and uneasy atmosphere under the bright and dim starlight.

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They had been on the river for two days, and after sailing through the treacherous section between the heavy mountains, the boat came to a relatively calm and spacious part of the river. This place was only a hundred li 3 from Da Ge City!

Although he was burning with impatience, the night was really not a good time to sail, so Hong Xu had no choice but to follow the boatman’s advice again ―― they had to dock the boat!

The Imperial bodyguards who were on night watch, were patrolling back and forth on the side-deck.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 80 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Fourteen, it’s not your shift yet, why did you come out?”

Fourteen smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head, saying, “I couldn’t sleep, so I came out for a walk!”

“You kid! Not sleeping when you have time to sleep! I’m telling you, don’t get sleepy during your shift in the second half of the night, ah!” the Imperial bodyguard, who knew him well, joked.

“Come on, big brother. Am I, your little brother, the kind of person who is not responsible?”

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“Hey, why do I think you are a bit different kid? I don’t normally see you talking big like that!”

“How―― how can I be different? Hehe, don’t tell me you think I am not the original Fourteen!

“Okay, okay, I’m on watch now, so I can’t be distracted. You go back to your cabin and catch up on your sleep, all right. Even if you can’t sleep, just close your eyes and let your mind rest!”

“Sure!” Fourteen replied in defeat and returned to the cabin.

At midnight, the moon finally rose over the mountain pass. The dim stars, like soldiers who had seen their commander-in-chief, stopped hiding their well-trained bodies and showed their brightness.

“There are assassins! Protect the Lord!” A cry immediately awakened the already shallow sleepers.

At the same time, more than a dozen men in black with great skills jumped out of the water and treetops, landing on the deck.

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