Inside the Imperial Palace of Chu Jing――

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Because Hong Xu, the Emperor of Chu Jing, was physically unwell, he was bedridden and had to recuperate. Therefore, no one else was allowed to see him except the Chief Medical Officer, Imperial Physician Li, who was allowed to enter and leave Ming Xiao Palace on his own.

This news immediately made every civil and military Official in the court very suspicious.

“You say, His Majesty, who has always been in good health, has suddenly fallen ill?”

“That’s right! I heard from High Official Liang that His Majesty suddenly fainted yesterday while in the Imperial study!”

“That actually happened?”


“What exactly is His Majesty’s illness? Is it serious?”

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“His Majesty has caught a common cold, although it is not serious, he has to recuperate because he is overworked and physically and mentally exhausted!”

“Oh, how did Your Excellency 1 Xu find out!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 77 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Well, I heard it from Prime Minister Zhou!”


“Looks like we need to request an audience with His Majesty――”

“Your Excellency Wang, I think we will have to give up on that, even General Li’s request for an audience was rejected by Steward Lin this morning!”

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The Officials in the court hall had gathered in twos and threes to exchange news, filling the large hall with the buzzing sound of voices that made it seem like a food market.

“Ahem, ahem!” A sudden, reminding, clear cough sounded.

The Officials present could not help but look at the doors of the hall.

“Prince Qing!” After clearly seeing who the visitor was, the crowd of people flocked to him, “We heard that His Majesty is not in good health, so we were wondering――”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 77 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Huh? Imperial Elder Brother is sick? Why didn’t I know? Since when? Wasn’t he still healthy and well yesterday? No way, I have to go and see him!” Hong Qing exclaimed in bewildered and ran away, leaving only a few afterimages in front of the group of civil and military Officials who had yet to say anything and were still cupping their hands in greeting!

“Imperial Elder Brother, Imperial Elder Brother――”

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Hearing his voice, Lin De, who was standing at the gate of the palace hall, got a headache.

“Hey, my lord, sigh!” Lin De rushed forward to stop Hong Qing, who was rushing in, and said with a smile, “Prince Qing, His Majesty is not feeling well and is not receiving anyone today, so I have to ask you to come back another time!”

“Ah? Is Imperial Elder Brother that sick? To the point where he can’t even get out of bed?” Hong Qing’s eyes widened as he grabbed Lin De’s arm and said, “Quick, take me to Imperial Elder Brother quickly, my Imperial Elder Brother!”

“Ah, Prince Qing, my humble self did not mean it like that!” Lin De, who was dragged along by Hong Qing, stumbled in, “His Majesty is fine, and only resting at the moment, you――”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 77 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Before he could finish speaking, Hong Qing had already pushed open the doors of the Imperial bedchamber.

“Imperial Elder Brother?” He called out tentatively in a low voice.

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In the huge palace hall, soothing incense rose in spirals from the golden beast incense burner, and a reclining figure could be seen vaguely within the hanging curtain behind the red sandalwood carved screen.

“Prince Qing, His Majesty has just fallen asleep with great difficulty, so why don’t you wait in the outer hall first?” Lin De inwardly broke out in a cold sweat, fearing that Hong Qing would suddenly step forward and lift the curtain. Although the Imperial bodyguard lying inside had disguised himself as His Majesty, that aura and gaze of His Majesty was not easy to imitate! If this flaw was discovered by Prince Qing, it would surely mean that everyone in the Capital would know that His Majesty had faked his illness to sneak out of the palace!

Hong Qing was still trying to crane his neck to look inside, so Lin De hastily blocked his view with his body, and finally managed, half pushing and half coaxing, to get him to come out――

Inside the residence of the First Prince in the capital of Bei Ling――

After a long journey, a carrier pigeon stumbled out of the sky into the open window in the courtyard, flapping its wings several times before standing still.

Long, slender fingers lazily reached out and untied the paper attached to the leg of the carrier pigeon.

After unfolding and reading the note, the man’s two thin, knife-like lips suddenly curled into a wicked smile.

“Heh heh, let’s see if you can still run away this time.”

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