Chapter 76

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This chapter contains non-consensual content.


By the time the torrential rain had completely stopped, it was already dawn. After crossing a mountain ridge with soaked clothes and luggage, they finally came upon a small village with about a dozen farmhouses. The Imperial bodyguards went up on their horses and rented one of the slightly neater and cleaner looking farmhouses.

The people of the mountains were warm and welcoming by nature, and even if they had been given no benefits, they would still have been generous and hospitable. So when the outsiders had paid them an ingot of silver, the owner of the house was even more diligent in cleaning up the house and making the only three bedrooms available for the guests.

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On this journey, Hong Xu had only six Imperial bodyguards with him, so the three bedrooms were only just enough to accommodate them.

Long before Hong Xu entered, the Imperial bodyguards had removed the foul-smelling bedding from the heatable brick bed 1 and laid down their own bed sheets and felt.

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Hong Xu laid the person in the brocade quilt in his arms on the heatable brick bed. He wiped the young man’s sweaty forehead and frowned as he brushed the other’s hair off his glistening white skin. Since it had rained last night and was cold, Hong Xu had put a layer of bedding over the young man’s body, but who would have thought that this had made him sweat! Knowing that the other loved cleanliness and could not stand the smell of sweat, and besides, needed to take a bath every day, Hong Xu ordered the Imperial bodyguard outside the door, “Go and get some hot water.”

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“Yes, my Lord!”

Soon after, the tools for the bath were ready. Hong Xu dismissed the Imperial bodyguards with a wave of his hand, then went to the bed to help the young man undress.

Taking off layers of robes used to be an ambiguous temptation for Hong Xu, as it had an arousing visual impact, but now, he was just focusing on undoing the many tedious buttons and knots, slowly freeing the young man’s beautiful body from its layers of clothes.

In the large tub, Hong Xu took the young man in his arms and scooped up bath beans 2 smelling of green trees, which he gently rubbed over the other’s soft as water plants, ink black hair.

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In the thick water mist, the young man’s cheeks were tinged with a crystalline pink, a few droplets of water had charmingly condensed on his long eyelashes, and his pale lips were flushed with a soft cherry red.

The hand rubbing the other’s hair could not help but stop. Hong Xu looked intently at the other’s lips, which were so attractive that he finally bowed his head and seized them. Sucking and prying open the slightly opened mouth, his tongue slid over the pearly white teeth and curled around the obedient tongue, entangling and intertwining. The sound of saliva being exchanged and low, panting breathing formed an ambiguous barrier of heat that bound them tightly together, and the lust that slowly intensified through the friction between their skin became even more restless and jumpy in his lower abdomen.

Covetously, he licked the soft lips, his mesmerized eyes looking like he was enjoying the world’s greatest delicacy. Hong Xu tightened his grip on the young man’s waist, and held him close to his chest. His passionate kisses lingered on the other’s lips before he carefully made his way to the fair neck. The tip of his tongue traced the delicate collarbone and sucked sensuously on the glistening jade-like chest, tasting every spot of the skin carefully and reverently, like a religious person of the Western Regions 3 .

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He wanted him! He wanted him now!

This unquenchable thought fueled the desire in Hong Xu’s eyes, and the continuous gentle kisses became possessive and frenzied, but when his eyes met those closed eyes of the other, suddenly all movement came to an abrupt halt! Even the lust that had been clamoring madly the moment before froze abruptly!

Hong Xu looked with some consternation at the young man in front of him, who was bruised by him. How could he do this again? How could he violate him again against his will? Thinking of the pained expression and whimpering wails of the other, and that bloody scene, Hong Xu immediately pulled away from the young man somewhat panicked, scooped up water to wash the foam from the young man’s hair, then picked him up and laid him on the brocade quilt.

By this time, the sky had already turned completely bright and Hong Xu, who had not slept all night, could not help but feel a little sleepy, but he still dried the young man’s hair with his internal force before climbing into bed to get some rest.

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