Today was a great day, today was a great day worth celebrating. ZiLi changed his usual habit of staying in bed and got up from the warm quilt, without being called by anyone. Under the stupefied gazes of the maids Ming Yue and Chun Lan, he rinsed his mouth and washed his face in great spirits. He tied up his hair, and then ran excitedly to the gate of the palace. His eyebrows rose in delight when he discovered that the two conscientious ‘ Door Gods 1 ’ had indeed already come off the watch with honor.

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The prohibition was lifted! At last, he no longer had to stay inside!

This important decision meant that ZiLi no longer had to go out through a dog hole and no longer had to be sneaky.

ZiLi was excited and happy. It was like being a kid and learning that you go to an amusement park on the weekend!

ZiLi swallowed the pastry, wiped his mouth and then pulled out of nowhere a huge folding fan with four erotic words on it and opened it with a bang, thinking it looked cool. He strutted openly to the main gate and arrogantly walked out.

If you asked him where he was actually going, ZiLi would not know. He was not familiar with this place and was just wandering around! In any case, he always wanted to see what the legendary Imperial Palace finally looked like.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 8 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

ZiLi’s mood was like an excited tourist, as he waved his vulgar folding fan. Wandering around leisurely and carefree admiring the flowers and the magnificent pavilions along the way, ZiLi could not help but think of Du Mu's ‘ A Fang GongFu 2 ’.

“Over 300 miles of pressure, isolated from the sky.

Lishan is constructed from the north and turns westward, going straight to Xianyang.

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The two rivers melt and flow into the palace wall;

Five steps on the first floor, ten steps on a pavilion;

The corridor backs back slowly, the eaves pecking high;

Each grabs the terrain and fights with each other.

‘Panpan’, ‘sleepy’, ‘beehive’, and ‘water vortex’

I don't know how many thousands of them fall.

Long bridge lies in the wave, and the cloud is not the dragon?

The road is empty, and the rainbow is not?

High and low in the dark, not knowing east and west.”

“Tsk.” ZiLi shook his head and sighed, “How much blood, sweat, and money of the common people did this magnificent and gorgeous palace consume?! A dynasty that ignores the live and death of its common people and cares only about its own comfort and enjoyment will surely not last long!”

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“Outrageous!” Suddenly he heard a sharp, piercing berate behind him.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 8 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

ZiLi was startled. Just recovering from the shock, he turned around to see a eunuch-like person with a furious look on his face, waving a horsetail whisk 3 . He glared at ZiLi, squinting his small eyes with an ominous glint. Beside him stood a tall and imposing figure. Although his face was expressionless, it would make people sweat profusely, and even more so when they would meet his gaze. His face, on the other hand, was very handsome, but those deep and terrifying eyes made him, no matter how handsome he was, look like the King of Hell, Asura!

ZiLi again felt that he was in trouble. He knew that he was now in ancient times and, moreover, in an ancient Imperial Palace, which meant that not everything could be said indiscriminately. But when something that should not be said was accidently said and unfortunately heard by other people, the most effective way to save oneself was to―― ‘play dumb’.

“What?” ZiLi grinned as stupidly as possible at the two in front of him, especially at the tall and handsome man that seemed to have a greater danger factor. But the big brother 4 was awfully cold and gave him an ‘iced sour plum soup’ like look.

ZiLi nervously wiped the imaginary sweat in his mind.

“Outrageous! Why do you not kneel at the sight of His Majesty?” The eunuch took another step forward and cried out in hatred.

ZiLi got a little weak in the legs. What should I do? What should I do? His Majesty! The person in front of me is actually the owner of this Imperial Palace, then… then, what I just said was heard by the person who most shouldn't be hearing? Heavens, why am I so unlucky! The customs of the ancient times are so abnormal that saying a word of truth could bring disaster. No, I've already died once, I haven't lived enough yet! I don't want to be split in five by horses, I don't want to be beheaded in public and I don't want to be skinned alive――!

ZiLi watched with a sad expression as the man, who had been staring at him and sending shivers down his spine, slowly walked toward him. The terrifying man raised his right hand and reached for his neck.

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 8 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

I'm going to die! He's going to strangle me!

The man pinched his delicate chin with two fingers, seemingly exerting no force, but enough force to cause extreme pain in ZiLi's bones. Without saying a word, he looked at him for a while, then took his hand away and walked around ZiLi.

When the eunuch saw him leave, he also immediately followed carefully.

ZiLi watched him disappear behind the rock garden, in disbelief. Did he just let me go?

It seems like he really let me go!

When he came to his senses, ZiLi was afraid that the man would suddenly turn around and come back to kill him, so he immediately ran away.

However, running, running away, the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him 5 !


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Translator Notes
They finally met ヾ(⌒▽⌒)ノ, although I don't think ZiLi is as happy.
I wanted to get to this point of the story, but from now on, to keep my sanity, the updates will be a lot less frequent. To keep some consistency, I will try to post every Friday (or Saturday, depending on where you live). I will try to do my best to speed things up(〃 ̄∇ ̄)
Hopefully, everything was readable so far (⌒_⌒ ;)

Translation Notes 

 门神 - Ménshén - Drawings on the door or paper to ward off evil. - Refers to the two guards that were blocking the gate. - Something like this, I think:
 阿房宫赋 - ĒFáng gōng fù. - A political essay by Du Mu, on the construction of AFang. - I have used the article linked below for the translation of the part that ZiLi is reciting.
Link to Article   拂尘 - Fúchén - Something like this, I think:
 大哥 - DàGē   跑了和尚,跑不了寺 - Pǎo le hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo sì. - You can run this time, but you'll have to come back./You can’t get away. 


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