The pale, cold moonlight, with the distinctive coolness of midnight, seeped silently through the half-open window onto the step beside the bed.

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He sat bored on the window frame, his feet hanging out, his chin propped up and staring at the sky that seemed to be stained with a layer of frost.

“Sigh!” he sighed for the thirty-third time, “What a blessing to be able to sleep! But why haven’t I felt sleepy for days?”

“Sigh! I wonder what that chatterbox of a ghost is doing now! Would she be angry with me for leaving without saying goodbye?”

While he was pondering, a black shadow suddenly flashed past the window, so fast that it had disappeared in an instant.

Uh, huh, it seemed like ―― someone ‘whooshed’ right past me!

Before he could recover from his stupor, he saw two more figures ‘swish’ out of the window beside him and jump onto the roof, in pursuit of the figure that had just flown by, with skill that was not inferior to it.

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 79 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Wow! Just like XiMen ChuiXue 1 , ah!” He looked on in amazement with his mouth wide open.

“Humph!” a cold snort suddenly sounded behind his ears.

Turning around, he realized that the man had come up behind him at some point, and as he had turned around, their lips were only a finger’s breadth apart!

Looking at a man's face at such close range for the first time, the narrowed eyes of the man looking out of the window felt like a brilliant lake in which one would drown. The eyebrows that were tilted into the temples, the straight nose, and the slightly pursed thin lips, as well as the face with sharp and firm lines, were dyed with a layer of soft white in the moonlight, looking like a sculpture.

“My Lord?” the questioning voice of an Imperial bodyguard came from outside the door.

“Come in.” Hong Xu said, turning around.

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The Imperial bodyguard opened the door and entered, cupped his fist in the other hand and replied, “My Lord, there are unknown people visiting the inn tonight! Thirteen and Fourteen have already started chasing them. It is not clear whether they are coming for us.”

Hong Xu was silent for a moment, then said, “We will know when they return!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a person leap from the eaves of the house, somersault through the window and enter the room. The person knelt down on one knee and cupped his fist in the other hand, saying, “My Lord!” This person was none other than Thirteen, who had been chasing the intruders a moment before.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 79 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

The other Imperial bodyguard had lit the oil lamps and Hong Xu sat in the mahogany chair, looked at Thirteen and asked, “How is the situation?”

“This subordinate is incompetent!” Thirteen looked ashamed.

His and Fourteen’s martial arts skill was already considered to be on expert level among the Imperial bodyguards, and if they were ranked in the Jianghu, they would not rank low, but they did not expect that the martial arts skill of the man in black was even better than them! Even though they had tried their best to catch up, the opponent was still able to keep a distance of a hundred meters away from them, and eventually they even lost him! Just as they were getting angry, they suddenly spotted the other man’s figure again, and this time there were two men in black!

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So, he and Fourteen split up, but then he suddenly realized something was wrong. He had already been chasing the man in black around the city several times! This discovery startled and annoyed him. It turned out that the other did not take him seriously at all and was playing him like a fool!

“――after that this subordinate returned!” Thirteen finished speaking and lowered his head!

After hearing the reply, Hong Xu was very displeased, not to mention that his Imperial bodyguards were so stupid that they did not realize they were being played with, what bothered him most was not knowing who the other party was, and what their purpose was for doing this! Could it be that it was just for fun? If so, that would be too illogical! But if they were up to something else, why would they make such an obvious move?

Just as Hong Xu was frowning and pondering, Fourteen, none other than the young imperial bodyguard who had driven the carriage, returned panting heavily.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 79 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“My Lord, this subordinate deserves to die! I’ve lost track of them!” His usually simple face now wore an expression full of shame.

The Imperial bodyguards all stood with their heads bowed, not having the courage to raise their heads and endure the unsightly icy gaze from above.

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A searing silence fell over the room.

Suddenly, there was a slight movement on the bed. When Hong Xu heard it, he abruptly stood up, strode over to the bed and lifted the cotton yarn curtain to take a look.

“Damn it!” Hong Xu cursed through clenched teeth.

The young man on the bed was suffering from the poison again! This time, even the body started convulsing! Hong Xu knew that the other was nearing the end of the second stage of the poisoning. If he could not cure the poison―― Hong Xu dared not imagine what would happen then.

“Bring the acupuncture needle and place it in his Shanzhong acupuncture point 2 !” With a cold face, Hong Xu quickly picked up the young man who was convulsing incessantly and pressed his palm against his Qihai acupuncture point 3 , sending a steady stream of internal force to suppress the boiling restless qi in the other’s body.

He stood meekly to the side, his eyes darting back and forth from time to time between the young man’s bloodstained face and the man’s depressed, silent face.

This time, it took the time to burn a full incense stick to settle the young man down. Seeing the pale like paper face after wiping away the blood, he could not help but sigh, “Seeing you like this, I would think you died not from the poison but from too much blood loss!”

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