In the past few days, ZiLi, who had always been indifferent, finally experienced what it meant to be very scared and on edge, to be on tenterhooks, to see a bow reflected in a cup as a snake 1 , to see every tree or bush as an enemy soldier 2 , and what it meant to be so anxious he was unable to carry on even for a single day 3 !

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ZiLi could not help but shudder when he thought of Chu Jing’s Emperor whose gaze could scare countless brain cells to death. It was too terrifying. That kind of man would in no way be a magnanimous Emperor and ZiLi had offended him. Although the Emperor had not immediately burst into anger at the time, that did not mean that he would let the matter rest. The past few days the Emperor had not made a move and was probably thinking of some way to punish him.

ZiLi could not eat or sleep well, and all day long he thought restlessly about all kinds of possibilities that could happen to him. Whenever there was movement outside the door, he immediately held his breath nervously and listened intently.

The more ZiLi thought about it, the more horrible he felt. The more horrible he felt, the more he thought about it, and once again, the more he thought about it the more horrible he felt. In such a vicious cycle, ZiLi eventually got sick!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 9 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

He sat curled up on the bed and had wrapped himself tightly in the quilt, only exposing a small face of a youth with eyes telling that you should not come near him.

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“Your Highness, you― you should lie down and sleep for a while!” Ming Yue's almond eyes were moist as she walked over to the bed. While gently coaxing, she attempted to lift the brocade quilt on ZiLi's head.

ZiLi immediately stared warily at the slender hand that was getting closer and closer, with an ‘I'll bite you if you reach out for me again’ attitude.

Chun Lan was startled by the look of his eyes and quickly pulled Ming Yue and said, “Don't touch him, big sister 4 . Look at His Highness's eyes, it is as if they are covered with a dark veil. Could it be that he has encountered something evil and lost his mind?”

Ming Yue was also startled, when she heard what Chun Lan said and looked at ZiLi's originally bright and lively eyes, which were now indeed empty and dull.

“What― what should we do?” Ming Yue asked concerned.

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Chun Lan thought for a while and said, “In my hometown, there is a local method of dealing with people who have encountered evil, but…”

“But what? Chun Lan, hurry up and tell me quickly!” Ming Yue said anxiously, “ The loss of mind, the cure of this illness cannot be delayed. Look at the appearance of His Highness now. He is already muddleheaded like this. If it is delayed any longer, I really don't know what will become of him!”

“Yes, of course I know that this cannot be delayed. It's just that this is the Imperial Palace after all, which is different from the outside world. The rules of the palace do not allow the servants practice shamanism without explicit approval to call back the soul of someone who is seriously ill. If someone were to find out, it would mean the end of that person,” Chun Lan said with difficulty.

Ming Yue saw Chun Lan hesitate and guessed her thoughts. The rules in the palace were golden rules for them, these lowly servants. The one who dared to deliberately break those rules must be the one who did not want to live.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 9 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

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But there are exceptions to everything, like Ming Yue. She pinched her beautiful eyebrows as she looked at the incessantly trembling ZiLi and said, “Chun Lan, you arrived here later than me, so you do not know the kindness of His Majesty to me. My life was saved by His Highness. If His Highness had not pleaded for leniency with the eunuch for me at the time, I would have already been beaten to death by now. His Highness also used to be a clever, quick-witted, good, honest and obedient child. It was only when he mingled among those rich nobles 5 that he became unreasonable and ruthless. But no matter what, I have pledge my life to His Highness and will follow him to the death. Therefore, Chun Lan, in order to save His Highness, I am not afraid of breaking the rules of the palace. Just tell me the way, I will do it myself and will not involve you. Chun Lan, can you please tell me the method?”

“What are you talking about.” Chun Lan bit her lip and looked at Ming Yue. “I hesitated because this method is not easy to do. You are not allowed to interrupt in the middle, or it will produce the opposite of the desired result. Although I, Chun Lan, am not a hero, I am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Big sister, when you say it like that, you put me on the same level as a cold and ruthless villain!

“ Little sister 6 Chun Lan, I――, I didn't mean it like that.” Ming Yue looked at Chun Lan who had an indignant expression on her face and could not help but feel guilty.

“All right, all right. The most important thing now is to call back the souls of His Highness, otherwise the situation will get out of hand."


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Translation Notes 

 杯弓蛇影 - Bēigōng shé yǐng. - Unnecessary suspicions/Overly fearful  草木皆兵 - Cǎo mù jiēbīng. - To panic and treat everyone as an enemy./To feel beleaguered.   不可终日 - Bù kě zhōng rì. - To be in a desperate situation.   姐姐 - JiěJie   士族 - ShìZú - Land-owning class   妹妹 - MèiMei 


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