After he had wolfed down his dinner in one go and wishing there were more, had licked the gravy from the corners of his mouth, ZiLi sighed contentedly. Even if it was just an ordinary meal, to ZiLi, who had gnawed on spoiled food for days, it was considered a delicacy of the world.

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A fat waiter huffed and puffed as he ran back and forth carrying water to fill the tub, and ZiLi, who was standing on the side picking his teeth, said with a leisurely expression on his face, “Waiter, no need to add hot water, on such a hot day like this, lukewarm water for a bath is enough!”

“All right, Sir, the water is ready. What else can I do for you?” The waiter wiped the sweat from his head and asked with a slight bow.

“Nothing for the time being. You can leave, okay!” ZiLi said, waving his hand.

The waiter was stunned for a moment and then, shuffling his feet, looked at ZiLi somewhat embarrassed and said, “Sir, I― I helped you by carrying ten buckets of water for you!”

ZiLi gave him a strange look and said, “Yes, I know, what about it?”

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“Well, are you not giving me a tip as well?” The waiter was annoyed, he had just seen ZiLi generously tip Xiao Chuan’er, who had just led his horse along for him, at the gate. Why did he not even get a penny for his service?

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 43 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

When ZiLi heard this, he raised his eyebrows and stood up, put one foot on a wooden stool and raised his chin, saying, “Young man, do you think that the great me runs a bank? And that my money is so easy to give away? Call your boss, I’d like to ask him if it is a custom for waiters in this inn to ask guests for rewards.”

The fat waiter had embarrassed himself, his face first turning red and then pale, before walking away with his tail between his legs.

“Humph, my money is not so easy to earn!” ZiLi snorted, after closing the door.

Tearing off his fake beard and quickly taking off his smelly and dirty clothes, ZiLi eagerly stepped into the bathtub. After three days of non-stop traveling on horseback, his muscles were aching all over! He relaxed his arms and legs, and comfortably soaked in the moderately warm water, enjoying the relaxing feeling of the exhaustion of his body slowly withdrawing and disappearing.

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The dye that had been applied to his skin had mostly disappeared through his sweat, it was just that the dust covering his face made it difficult for people to notice! Now, after soaking in the water, all the dirt was further washed away, gradually revealing the original fair and smooth skin. Lazily, he stretched out his slender jade-like leg and laid it on the edge of the wooden tub. And while ZiLi hummed a song, he scooped up water to wash his face and long hair.

Just as he was enjoying his bath, he was suddenly disturbed by a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” ZiLi asked in a loud voice, very annoyed.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 43 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“It’s me.” It was the fat waiter who had just tried to please him and had offered his hospitality in vain.

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“Don’t tell me he is trying to ask for a tip again?” ZiLi thought suspiciously and then yelled at the door, “What do you want? Didn’t the great me tell you just now that I was going to take a bath?”

“Open the door first, there is a guest who wants to stay in the inn.” The fat waiter said, as he banged rudely on the door.

“Motherf•cker, I’m not the innkeeper, why are you banging on my door when someone wants to stay in the inn, you little shit?” ZiLi yelled angrily. That person was clearly trying to pick a fight, and his good mood was ruined by him.

“ Brother 1 , I am also a traveler who came here to stay for the night, it is just that the silver I had with me has just been stolen by thieves. Now my humble self 2 has only a few copper coins left and cannot afford a single room. Therefore, I wonder if you, brother, would let me share a room with you?” Suddenly a pleasant voice was heard asking in a genteel and courteous manner.

That person actually sounds like a gentleman! Someone whose money has been stolen during their journey is worthy of sympathy. Anyway, I will only stay for one night, and tomorrow we will go each our own way, so it should be fine! With this in mind, ZiLi got up, casually wiped his body dry and put on his unlined clothes. His wet hair was still dripping with water, and slightly annoyed, ZiLi tied up his long hair, which he though had always been in the way. He could not let anyone see his current appearance, but there was not enough time left to apply the dye, so ZiLi quickly opened the bundle to take out the mask made of human skin and carefully covered his face, then glued the fake beard on. His appearance was far from the image of the farming uncle from earlier, but as long as he could cover his true face! After checking one more time and finding nothing wrong, he went over and opened the door.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 43 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

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The fat waiter got tired of waiting and was just about to knock on the door again when it opened. He stared suspiciously at ZiLi who had appeared in the doorway.

“What are you looking at? Never seen a handsome man before?!” ZiLi said as he stared back at him.

With that said, he turned his gaze to the young man standing next to the waiter. The young man had sword eyebrows and bright eyes, and a straight nose and thin lips. A gold and jade crown was pinned in his jet-black hair, and he wore a cream-colored long robe with an aqua-colored gauze, and around his waist a belt inlaid with jade. The whole person looked gentle and cultivated with an impeccable temperament. No matter how you looked at it, he looked like the noble son of an influential aristocratic family.

ZiLi could not help but be puzzled. Anything on him is enough to pay for a room for one night, how can such a Young Lord be accustomed to sharing a room with others? Although he may not look bad, you cannot judge a person by appearance! ZiLi could not help but be vigilant in his heart.

“My humble self is sorry for troubling you!” The man cupped his hands and said gently.

The other person was so modest and courteous that ZiLi could not refuse anymore, but he reminded himself that he could never be too careful 3 !

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