Although ZiLi was very grateful to Hong Qing for helping him out, his last words were so strange! ZiLi glanced at Hong Qing, who was standing next to him, shook off his hand that was grabbing him on his shoulder, and said, “Prince Qing, didn’t you want to go in? So why don’t you go in first?”

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Hong Ying 1 was initially annoyed that the man did not know how to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex 2 , but when she had heard that ZiLi called this man a prince, she could not help but immediately resume her charming smile. She gracefully walked up to Hong Qing, bowed to him and said, “Hong Ying deserves to die. I am guilty of not knowing that we were honored by the presence of a prince. Please forgive my negligence, Prince Qing.” As she spoke, she raised her eyes slightly and cast Hong Qing a pitiful look.

How could Hong Qing ever have experienced such bold advances from a woman? Therefore, he could only stare foolishly ahead and stammer as he turned red.

Hong Ying's hips had become sore from bowing, and Hong Qing seemed to have no intention of helping her up, so she could not help but label him as insensitive in her mind.

Lian Pan promptly ran to them to help smooth things over, saying, “Why are you all still standing here talking?” He conveniently pulled Hong Ying into his arms, “You were too unreasonable, why don’t you take Prince Qing and His Highness JinYu to a room right away?”

“Ye―yes, Hong Ying was just confused! Gentlemen, please follow me!”

Even though ZiLi did not want to go in, he still had to follow along, because the one who was called a prince pulled him right along by his hand, walking in full of joy and anticipation.

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The three followed Hong Ying and Xiao Tao, who led them to the farthest room on the second floor, and before they even pushed open the door, they could hear the sounds of music and cries for more wine.

“Oh, it seems that Brother Xiao Yu and the others have all arrived at their destination. Why don't we also go in and see what's inside! Prince Qing, please come in.”

When they pushed open the door, they saw that four Young Lords 3 were already sitting inside, their hands embracing a courtesan in revealing clothes, either drinking, or flirting. When they saw that someone was coming in, they all glanced at the door. They had only expected An JinYu and Lian Pan, so why was there another man with them today? Thinking, they turned their attention back to Hong Qing, and as soon as they looked again, they thought in surprise, Wait a minute, isn't that the Ninth Prince? The four were low-ranking Officials with a position with practically no obligations. Although they were not allowed to enter the Imperial court because of their low rank, they still knew such a distinguished person.

So the four of them quickly let go of the courtesan in their hands and cupped their hands to Hong Qing and said, “These lowly Officials greet the Ninth Prince!”

“Please, don’t! That's not necessary!” Hong Qing let go of his Imperial manner of speaking, waved his hands and said, “You can all ignore me and keep drinking!”

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“Yeah, that’s right, you don't have to be formal. The Prince came here on a rare occasion just to relax, right? You guys are disturbing the Prince's mood this way!” Lian Pan interjected.

“Yes, of course,” they all said in agreement, “Prince Qing, please sit down, sit down!”

After exchanging greetings, they sat down again. They ordered a new feast, and asked for a few courtesans 4 , including the new beauty mentioned by Lian Pan. At first, for Hong Qing's sake, they did not let themselves go completely, but as they drank more and more wine and were more intimate with the beautiful women, their shameful behavior became more and more apparent.

ZiLi watched the scene full of lascivious songs and wicked words and felt like he was sitting on pins and needles 5 . He just really could not stand this overly morally unrestrained behavior.

“Your Highness, why are you ignoring this young lady and not drinking 6 ? Is it possible that there is a new love in your heart and you have abandoned me, the old one?” a beautiful woman with her lapels open, which revealed a provocative scene, touched ZiLi and said coquettishly as if she was angry.

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“Don’t.” ZiLi quickly backed away to avoid her physical advances.

“Still saying no, why are you avoiding this young lady?” She moved closer again and said lovely but pitifully.

“Oh, brother JinYu, *hic*.” Lian Pan drunkenly carried a wine cup with a beautiful woman in his arms and staggered to ZiLi's side and said as he slurred his words, “*Hic*, I think, *hic* I haven’t seen you drink even one cup of wine! Isn’t that right, guys?”

Several other men, who were also very drunk, vaguely agreed and said, “Yeah, that’s against the rules. Look how much even Prince Qing enjoyed drinking, so how can Your Highness stand by and just watch us having fun?”

When ZiLi looked at Hong Qing, he saw that his face was also flushed and that he was busy sticking out his tongue to lick the wine in the jade pot 7 . Hong Qing had not originally intended to drink, but he still had gotten drunk. He had just been curious and wanted to go inside and finally see why a brothel made so many men linger. At first he was a little surprised to see a group of courtesans in revealing clothes. Were these women not afraid that they would be told that they were not abiding by the code of conduct for women 8 ? Then, when he saw those few courtesans who enjoyed rubbing themselves against the men and covertly using their hands to tease the men's sensitive spots, he gradually understood the true meaning of brothels. Actually, he had wanted to drag ZiLi back to the palace, but unexpectedly Lian Pan had come up to him and said he would like to have a drink with him, so he had to give face, and he drank a cup. Then several other people came up to him and asked him for a drink too. How could he drink only with Lian Pan and not with them? So he drank another cup! After one round, Hong Qing could no longer stand ―― he was drunk!

“Your Highness, why don’t you have a drink too?” The cup was brought to his mouth, and just when ZiLi had opened his mouth, wanting to refuse, the hot and spicy drink was immediately poured into his mouth.

*Cough, cough*

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“Your Highness, come, please do me the honor of drinking with me too!”


Before he could close his mouth, another cup was poured in.


“Here, have mine as well!”


Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 24 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Thus, when Hong Xu had arrived at the House of Xiang Wan and opened the door of the room, he saw a scene full of drunken individuals, behaving in a licentious and obscene manner.

He kicked away a pair of men and women who had tumbled to his feet, then stepped on the floor covered with clothes with a dark face and walked over to Hong Qing, who was lying drunk on the table, and pulled him up.

“You ask how deeply I love you;

And just how great my love is;

My affection is real;

And my love is true;

The moon represents my heart.”

Suddenly, a very out of tune 9 wail like a ghost and a howl like a wolf was heard in the room.

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“Your― Your Highness, please spare this young lady, ah so tired!”

“No, no, we have not finished dancing yet, right? Come, come on, turn around. Ah, turn around, you’re getting sluggish. Get up, quickly get up and dance. Ugh, useless. Fine, you― you there, come and dance with me.”

ZiLi twirled around, and suddenly bumped into a sturdy wall. He touched the soft wall in front of him, and moved his hands upwards “Huh, why does this wall have a face?”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 24 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

He reached out his hand to pull and touch him, “You’re just really interesting. Uncle 10 , come and dance with me.” After saying that, he grabbed Hong Xu's hand and swung them from side to side. “If you don’t want to dance, let this gentleman kiss you.”

Now Hong Xu's face was as black as the bottom of a frying pan. He stared coldly at the crimson red face before him. ZiLi, with intoxicated hazy eyes and disheveled clothes puckered his red lips, moved closer to Hong Xu’s lips and gave him a big kiss.


“And another one, Muah, muah, muah.”

Hong Xu let his soft, wine-scented lips fall on his lips and jaw. With a meaningful look in his eyes, he said, “This time you made the first move, so you cannot blame Us in the future!”

After he finished speaking, he took ZiLi and Hong Qing, jumped out of the window on the roof and flew to the Imperial palace.

Author Notes
I am sorry~~~~~

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I thought they would pair up in this chapter, but they did not~~~~~~
Next chapter, dear fans, will definitely not be just an appetizer~~~~

Translator Notes
(;゚ Д゚) Why did he kiss him????!!!!

On another note, I really need to stop making promises about when I'll release a chapter (´∀`;)

I think I'll have keep it pretty much like the last few weeks, so one chapter around Friday or Saturday and then another chapter randomly a few days later.
I like to keep it to around two chapters a week, because I want to get to the point where Bonbon left off as quickly as possible.

Translation Notes 

 The character for Hong is by the way not the same as of Hong Qing and Hong Xu
Hong Ying: 红 - red/popular/revolutionary/bonus
Hong Qing and Hong Xu: 宏 - great/magnificent/macro   怜香惜玉 – Lián xiāngxī yù. – Be kind to women.   公子 - GōngZǐ - Son of an official / Son of nobility   红牌 – Hóngpái – Literally in English: Red Card – My guess is, this refers to the Red Card that prostitutes received in the past, which was a kind of work permit.   如坐针毡 – Rú zuò zhēnzhān. - To be in an uncomfortable situation.   滴酒不沾 – Dī jiǔ bù zhān. - Never to touch a drop of alcohol.   壶 – Hú – Something like this, I think:
 Being modest etc.   Lyrics of this song by Teresa Teng:
   大爷 – DàYe - Term of respect for older man. 


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