After returning to the Imperial Palace and leaving Hong Qing in the care of the maids, Hong Xu walked straight to his Imperial Sleeping Palace with ZiLi carried under his armpit. “Spider-Man, why are we not flying anymore? One more time, please. If we fly again, I’ll be― I will be your biggest fan, Spider-Man――” ZiLi complained, flailing his arms and legs wildly, “I want to fly――”

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Hong Xu did not say a word and let him go on a drunken rampage. He closed the door with his foot, walked to the bed and threw ZiLi onto the quilt.

In the midst of his dizziness, ZiLi touched a springy bed that seemed to be familiar and immediately rolled comfortably in it. Then he wrapped the quilt around himself, making him look like a caterpillar, and dug his face into the bed.

When Hong Xu finished taking off his outer robe and had raised his head, he saw ZiLi with his butt sticking up on the bed like a small ostrich. He could not help but be a little amused. He leaned closer, covering ZiLi's body and gave him a slap on his butt, saying, “Can this be seen as an invitation to Us?”

ZiLi wiggled his butt, wanting to get rid of the big hand that had gone from slapping to kneading his buttocks. His wiggling butt sometimes swept against Hong Xu's crotch, and these feathery touches stirred up a frantic heat, with the force of a single spark that could start a huge blaze, in Hong Xu’s lower abdomen.

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Hong Xu's gaze deepened. He picked ZiLi up by the waist, lifted the quilt on his head and kissed fiercely the beautiful red lovely lips. The inside of ZiLi’s mouth was defenseless against the ravages and sucking of Hong Xu. The soft touch with the scent of wine made Hong Xu unable to stop himself from capturing the lips, which tried to avoid him again and again.

ZiLi frowned and had to use his nose to breath. He felt very uncomfortable, because he had the feeling that something was repeatedly curling happily 1 around his tongue. Furthermore, there was another thing that was wandering around impatiently. It got into his lapels, went over his chest, found those red cherries, pulled them in high spirits, then slid close to his skin and caressed the inside of his thigh intimately. ZiLi twisted his waist in displeasure and the thing stopped for a moment, but before he could be happy, the original gentle movements immediately became more frantic again.

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Hong Xu tore off ZiLi's clothes that were in the way, revealing a slender, delicate body with skin that looked like it was covered in rouge. Because of the alcohol, his fair skin was now faintly flushed red. The faint blush made the young man, who was moving his head incessantly in front of him, look like a plum blossom slightly trembling on a branch in the cold winter, just as lovely and moving.

Hong Xu could no longer suppress the clamoring desire in his heart and quickly spread ZiLi’s white jade legs in front of him, positioned himself on top, took his member that had already been hard for a while, pressed it against the secluded rear entrance and pushed inside.


Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 25 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

In his daze, ZiLi suddenly felt an intense, sharp pain going straight to his head, and he could not help but scream out in pain, immediately sobering up from his drunkenness. His eyes shot open, his pupils contracted in pain, and he looked blankly at Hong Xu who was lying still on his body.

Hong Xu noticed that the redness on ZiLi's face had disappeared as quickly as the ebb tide. He knew that ZiLi was in severe pain from his hard member that had entered, so he tried to suppress the thoughts of thrusting in frantically and temporarily stopped his movements. Calmy, he stayed still, observing ZiLi below him.

After half a minute, ZiLi’s mind that had gone blank, finally became clear again and when he regained his senses, he soon felt that something that did not belong to his body was now buried inside him. Looking at his naked body and Hong Xu who was also naked, ZiLi finally concluded ―― he was being r•ped!

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“Ah――” An abrupt scream suddenly rang out between the two men who had been staring at each other in silence.

Hong Xu froze for a moment, then quickly raised his hand to cover ZiLi's mouth, just in time to stifle his scream which could be described as ‘startling the universe and moving the gods’ 2 .

“What are you screaming for? Even people who are being tortured 3 do not scream as much as you do!” Hong Xu said while looking at ZiLi in annoyance.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 25 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

A moment ago, when ZiLi was still asleep, Hong Xu though he looked very lovable, but now, as soon as he had opened his eyes, he was no longer so lovable!

Hong Xu covered ZiLi's mouth and slowly started moving back and forth.

“Nghh――” ZiLi pupils dilated in pain, and cold sweat poured out! He took Hong Xu's hand from his mouth with force, then bit it firmly.

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Hong Xu frowned slightly and looked at ZiLi, who tearfully held his finger in his mouth and said, “You sure know how to bite! What are you, a dog? Let go!” However, there was no denying that the tears that rolled down ZiLi's face could still soften Hong Xu's heart.

As he was sobbing, ZiLi continued to hold Hong Xu’s finger firmly in his mouth, while tears streamed down his face. As ZiLi bit in Hong Xu’s finger, he began to taste something metallic in his mouth.

“Have you really become a dog? Still not wanting to let go?” Hong Xu tugged at his sore finger that was bitten.

“I won't let go!” ZiLi cried, “It hurts. *sob* ―― Don't move! Get off me, now, *sob* ――"

“Don't cry, it will feel better soon!” Hong Xu’s reason gave way to the burst of desire that ZiLi had rekindled during his writhing, and he began to thrust vigorously, while holding down ZiLi's flailing hands.


Author Notes

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I have seen others write in such extreme detail, and I do not know if what I have written is good enough!

I wonder how those who hoped that Xiao LiLi would be eaten feel after reading this ~~~~

Oh well~~~~~~ :-

Xiao LiLi finally got eaten~~~~

Translation Notes 

 乐此不疲 – Lè cǐ bù pí. – To enjoy something and never get tired of it.   惊天地,晃鬼神 - Jīng tiāndì, huǎng guǐshén. – Really shocked.   宫刑 – Gōng Xíng – A cruel punishment in the palace which consisted of destroying the victim's reproductive function. 


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