After a night filled with lust, Hong Xu woke up the next day feeling refreshed, but ZiLi, who had been tossed about all night, was not so lucky! Of course, ZiLi had cried out to his mom and dad in pain when Hong Xu f•cked him like a woman, but not only had that man not held back, he had also continued to torture him over and over until the third of the five night watch periods 1 ! And the result of this indulge in debauchery was that ―― ZiLi had to sit like a lifeless doll on the bed, unable to move a single step!

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Hong Xu changed into his Imperial robe while the palace maids waited upon him. He glanced at ZiLi, who was still sleeping on the bed, and instructed with an expressionless face, “Go and ask Imperial Physician Li to come over to look at the condition of His Highness of Bei ling.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Then he gave some more instructions, such as ‘clean him up and apply medicine, and so on’ and when everything was settled, he left for the Imperial court.

Only then did ZiLi, who had kept his eyes firmly shut the whole time, open them wide and stare furiously at Hong Xu's back as he left.

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“Your Highness, are you awake? Would it be all right if this servant washed your body?”

“Go away, who said you could touch me?” Last night he had been forced by Hong Xu in such a terrible thing, so ZiLi was already in an angry and depressed state and now, seeing the room full of palace maids and eunuchs sent by him as if they were here just to clean up the mess, ZiLi felt even more ashamed and resentful. “Get out, get out, get out. All of you get the hell out of here!” ZiLi tugged at the quilt as he yelled at them in distress.

Those few palace maids and eunuchs were all close attendants of the Emperor, and although they were not the Emperor himself, they were actually the first point of contact for the Imperial concubines in the harem and the nobles who wanted to gain the Emperor's favor by all means. So over time they had developed the mentality of ‘I am not an ordinary palace attendant, even my Master values me to some extend’. As they felt superior because of this, they could not help but feel outraged when they were suddenly shouted and scolded at by this powerless Hostage Prince from another country.

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So, when ZiLi shouted at them in anger, a palace maid stepped forward and looked at ZiLi with contempt, snorted coldly and said, “Don't think that being favored by His Majesty once makes you a real Master. Let me tell you the truth, a man like you, who can’t bear children like a woman and who is no better than the male attendants in the harem in terms of beauty, will simply be forgotten in a few days, as His Majesty has merely taken advantage of the momentary pleasure of trying something new. Hmph, when the time comes, let’s see if you can still be arrogant then.”

Such a contemptuous remark, not only comparing him to a male pet, but also slandering him for being arrogant and relying on the Emperor’s favor! Both were a sore point for ZiLi, and for him who was already furious, it got even worse when he was looked down upon and being scolded with such ugly words. ZiLi suddenly felt his head spinning and his blood rushing in his chest.

The other palace maids and eunuchs suddenly saw that ZiLi's eyes were glazing over, and his complexion was turning pale, and they could not help but shouting ‘not good’ under their breath’. Sure enough, in a spasm he vomited out a big mouthful of blood. They rushed forward to help ZiLi, who was hanging halfway out of bed.

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“Not good, quickly help him, we have to stop the bleeding.”


“Don’t pat him on the back, let him lie down.”


“One of you, quickly urge Imperial Physician Li to come!”

ZiLi vomited a big mouthful of blood, and the red stains that trailed all the way down his chin, neck, jade pillow, and quilt looked appalling.

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The palace maid also panicked and did not know what to do. Just a moment ago, the man was still screaming and shouting. Was it because of her words that he started to vomit so much blood? She thought with concern that although he was not a powerful man, he was still the one His Majesty had told her to keep an eye on. If His Majesty came back and saw him in this state, what would happen to her? So, she’d better cure him quickly. With this in mind, she hastily replied, “You all keep watch while I go get Imperial Physician Li.”

But as soon as she turned around, she unexpectedly bumped into a wall of flesh. It was Hong Qing, who had walked in, rubbing his temples with an uncomfortable look on his face, and he asked with a hoarse voice, “You are all too noisy, what are you shouting for so early the early morning? It was so loud that I couldn't sleep. And you, why are you running around like a wild horse?”

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As soon as the people in the room saw him, they bowed in salute and said, “We greet the Ninth Prince, may the Prince live a thousand years!”

“All right, all right, what happened?”

“Ans― Answering to the Prince, it is His Highness of Bei Ling. He has vomited blood!” Seeing that no one dared to answer, she had to bite the bullet and reply herself.

As soon as Hong Qing heard this, his eyes immediately widened, and he quickly walked to the bed and lifted the curtain. He saw ZiLi lying inside, completely unconscious but still drooling a stream of blood. Hong Qing quickly unwrapped the quilt and hit several acupuncture points on ZiLi's body, before inserting his qi into ZiLi’s body and exploring it. Then he guided the qi that was running amok in ZiLi's body back into place.

The other palace maids and eunuchs all waited in silence, not daring to move even an inch for fear of accidentally causing the Prince, who was using his qi, to lose focus and make a mistake. After about a quarter of an hour, Hong Qing finally withdrew his palm, and gently laid ZiLi, who was no longer vomiting blood, on the bed. His eyes paused on the bruised chest before tucking him into the quilt. He turned his head and asked in a deep voice, “How did this happen? What caused His Highness of Bei Ling to suddenly become so angry that he vomited blood?”

Usually, the Ninth Prince was so carefree, and nothing seemed to be bother him, but if he really wanted to get angry, his aura would become just like Their Majesty, which was just as terrifying!

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 26 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

So, at this moment, these palace maids and eunuchs were all trembling in fear with their heads bowed, not daring to breathe.

Hong Qing's gaze went over their faces one by one, and suddenly a maid fell to her knees and cried with a pale face, saying, “Prince, this servant deserves to die. It was after the few words this servant spoke that His Highness of Bei Ling began vomiting blood.”

“Just a few words? That can’t be it. How can a few words make a healthy person so angry that he vomits blood?”

“Pl― Please, spare this servant. This servant knows she was wrong. Prince, please forgive this servant.”

Hong Qing stared at her without uttering a word, until she was so intimidated by his glare that she stopped speaking. Just as she was about to speak again, she suddenly saw the maid bringing in Imperial Physician Li and a medicine attendant.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 26 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“This lowly Official greets the Ninth Prince!”

“No need to be formal! Imperial Physician Li, come quickly to diagnose and treat His Highness of Bei Ling.”

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After he had listened and taken a look at ZiLi’s condition, Imperial Physician Li stroked his mustache, in the shape of the character 八, and said, “The vomiting of blood by His Highness of Bei Ling was caused by his anger causing turmoil in his heart. Although, if he had been a normal person, he would not have vomited blood so easily, but the arrow wound His Highness received last time has damaged his foundation. Because of his internal injury, anything that is too sad or too cheerful can easily cause an accident. It is very difficult to cure. This lowly Official can only prescribe some medicine to calm and nourish the spirit. Mo Shou 2 , get my Mind Calming 3 Pills and give them to His Highness of Bei Ling.” When he turned around, he saw that his medicine attendant was staring dazedly at ZiLi on the bed, so Imperial Physician Li coughed in displeasure.

“Ah, yes.” Mo Shou hurriedly opened the medicine box and took out a small white porcelain bottle, uncorked it, and went over and was about to give it to ZiLi.

Hong Qing stepped forward and said, “I’ll do it.” Then he took the bottle and took a white pill with a special fragrance out and put it into ZiLi's mouth. The pill gradually melted when it came in contact with his saliva, and in a short time ZiLi had consumed the pill completely.

Translator Notes
Well, it really took me a while to realize that the mustache of Imperial Physician Li is shaped like the character 八. In Chinese it is called 八字须, which gives me a translation of something like ‘eight-string beard’. To be honest, this already appeared in chapter 2, when a physician came to look at ZiLi, so I guess it is the same physician. But at that time I ignored it, because I really did not know how to translate it (・∀ ・ ;)

Translation Notes 

 三更 – Sāngēng – Between 11 ᴘᴍ and 1 ᴀᴍ.   The person ZiLi met in chapter 5, and who had to grind medicine as punishment.   凝神 – Níngshén - With rapt attention 


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