Although the exterior of the carriage looked ordinary, the interior was extremely comfortable and luxurious. At the back of the carriage was a short couch, covered in expensive fox fur. A soft silk quilt formed an excellent shockproof layer, so when the carriage was shaken back and forth, the shocks that reached the couch became only a slight tremor. In front of the couch was a red sandalwood dresser, on which were several exquisite refreshments and a round incense burner.

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He rested his chin in both hands and sat quietly in the corner of the carriage, but his gaze had always been on the man. The man sat upright beside the couch, his palms wrapped around the young man’s small hands. The head of the man was tilted slightly, his gaze falling straight on the young man’s sleeping face. The dark and deep eyes of the man formed a secretive area that was hard to see through, and only when the young man swayed from side to side due to the fierce shaking of the carriage would the tranquil and rippleless pretense on his face show a trace of an unconcealable flaw.

The man immediately reached out to steady the young man’s body, frowning slightly yet not wanting to scold the subordinates outside the carriage, who were hurrying as he had ordered. With a soft sigh, the man simply took the young man in his lap and held him securely in his arms.

He twitched his mouth and muttered somewhat sourly, “Is it necessary to be so careful? It’s not like it’s a drinking glass that needs to be carefully placed to avoid spilling!”

As the carriage slowly slowed down, an Imperial bodyguard disguised as an ordinary attendant rode his horse to the window and inquired, “My Lord, it will soon be nightfall, shall we stop temporarily at a small town further on or shall we ride on through the night?”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 75 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

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“Let us hasten our journey through the night!” the man said after a moment of contemplation. Xiao JinYu was in a critical condition, so there was no room for any more delay!

“As you wish!”

The carriage accelerated again and drove straight past the only small town within a radius of a hundred li 1 , towards the horizon covered by a fiery red sunset.

That night it rained cats and dogs. In the dark mountains and fields, there was no place to shelter from the rain, so they could not stop to rest on the way, and could only continue in the rain. The sound of the rain clattering against the trees around them echoed through the night, and the road became muddy and slippery from the torrential rain. The horses trod their hooves, two deep and two shallow, in the mud as they staggered forward and pulled the carriage along.

He went to the window and looked out somewhat uneasily at the unrelenting rain pouring down. As far as the eye could see, it was pure darkness, a world devoid of light, as if it were a space full of despair and nothingness. No exit and no end, leaving no choice but to walk on into eternity!

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Several Imperial bodyguards in coir raincoats 2 surrounded the carriage to protect it from all sides. The Imperial bodyguard in front of the horses carried a lantern made of colored glass and, along with the faint light emanating from the carriage, carefully explored the road.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 75 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

He turned his head, and suddenly discovered the man staring intently at where he was. Even though he knew that the man’s gaze passed through him and fell on the fluttering curtain, but when he met the man’s eyes, he could not help but feel a thump in his heart, and his face could not help but get hot.

Suddenly, the carriage tilted to one side and became skewed.

The expression on the man’s face sank and he immediately held the person in his arms tightly in his embrace and then rolled the other into the quilt.

“What happened?” he asked in a deep and disgruntled voice.

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“This subordinate deserves to die for having made you startled, my Lord!” the man outside the carriage hurriedly reported back, “It’s the wheels, they’ve sunk into a mud pit! We are about to pull the carriage out, please wait a moment, my Lord!”

The Imperial bodyguard driving the carriage jumped from the box seat and went to the front to urge the horses to pull forward, while at the same time several Imperial bodyguards at the back pushed with all their might. But unfortunately the mud at the edge of the pit was so loose that it collapsed as soon as the wheels touched it. So the mud pit, which was originally not that big, got bigger and bigger as the wheels rolled into it.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 75 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

The man could bear it no longer, so he opened the door of the carriage and walked out after placing the young man safely on the bedding.

Seeing their Lord come out, one of the Imperial bodyguards immediately rushed forward to hold up an umbrella.

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The man looked at the mud pit, then ordered them to get some flat stones.

“Put the stones in front of the wheels,” the man instructed.

The Imperial bodyguards immediately did as they were told, and with the stones on the mud, the hardness and friction had been increased so that the wheels could be pulled out quickly by the combined efforts of both men and horses.

By the time they set off again in full gear, the rain had abated considerably. It was just that the robes of the man had already been soaked from just stepping outside for a moment.

With a red face, he watched the man took off all his clothes in front of him, revealing a muscular and fit body, and then dressed himself again in front of him in an elegant manner as if he were putting on a show――

“It’s over, it’s over, turns out I am a voyeur!”

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