For several days in a row, ZiLi would crawl out of his secret passage to help the young man grind medicine, and every day when he returned to the palace, he had to lie in bed and be disturbed by people.

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Ming Yue was wondering why His Highness, who slept all afternoon every day, still complained about his aching back and sore hands and feet.


Whenever she asked, ZiLi could only make vague excuses and dismissed her.


Although Ming Yue still did not know what was going on, she no longer asked for details.

In fact, how could ZiLi not regret the promise he made to the young man? This originally pampered body with a delicate skin, when had it ever done such physical work? Let alone for several days!

ZiLi was complaining in his heart, but he could not show it in front of the young man, who said he was the kind of man ‘who would help someone, even if he was embarrassingly short of money’! Besides, ZiLi felt that this young man was pure-hearted, honest and gentle. He relied on ZiLi like an older brother 1 , saying that ZiLi would not be unrighteous enough to abandon him. In addition, many of the questions that were inconvenient to ask Ming Yue could also be asked of the young man. Helping others was also helping yourself and was not without benefits.

However, there was a bit of resentment in his heart and he had no one to vent to. ZiLi had no choice but to grind the medicinal ingredients, while spitting a rain of curses at the black-hearted rich man called Sir Li. “Not only forcing cheap labor, but also illegal abuse of child labor!”

‘Pfft’ The young man named Mo Shou, who was grinding medicine could not help but laugh. “ Big brother Su 2 , if you let Sir Li hear this, he will surely be fuming.”

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“Just fuming? I also want him to vomit blood and have cramps!” ZiLi said with disdain.

Mo Shou, young yet mature, shook his head and said somewhat worried, “Big brother Su is really blunt by nature, but this may not be appropriate in this Imperial Palace full of misfortune!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 6 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Mo Shou, dear 3 Mo, you don’t have to worry about your big brother.” ZiLi sat on his butt on the floor in a very uncharming way, massaging his sour arm and said, “I haven't been killed yet, even though I've been around here for a while, which means I'm still doing pretty well, right?"

Mo Shou followed ZiLi's example and also took a seat on the floor to rest for a while.

“But things in this palace are unpredictable. You are a favored lord today and you could be a victim of a blade tomorrow. It is always good to be cautious!”

Mo Shou's words made ZiLi's heart tighten. Indeed, what kind of place was this? It was not the modern age where people are in charge of their own. What human rights and freedom did people have under the feudal system? Now as a Hostage Prince, wasn't he a good example? Perhaps he, who was now still chatting with others, will be killed tomorrow by a glass of poisoned wine or by a conspiracy.

The Imperial Palace, the bloody mouth of a political tiger, was indeed a place that made people tremble with fear. If he wanted to survive under its sharp teeth, the only way was―― to run far away!

ZiLi returned to the palace in a sad mood and sat on the doorstep, lost in thought.

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“Oh, Your Highness, why are you sitting here?” Chun Lan, the maid who emerged from the side hall of the palace, could not help but to be shocked to see ZiLi sitting in the bedroom door with a blank look on his face.

When he came back to his senses, ZiLi saw a lithe and beautiful girl walking towards him with small quick steps.

“Ah, it's Chun Lan.”

“What? Your Highness is unhappy to see that it is not big sister 4 Ming Yue?” Chun Lan pouted with dissatisfaction. If it had been the past, she would not have dared to speak to His Highness in such a tone. But since His Highness had fully recovered from his injuries, his whole personality had changed. He had become very easy-going and docile and was courteous to them, treating them like a good friend. She was not afraid to make these innocent jokes.

As expected, ZiLi smiled apologetically when he heard this and said, "Dear Chun Lan, who says I don't like to see you? I just rarely see you around, so I'm feeling a little surprised!"

“Humph, usually there are so many other big sisters to serve you. How dare I, a rough girl, approach you?” Chun Lan was still pouting and whining.

Just when ZiLi did not know how to coax the clever and eloquent little girl, he heard a sweet and melodious voice say, “You little sloth, are you done with your work? Running to His Highness just to pout and to scowl.”

As the two turned their heads, they saw a slender young woman emerge, with her dress in her hand, resembling a weak willow 5 . A beautiful and delicate appearance.

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“Oh, big sister Ming Yue, I wasn't pouting and scowling! And I've finished my work long ago. Am I not allowed to come here and talk to His Highness?”

“You―, This girl, really the older you get, the more disrespectful you become. All that aside, just look at your current appearance. How can you stand tall while talking to His Highness?” The head maid Ming Yue pulled out the rules and customs to try to keep Chun Lan under control, who was amendable for coaxing, but feared coercion 6 .

“Oh, big sister, since that is the case, why are you also standing tall while speaking to His Highness? Look at you, aren’t you standing taller than me?” Chun Lan smiled playfully, looking for words to counter her.


“You― “ Ming Yue charming face blushed as she choked on her words.

ZiLi, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, also let out a giggle.

Because of this, Ming Yue felt even more humiliated and angrier, so she stamped her feet and said, “If I don’t tear this girl’s mouth today, then I am not Ming Yue!”

“Oh, by saying these words, you’ve started it! Your Highness, take a look at this, there is just a little bit of big sister’s usual appearance left. I think she usually pretends to be affectionate. Your Highness don't be fooled again.”

“Don’t run away.”

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ZiLi looked cheerfully at the two flowery girls chasing each other in the peony-filled courtyard and his dejectedness from earlier was swept away. His heart, which had become lonely when he arrived in this era and place, was illuminated by a ray of sunshine.

Yes, even Chun Lan, who is not very familiar with him, would try to make him happy, not to mention Ming Yue as a big sister, along with Mo Shou as a younger brother 7 ! So he was not lonely at all and had people he could depend on.

Thinking about it, ZiLi also got up and shouted, “Ming Yue, I will help you catch Chun Lan so that you can take revenge――”

Translation Notes 

 哥哥 - GēGe   大哥 - DàGē - In case you forgot, Su is the surname of ZiLi.   老弟 - LǎoDì - Affectionate form of address for a male who is not very much younger than oneself.   姐姐 - JiěJie   弱柳扶風 - Ruò liǔ FúFēng. - Describes a woman with a weak posture and gentle movements. From ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’. The third episode: ‘In the quiet time, like a beautiful flower shining on the moon, the action is like a weak Liu Fufeng.’   吃软怕硬 - Chī ruǎn pà yìng. - Eat soft, fear the hard.   弟弟 - DìDi 


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