After the Imperial Morning Audience 1 , numerous officials withdrew from the palace. In the Imperial study, the Emperor of Chu Jing, Hong Xu, sat with his back straight against his chair, behind his writing desk. He had already taken off his imperial robes and was wearing only a gold uniform 2 with a black embroidered trim. Touching his temples with one hand and tapping the table lightly with one hand, he listened with an unreadable expression to the report of the spy below him.

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The old Prime Minister Zou Yan twirled his thin beard on his chin, standing aside with his pair of always radiant eyes that were difficult to surprise, slightly narrowed. The expression on his face was the same as that of the Emperor, which was difficult for people to grasp.

Liang YunPing, the High Official 3 from the Ministry of Personnel 4 , was politely listening to the latest news from the spy that had arrived.

“What do you two, Our dear subjects 5 think about this matter?” Only after the spy had withdrew did Hong Xu look at the Prime Minister and the High Official below him and ask.

“Your Majesty, this humble servant 6 believes that this time the visit of the emissaries of the country of Bei Ling should have a different purpose," Liang YunPing stepped forward, cupped his hands and answered.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 7 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Oh? But Bei Ling sends every year a group of undercover officials as emissaries to have an audience with Us. Why do you think they have another purpose in mind this time?” Hong Xu’s expression was still unreadable like water from a mountain.

“From what the spy has just told, the group of emissaries this time is led by General Wei Chen of Bei Ling and the crew supporting him consists mainly of military officers. With such an arrangement, I am afraid it is not very convincing to say that it is just an ordinary visit."

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“So, what does this dear subject believe is the purpose of their trip?” Hong Xu asked nonchalantly.

“The purpose is probably to rescue An JinYu, the Third Prince of Bei Ling.”

“This old subject 7 does not necessarily think so.” Prime Minister Zou said, who had been listening the whole time, “Their purpose might be to assassinate their Third Prince.”

Liang YunPing's heart trembled and he said, “What does the Prime Minister mean by this?”


“Hehe,” The old Prime Minister habitually twirled his beard. “Remember, the last time the Bei Ling soldiers 8 infiltrated the Imperial Palace to get their Prince and rescue him to their homeland and were intercepted midway by our army. Someone took advantage of the chaos and an attack by a hidden enemy was launched to kill An JinYu."

“I remember this, of course," replied Liang YunPing, listening with all ears.

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“In that case, it should be expected that due to the failure of the last assassination, someone will want to take advantage of this visit to carry it out again.”

“The person who wants to kill the Third Prince of Bei Ling is without doubt, definitely the First Prince, An JinLuo.”

“That is right, although An JinYu is a Hostage Prince who has been in our Empire for twelve years and only indulges in lust and has no ambition. However, as the only prince who can compete with An JinLuo for the throne, An JinYu's existence still poses a threat.”

Hong Xu did not say a word and listened to the two people below him discussing with each other. The faint indolence on his face, with the indifference and arrogance in his eyes, was like a male lion resting, yet alert at the same time.


“Your Majesty, it does not matter whether the visit of the emissaries of Bei Ling this time is to rescue or to assassinate, as we cannot make trouble because of their position as emissaries. We cannot fight it, but we cannot welcome it either.” Liang YunPing felt that the situation was complicated and pondered for a while.

He lifted his head to look at Hong Xu, whose lips were curled like a smile yet not a smile, then looked at the side of the old Prime Minister who had narrowed his eyes. Seeing this, his heart could not help but ‘thump’. Ah, I was careless, how could I forget that this old man in front of me is an old fox! Wanting to throw this arduous and thankless task to me? Just now, I followed his opinion, not mine!

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Realizing the situation he was in, Liang YunPing was about to open his mouth to remedy the situation, but it was already too late.

Hong Xu straightened his body and looked somewhat amused at the High Official, who had been pushed out as a shield by the Prime Minister and said, “Although this is not an easy task to handle, We believe that Our dear subject Liang certainly has the ability to handle this matter properly. So the task of receiving the group of emissaries will be handed over to Our dear subject Liang.

“Eh, Your Majesty, yo― your servant, accepts this Imperial decree.”


Author Notes
Honestly, I don't know what I really want to say in this chapter!


But you have to make do with what you've got, everyone!

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Also, Xiao LiLi and Xiao XuXu will meet soon!

Translation Notes 

 早朝 – Zǎo Cháo - A daily morning audience of the most important government officials (more than a thousand) in the Imperial Palace. In this way the Emperor is enabled to oversee as many matters as possible. At the same time the officials were able to renew their allegiance to the dynasty by prostrating themselves before the Emperor. The officials did this by kowtowing in front of the Emperor at the beginning of the Morning Audience.   常服- ChángFú – something like this, I think:
 尚书 - ShàngShū - Government minister   吏部 - Lìbù - The Ministry of Personnel was in charge of civil appointments, merit ratings, promotions, and demotions of officials, as well as granting of honorific titles.   爱卿 - ÀiQīng - Term used by the Emperor for his subjects.   微臣 - WēiChén - This small official.   臣 - Chén - I, your servant - Used in addressing the sovereign.   死士 - SǐShì - A person willing to sacrifice his life. 


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