Hong Xu only rested in the village until noon and then gave the order to continue the journey.

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The Imperial bodyguards accepted the order and drove at high speed onto the official road. Compared to the potholes and bumps of the side road, the wide and flat official road made the carriage ride more naturally and smoothly!

In the carriage, Hong Xu moistened the young man’s slightly dry lips with a tea-soaked handkerchief.

Suddenly, a woman’s cry for help was heard from outside.

“――Help, help, ahh―― Let go of me, help――”

Hong Xu frowned in displeasure.

“My Lord,” the Imperial bodyguard driving the carriage could not help but slow down, “a young woman has run into a ruffian and they are molest―― molesting her――”

“Ignore it!” the man in the carriage interrupted coldly.

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“My―― my Lord!” Normally, the Imperial bodyguard would never dare disobey Hong Xu’s orders, but now, seeing a few big men with indecent faces laying hands on the young woman, the young Imperial bodyguard could not feel indifferent about it.

“Do you want to disobey orders? Keep going!” Hong Xu’s voice instantly turned a little colder. This woman was very strange! How could someone shout with such calmness when they were being molested?

“――Yes, my Lord!” The Imperial bodyguard turned his head away and forced himself to concentrate on driving the carriage.

“Ah―― help, help me, how can you turn a blind eye to someone in trouble?” the woman could not help but scream repeatedly in a shrill voice as she saw out of the corner of her eye the group of people driving by as if they did not notice her.

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“Heh heh, it’s no use screaming, just keep us few brothers company today. We promise we will give you an amazing time! Kekekekekeke――”

“Brother, grab her hand, don’t let that bitch’s nails scratch you!”

*Rip* The sound of tearing clothes stimulated the Imperial bodyguard’s tense nerves, and he finally could not resist making a jump, landing right in front of the ruffians, after which he raised his leg and with a vicious sweep, kicked them all down a few meters away.

Turning around, he saw that the woman’s clothes were torn, and the Imperial bodyguard hastily removed his own coat and draped it over her.

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“Hmph, you still have some conscience!” the woman snorted, as she pulled his coat tightly around her.

The Imperial bodyguard cupped his hand towards her somewhat awkwardly, “Then, please take care of yourself, miss, I’ll take my leave!”

When the other Imperial bodyguards saw that he had dared to disobey His Majesty’s order to save the woman himself, they could not help but worry for him!

“This subordinate deserves to die, please punish me my Lord!” The young Imperial bodyguard knelt outside the carriage with a calm face, pleading his guilt.

“Hey, tell me, do you know what it means that real men do not kneel easily, huh? Kneeling down with a ‘plop’, and with a look as if you are going to die heroically. Don’t tell me that your Lord will kill you for saving a person. If so, then he is too unreasonable and too cruel!” Upon seeing this, the woman came over and said in a reproachful tone.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 78 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Inside the carriage, Hong Xu’s face was grim.

“How presumptuous!” the Imperial bodyguard hurriedly scolded her, but seeing her somewhat shocked and aggrieved expression, he could not help but soften his voice, “My business does not concern you, you’d better go!”

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“You’re a real piece of wood!” the woman said, raising an eyebrow and squinting at him.

“Are you done?” Hong Xu, suppressing the anger inside that was about to explode, said in a heavy voice, “If you are done, get up and continue to drive the carriage!”

The Imperial bodyguard, who had not expected his Lord to drop the subject so easily, was stunned for a moment, then rose hastily, jumped onto the box seat and urged the horses to continue their journey, as he had been ordered.

After driving a few meters, the Imperial bodyguard suddenly remembered that he had not yet said goodbye to that young woman! He turned his head again and sure enough, he saw the young woman still standing in the same place and looking his way.

When the woman saw him sillily waving the horsewhip at her, a smile with unknown meaning suddenly appeared on her lips.


The group arrived just before sunset at Lu Yu City, a hundred li 1 away from the Capital.

Only when the Imperial bodyguards had finished taking care of everything, Hong Xu picked up the young man on the couch and walked out of the carriage.

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A handsome and imposing man with a slender and obedient young man in his arms was undoubtedly an eye-catching combination, especially when this ambiguous combination was accompanied by six handsome young men who looked like guards. As soon as they stepped over the threshold of the inn, they immediately became the center of attention of everyone inside.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 78 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

The person buried in the crook of the man’s arm had strands of inky black hair covering most of the face, but the jade-colored chin and half of the slender, white neck were still vaguely visible. With skin like cream and a neck like a silkworm 2 , one could guess that this was a beauty!

The frequent glances directed at the person in his arms along the way made Hong Xu’s expression become dangerous. The Imperial bodyguards, realizing the situation, rushed to gather around him to cut off the unwanted or ambiguous glances.

“Dear guest, this is the room you asked for!” The innkeeper attentively led Hong Xu to a first-class room.

“All right, you can withdraw, your service is not needed here for the time being!” one of the Imperial bodyguards said to him.

“Um, uh, okay, if you need anything dear guest, do not hesitate to let me know. Then humble me will go back first!” The innkeeper bowed and retreated.

“My Lord, this is the room for you and the Young Lord, ours is next door!”

“En!” Hong Xu nodded.

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